Saturday's news starts with something someone sent into the blog to ask: Can a wrestler who is 5'11" succeed in WWE?
Sure can! Chris Jericho and Kurt Angle were around that height and they did pretty well for themselves. Rey Mysterio's plenty shorter than that and he's a pretty big deal there, too. Getting an extra inch or two from wrestling boots would make this no problem at all. 5'11" with boots might be a bit of a stretch, but if someone that height's good enough (and has what WWE's looking for), I don't see it disqualifying them.
Next is an interview that was actually done late last month, but either didn't get much coverage or I accidentally skipped it. Kaitlyn's official fansite did a Q&A with her. Pretty funny chick.
After the break, I get into the rest of the day's news and's questions. First up is an interview with Angela "Savannah" Fong, who at one point was one of FCW's top Divas.
From a current FCW Diva to a former one, Diva-Dirt spoke with Savannah about a number of topics. She was briefly a ring announcer on WWE's ECW brand if I remember correctly. I had heard good things about her ring work, and the few matches of hers I have seen from FCW were good, so I'm not sure why they released her.
As for not being on NXT season 3, that's also pretty head-scratching. Why would they use Jamie if she didn't want to wrestle, when they had Savannah? They even passed over her after they booted off Aloisia/Isis the Amazon in favor of Kaitlyn, who I'm a fan of but had virtually zero ring experience at that point. Maybe it was a personality thing? Maybe the season WAS just for fun? Oy. I mean, we got some pretty funny moments out of Kaitlyn (and Jamie wasn't bad), so maybe it all worked out in the end, but it's probably not the choice I'd have made.
I actually didn't know that Jamie quit. I wonder if she made that choice during NXT, and that's why she was cut first, or it happened afterward. I remember at the time (4 weeks in to the season), I had her ranked 4th ahead of Maxine and Aksana. Again, in hindsight, they went on to be more entertaining (I think Maxine should be Tyson Kidd's manager), but I was somewhat surprised that she was the first to go.
I'd be interested to see what we missed on by having her work in TNA. I know it's pretty cliche to go after the competition there, but her cutting a promo on WWE passing her over for models would fit like a glove. As for being confused with Gail Kim, I don't think they're THAT close. There are a couple of pictures that it's hard to tell, but for the most part they're distinct enough. Then again, apparently a good number of fans thought Sin Cara was Rey Mysterio when he debuted, so I shouldn't really be surprised.
On to's questions:
1. You're thinking of Teddy Roosevelt. Seriously though, no. I hope this was a joke question because this kind of thing can be easily looked up. The NWA didn't get its start until the 1900s.
2. No disrespect to either of those two (whose work I really enjoy), but Undertaker's streak has been built up as such a big deal that it takes someone massively credible to stand a believable chance. I like both of those potential matches, but they're not looking for a great match as much as an epic encounter.
3. Some of it's that he wasn't sure of how well he'd be booked there, given the history of people coming from outside the WWE bubble generally taking a backseat (this was more common years back with ex-WCW names).
4. Wresting mattered so much that he got out of there so he could wrestle more! That's why he left WWE as well. As for the second part, that's a good question... WWE still has the released Chavo Guerrero and Jacob Novak in their NXT opening, too.
5. Presumably because they thought they could win by using them.
6(!). When they stop finding him entertaining in his current role, maybe? They seem to be pretty happy with it, so it doesn't look like it's going to be changing any time soon.
Former TNA Knockout Traci Brooks has an interview up as well. I agree about the "needing another show" thing. That's seemed like the case for as long as I've been watching them! I also see the point about spoilers and YouTube and the like. Not that TNA is as good as this movie, but if I would have known the ending of the Sixth Sense before I saw it, I think that I'd have enjoyed it a good deal less. And if you fast-forward through certain wrestlers and segments, you're not going to know first-hand if they're improving or not. If I skipped through 2011 Miz because of pre-ECW Miz, I'd be missing out on some segments I really enjoy. Sometimes it feels like it's a result of society wanting to move so fast that they jump on something without fully absorbing it. And as for her question at the end, it's because fans want to see if it will get better. And some just enjoy complaining. has another view of Mark Henry tossing the "stagehand" from Smackdown. Awesome segment. I'm glad we're seeing more displays of strength from the World's Strongest Man. Years back on Smackdown and WWE's ECW they showed off what he could do in that regard. It means more when he's putting an opponent in a bearhug if you know that he can bend a frying pan.
Kofi Kingston discussed his past being bullied and advice for others facing the problem in an Australian interview.
The Miz was also interviewed by Aussie press as well, going into his history backstage. Also, I love the word "catchcry". First time I've seen it. Some would say it fits Miz's character better than "catchphrase".
Luke Robinson, who some would compare to Miz, was interviewed about what he's doing post-Tough Enough. It would not surprise me in the least to see him back in WWE at some point.
Former WWE official Jimmy Korderas talked briefly to Slam!.
Finally, each the first two shows WWE has done in Australia recently have brought in over a $1.1 million gate. Wow. I wonder if they'll ever do TV from there?
That's all for Saturday's news. More to come tomorrow. Thanks for reading!
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