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Friday, October 14, 2011

Hogan cuts promo on NFL player, Dana White talks Brock in WWE '12, Question on TNA, Hogan appearances, Jeff Hardy out of jail, Kim talks WWE, TNA and more, Foley update, Hall to discuss demons on "E:60", more DX in Dallas footage, JR talks standing with WWE, MMA fighters in TNA?, more on Tribute to the Troops, Angle hurt, Z! TLIS #35, more on TNA's new Knockout, forgettable WCW characters, Goldust update, WWE job opening, more SuperShows, and a ref gets Twitter

Hulk Hogan cut a promo regarding a popular NFL player.

Dana White talked about Brock Lesnar being in WWE '12 and more. Very smart philosophy.

On to my look at's questions:
Honestly, all of them with the exception of #4 are straightforward fact-based questions that I can't really add anything to. However, I'll take a stab at 5. The story in of itself isn't bad to me. It's just that it's another round of Hogan/Sting and involves other characters I'm not really thrilled about (or have seen a lot of times before and am burned out on. My guess is it's targeting more casual or older fans who aren't familiar with the product. It's getting more mainstream attention than anything TNA's done in quite some time. But, ratings leading into it haven't been all that great. If it gets a big buyrate and those fans stick around (and the fans who haven't watched recently come back), then the ends might justify the means.

As for Roode vs. Angle, I honestly think that Hogan/Sting's the bigger match. Note that I didn't say better! It's been built up for longer, has more history between the competitors, and there's a lot at stake. That's the match more people are talking about and I honestly believe that it should close the show. It's mainly a case of them making their bed and having to lie in it. From a business perspective, I see why they're trying it. I'm not a fan of it from a fan perspective, just a lot of others aren't. At least with low expectations, the show (and main event) only have to be so good to impress me/us! Seriously though, I'm looking for more to care about in TNA as well. They seem to be more focused on the older audience than those of us following online and such, so that's to be expected.

After the break, I go into the rest of the day's news, including the much talked-about Gail Kim shoot promo.
Hulk Hogan will be on the Boomer and Carlton morning show on 10/14 sometime between 6 and 10 a.m.. He was on a number of ESPN podcasts as well. This kind of thing is why he's facing Sting on Sunday.

Jeff Hardy has been released from jail after serving his full 10-day sentence. That went by quick. He didn't even miss any TV time!

Gail Kim had a very revealing interview recently, partially recapped here. The ball they're dropping with the Divas division is pretty sizable. With so many female TV viewers out there they could potentially win over with a strong showing there, it boggles my mind why they would delegate it to filler status sometimes. Why would you EVER criticize an employee for being too good at their job? That's seriously one of the dumbest things I've ever read about wrestling.

Kim was quite the talented performer in the ring, but she might as well have been "Diva #7" as far as how they featured her when she returned. Why hire someone and not use them to the best of their abilities?  If they can make money somehow, why not let them!?

I like the plans they had for Kharma, though I believe she should have eventually faced the men.

As for crap like wanting more girliness in matches and Creative doing nothing with most of them, I hope that's changing with the current angle. It's like they know they can do more with the division but don't act on it.

As for two female championships, I think developing the performers on both shows and giving us enough variety (i.e. more than 3 or 4 ever being featured on a brand) should come first. They've got uniqueness there; they just don't utilize it.

The story about not accompanying Bryan to the ring is also stupid. What the heck is going on there?

I agree that having things like multi-Diva tag matches and 2 minute battle royal matches and the like does hardly anything to promote the Divas and definitely doesn't let them stand out like they can.

Finally, WWE hiring models and dancers can work out. Some fans at least just tune in for that kind of thing instead of women's wrestling. It's very unfortunate that things work out they way they generally do as far as who gets pushed to the main roster and who has to toil away for years on the indie scene, but part of the audience wants it to be that way.

In conclusion, I hope Gail goes to TNA and shows WWE what they're missing out on. I hope the Knockouts division shows that women can be be unique and entertaining athletes who can engage a crowd just as well as men, and that that lightbulb goes on in WWE that makes them raise the division back to what it used to be with Trish, Lita, Victoria, Molly, etc..

Mick Foley is now saying that he thinks he'll be showing up in WWE sometime soon. There are rumblings about a future role for him, but I don't know anything concrete. I think he (and other veterans) can add to the product when used in roles that assist in getting the stars of today and tomorrow more over with a larger number of fans.

Hulk Hogan will ring the closing bell at the NASDAQ stock market on 10/14 in conjunction with his video game's release.

The long-troubled Scott Hall will be the focus of an upcoming edition of E:60. Here's a trailer for it. I agree whole-heartedly with Eric Bischoff. has posted footage of DX doing their skits before the recent Smackdown taping.

Jim Ross posted a blog about being removed from the Raw announce team and his WWE future.

Hogan also appeared on the Today show, promoting Sunday's event and his game.

MMA fighters Kim Couture and Cris "Cyborg" Santos have been approached by TNA about possibly working with the promotion. That could be interesting.

WWE's Tribute To The Troops will air 12/17 on NBC. It will be taped the previous Sunday near Ft. Bragg.

Gail Kim appeared on Nick along with the other WWE employees advertised. This was taped before her WWE departure. Kind of funny timing.

Kurt Angle promoted Bound For Glory in Philadelphia, and was noticeably limping. He has a hamstring injury.

Here's the latest episode of Zack Ryder's YouTube show. More entertaining and compelling than Impact Wrestling!

The Knockout who assisted Ink, Inc. on Impact Wrestling was Christina Von Eerie, who has worked for AAA in Mexico. She's the fiancee of Jesse Neal. She definitely fits in with the team.

WWE took some shots at less-than-memorable (or enjoyable) WCW characters. Spot the familiar faces!

Goldust could need another shoulder surgery. He's currently an agent and a return to active competition isn't in the cards at present.

WWE is looking for a Production Manager.

The Raw TV taping in Mexico will now be a SuperShow, as will the 10/25 Smackdown taping in Texas.

WWE's Charles Robinson now has Twitter.

That's all for today's news. More to come tomorrow. Thanks for reading!

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