It's a new era for WWE with Triple H at the helm. Tonight, he makes his first appearance on Smackdown as COO. What changes are in store for Friday nights? Read on for my thoughts on the show as it happens.
Good opener by Mathews.
Triple H doing the McMahon walk. Nice.
I'm glad they're not ignoring Smackdown in this angle.
It would have been a little weird if they had settled Raw's WWE Title problem on Smackdown.
Good promo from Christian.
That's actually kind of true about Vince.
Hopefully they keep HHH as COO for a while. It's definitely a different take on things.
No holds barred for Christian/Orton makes sense.
Another fun R-Truth segment. He's CRAZY. Not really sure why he's on Smackdown, though.
I was hoping this meant Truth and Morrison were part of Smackdown now, but it looks like this is just a special appearance like Big Show had recently.
I hope HHH is the one interrupting things to make matches on Smackdown from now on. Or being interrupted and making matches in this case.
New Assistant GM, that should be interesting. So, if HHH and Long aren't around, Ryder's in charge? That'd be pretty awesome. Hopefully this means he'll be getting more of a chance to show what he can do.
Christian can put on a solid match with anyone. Star maker.
Oh, Cole...
Morrison seems a bit off in this match, unless it's just him selling difficulty.
That jumping slam move (C4) was awesome. Paul Burchill used to use it as his finisher.
I like Christian using the spear. I wish he'd cut promos about how he was the better guy in the team and not fragile like Edge, etc.. He and Orton both won tag titles with the Rated R Superstar.
Nice match for the most part.
I guess I'm ok with Jinder in the skybox. It's something for him to be involved with this week as he continues to train in FCW.
It seemed a bit random for Barrett to come out and talk about leaving England., but I liked the promo.
I liked Bryan's promo as well; he's getting better in that regard. The whole segment was good. Barrett tapped too quickly, but it was just to save himself, so I suppose it's ok. That would be a heck of a feud.
Good start for Ryder in his new role. Funny guy.
I guess they're back to being the New Nexus instead of just Nexus?
Pretty cool package on Gabriel. His character development continues.
No Chickbusters entrance? Boo.
That "caveman" diet's working for Kaitlyn.
For anyone wondering why they don't go further with this angle, it might be tied to the fact that AJ and Kaitlyn are still working/training in FCW. In other words, they might not be confident enough in their abilities yet.
I have no idea what a scratch golfer is.
AJ's 300 pounds of energy in a 100 pound bag.
Fine enough match I guess. It had its good moments and... not so good moments.
I have a feeling that someone gon' get dey ass kicked here.
The Big O vs. Mark Henry! Come on, now!
Ah, I guess not.
I love how Ryder's wearing dress pants and shoes with that shirt, sunglasses and headband.
This guy's good at selling, both facially and physically.
I hope he at least gets to be Broski of the Week after that thrashing.
This is a pretty nice angle.
Ideally, Sheamus and Henry would both get some impressive wins before colliding.
I like Sheamus as a face.
Cool angle all-in-all.
Otunga and McGillicutty don't look much like a tag team at all, as far as tights/look, etc..
I wonder what the Usos are saying in their pre-match dance. They could probably curse and no one would know.
The Usos have energy in spades, too. We could really be seeing something from them in the future.
FANTASTIC heeling by the champions. They still need a music change, though.
Zeke vs. Cody and Ted will be interesting. Could we be seeing the birth of Super-Zeke tonight?
Hell of a promo by R-Truth.
Fine match that did its job from a storyline perspective. I almost expected Zeke to kick out of the Cross Rhodes and/or win. The feud continues.
I think we needed more from/about Mahal and Khali tonight. They just kind of came out of the skybox and cut a promo. I think Jinder should force Ranjin back to translate what they're saying. Khali's injury likely played a factor in why we haven't seen Jinder in matches lately.
One of the men in this main event used to run around saying he was "Pretty Ricky", and that his government name was "Delicious". The other debuted against Hardcore Holly in generic blue and yellow trunks with his last name on the back, and was known for his dropkicks in his first few matches. Point being, they've come a long way to being where they are now.
R-Truth consulting with whoever he talks to on the top rope was awesome.
I like that Orton's playing to the crowd now.
Kudos to WWE's production staff focusing on the facial expressions and when someone's in turmoil, etc..
Glad that didn't lead to a count-out. It did, however, lead to a pretty cool ending. I wish Orton would have hit him with the water bottle first.
How much do those monitors and announce tables cost? They've sure been going through a lot of them lately.
Awesome RKO spot.
Followed by an even more awesome RKO spot, with great interaction with the fans and selling of the story by Orton and Christian.
That's all for Smackdown. I'll be back for Raw on Monday, and a news post's coming up. Thanks for reading!
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