Money In The Bank is six nights away, which means that C.M. Punk has less than a week left in WWE. What will he say and so on what could be his final Raw? Also appearing will be his opponent for Sunday, WWE Champion John Cena. All eight Money In The Bank participants are also in the building- who will get the upper hand going into the career-changing ladder match? All this and more on Raw tonight. Read on for my thoughts on the show as it happens.
It actually DOES go to the producer of the show.
I wish he'd heel the people cheering him. He's supposed to be the guy we pay to see to lose.
Awesome Punk promo. I wish he got to be a bigger part of the show over the years.
That contract negotiation segment would definitely get people talking.
I do hope we get a new championship belt at some point.
Hopefully the people cheering Punk realize he's working them as part of the show, even if it does break the 4th wall.
How long until Kurt Angle responds to this promo on Twitter?
Something tells me Cena's going to run through Nexus again.
Wow, Nexus is down to 2 members with Ryan injured? That's kind of sad.
It's pretty bad when it's 2-on-1 and you pretty much feel that the 2 are at a disadvantage.
What if the Yankees took the World Series trophy out of MLB?
Good selling of the importance of the title, though they're not really doing anything for the credibility of Cena's opponents.
Yeah, Nexus needs a reboot or something if we're going to take them seriously as a force again.
I like the "live contract negotiations" idea.
Did they just mention NXT on Raw? I don't even remember the last time they did that (except in the little thing they run at the bottom of the screen from time to time). I wonder how many fans were unaware that it's still running.
I liked that video package. Always good to promote your matches as big clashes (where applicable). Somewhat amusing that they used footage of Chavo there.
That's a pretty clever scheme from Dolph.
It wouldn't surprise me if McMahon fired McIntyre.
Dolph and Drew actually getting a match on Raw? At least Cena's already beaten 2 guys tonight.
Wow, yeah, Kelly did look pretty expressionless there.
Are they really advertising a show that's on at the same time as Raw, during Raw?
At least Melina's getting a chance to show what he can do on Raw.
Wow, that title looks pretty big on Kelly.
If the camera adds 10 lbs, that would make Kelly... 89 lbs?
How long until someone complains about the anorexia implications?
Running to the ring in high heels... not a good idea.
Miz could use some heat after his recent troubles putting away Riley. Heck, Riley could use some mic time to get himself over for reasons other than the fact that he's facing Miz.
Note to self: see Insidious.
Oh yeah, the old "ladders everywhere" promo. Always a favorite of mine.
It wouldn't surprise me if Miz got 2-in-a-row on Sunday. If he does get it, I don't see him cashing in in the main event (and bringing us right back to Miz vs. Cena)
A heel interrupting a heel?
Remember when this guy was World Champion? A lot of people don't.
At least Miz isn't going to be pushed off the ladder.
Nothing dynamite on the mic from Bourne, but I've heard worse.
Kofi getting it wouldn't surprise me, either. That could work.
I think the biggest drawback to Punk being pushed against Cena is that R-Truth isn't in the main event scene anymore.
I prefer Crazy Truth to "What's Up" Truth, even if that promo was... really crazy.
Riley's way too good to not get mic time in this segment, but I guess something had to be cut for time purposes.
Del Rio's another guy THIS CLOSE to being a main event fixture on Raw.
I was actually expecting an 8-man tag also including Mysterio and Del Rio, so at least it wasn't 100% predictable.
Riley has indeed been on a roll. I'm not buying him as a main eventer, yet though.
THAT'S when you do a flurry of finishers, not for the whole match where none of them are "big moves" anymore.
Del Rio destroying people with ladders is fine with me.
They're getting plenty of play out of that Punk promo...
I couldn't have been the only one expecting a Vickie joke with the "big opponent" thing earlier. This works better.
They're in kind of a jam here (or maybe a marmalade): Show needs to look like a big deal going into his match with Show, but Dolph and Drew being destroyed wouldn't be so good for the up-and-comers.
Also, why aren't these two on the card Sunday?
More Vickie jokes. Bad Lawler. Bad.
At least McIntyre's young enough to where we can mostly forget this one day (a la Triple H-Ultimate Warrior).
Poor McIntyre.
Yeah, that was pretty obviously padded.
Something tells me we won't see Mr. Kennedy and RVD winning in these highlights.
These matches have been crazy in the past.
I really hope they don't use both MITB cases too quickly.
John Cena's dad! If they hadn't already built this angle as they had, Punk doing something to him would be awesome.
C.M. Punk in a segment with Vince McMahon in the main event on Raw? How many people saw that coming when he was in ROH?
This is pretty fun.
Well, it was.. now we're getting into "making 'edgy' faux insider remarks" territory.
And now it's just getting weird.
They're giving a pretty big angle to someone who might be making his last appearance on WWE TV.
Cena made some good points.
The Yankees comparison was good.
That was a pretty interesting ending.
That's all for tonight's Raw. I'll be back tomorrow for NXT and a news post will be up later.
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