We're now halfway through 2011. Tonight's Smackdown if the first episode of the month of July. And it's a big one, as World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton faces off with the World's Strongest Man Mark Henry. Both men have been on a roll as of late; who will come out on top tonight? Plus, find out who's going to compete in the brand's Money In The Bank match as we continue to approach the titular PPV. All this and more on Smackdown tonight. Read on for my thoughts on the show as it happens.
You'd think Teddy would be watching the monitor as the show began, to see if he needed to run out and make a tag team match.
I wouldn't count out a Mark Henry title reign at the end of all of this.
They're really starting off with this match? What happened to your main event being the main event?
I think next week I'll do a counter of how many "right here"s we get from Booker.
And there's why this started the show.
I like the briefcase being above the ring to remind people of that big match coming up.
So much for a triple threat.
Are we done with Del Rio vs. Big Show now? They could have gone through Summerslam with that one.
So that's where the music guy sits? I always pictured someone being backstage near the entrance, but I guess now I'll have to alter my kayfabe theory of why entrance music is played during run-ins. There's someone backstage who relays the info to him that "so-and-so's about to go out there and attack someone. Hit their music!"
That was a pretty cool segment.
Hahaha, having no entrance music is pretty clever. I would have assumed someone "had spares somewhere".
Glad that they're giving updates on the sound technician. Again, if this really happened, that would be pretty important.
Red Skull's a scary looking dude.
DiBiase used to be looked at as a future World Champion when he was in Legacy. Then he got lost in midcard purgatory and people looked at him as a lost cause. Good thing he's getting another chance on Smackdown.
This is a pretty good little match-up.
Pretty cool. Bryan's really impressing now that he's used to the WWE style.
I guess there's a production truck AND someone backstage who keeps watch for run-ins.
The "common man" quip was a clever reference to Rhodes' father's nickname. I'd be a bit surprised if they did a feud between DiBiase and Rhodes.
Well, that explains the story with Jinder. Works for me.
Christian will be a good test to see how well Sin Cara can work the WWE-style.
I hope Kane doesn't win it again.
Sin Cara's really starting to get it, it looks like. Then again, he's facing Christian. The man can have a good match with anyone.
That was Cara's best match in WWE. I wouldn't say "next Rey Mytserio" just yet, but it's looking like he could earn that label if he keeps this up.
That'll be an interesting clash of styles.
I wonder if anyone will try to take Rhodes' mask off.
Rhodes beat Big Zeke? That's a little surprising given how relatively little trouble he had with The Corre. It did take a good deal to beat him, though.
The graphic for the contract signing is a bit screwed up. Christian disowned the peeps, but his shirt there makes mention of the Peep Show.
Curtis looks bigger than he did on NXT.
Maybe he should just keep doing these goofy vignettes. They're pretty entertaining. I am interested in seeing his return to the ring, though. If he's improved in FCW, he might be someone to watch out for.
I still wonder how many newer fans "got" some of the references in Punk's promo.
The Twilight Zone is an absolutely classic show. I love it.
If Wade can't beat Kane here, he's officially dropped down to below the glass ceiling. The former Nexus members have definitely fallen. It's like they're Icarus: they flew pretty high for a while, then the sun melted the wax that held their wings and they're at various levels of descent into the water. If you told a new viewer that Barrett, Slater, Gabriel, Otunga, and (briefly) Bryan used to be unstoppable on Raw, they'd be understandably skeptical. The other 3 are out of the spotlight from the mainstream viewer's perspective.
Kane just pulled out a crossbody!? Didn't see that one coming. He still has his moments that make you think he isn't just someone with a lot of name value coasting off of that reputation. The gas tank might not be on fumes just yet.
That match was better than you'd think on paper.
Anyone upset that this is the 2nd Smackdown in a row without a Divas' match, don't worry. There's one next week.
And I thought Batista got a lot of rematches...
I think this feud needs to get more personal and intense if it's going to remain interesting.
Or they could just put Sheamus in the mix. That works.
Thank goodness he didn't get RKO'd.
I was half-expecting him to sign his name in Christian's place. It's worked in "wrestling land" before.
That wraps up Smackdown. I'll be back Monday for a July 4th edition of Raw. A news post will be up at some point after midnight. Thanks for reading!
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