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Thursday, October 22, 2020

NXT Reax - 10/21/20

 Read on for my thoughts on last night's NXT.

- Ciampa vs. Dream vs. KUSHIDA:

This is an interesting mix.

This is pretty solid.

I like how these styles mesh.

Weird to have Dream tap outside the ring. Then again, probably pretty weird to apply a submission outside the ring instead of doing it in the place where you can actually win the match.

This is pretty nice. All three men look good here.

Interesting ending!

- UE promo:

Blah blah blah. Same old, same old. 

- Ember vs. Kamea:

I like this side of Ember.


- Post-match:

Simple and effective.

- Fish backstage:

Well we know it wasn't Ridge Holland this time.

- Theory vs. Reed:

I like both these guys. I hope they have good futures. 

Honestly, they'd make a good team given the contrasts they have.

- Post-match:

HAHAHA I like the arrogance.

- Theory vs. Reed:

Damn. I like it.

- Xia/Kacy:

Kacy's pretty gullible, huh?

- Theory interview:

Interesting... maybe he'll join RETRIBUTION?

- Legado vs. Scott/Atlas/Adonis:

Haha. Good start.

Glad to see Adonis getting opportunities.

Good work from the faces.

Actually, good work from everyone.

This is quite good!

I'm liking the work here from everyone.

That was a really cool ending.

- Garganos backstage:

I mean if they're not actually spinning, why are they teasing matches that won't happen?

- Dain/Drake:

I'm liking this.

- Dain/Drake vs. Ever-Rise:

Ever-Rise has gotten a lot of enhancement work. 

This is solid.

Hahaha Drake blew it for his team.

- Post-match:

OK that was amazing.

- Strong backstage:

I swear, someone has it out for UE!

- Xia vs. Kacy:

Solid sprint.

- Post-match:

Wow way to kill all of them. 

I do like Raquel.

- Grimes/Lumis:

I'm not sure if that will be amazing or silly. They might as well do all the silly ideas they want at this point. They're not beating Dynamite any time soon.

- Thatch as Thatch Can:

I love this.

Like, seriously. I LOVE this.

NICE!!!!! I liked someone standing up to him.

- Thatcher vs. Greene:

Thatcher has been one of the best parts of Wednesday nights.

- Priest promo:

Pretty good.

- Breezango vs. One Two:

Good work so far.

I'm liking the chemistry here.

This is solid!

WHHHAAAAATTTTTTTTTT cool ending!!! They needed something new.

- Post-match:

More wrestling coming up. 

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