Today on WWE Superstars, Ted DiBiase faces off with Tyson Kidd in a rematch from a lauded contest a few weeks ago. Then, on Impact Wrestling, Hulk Hogan tries to retire in order to get out of his Bound For Glory match with Sting. Bobby Roode prepares for his match for the TNA World Title by facing his long-time partner James Storm, Crimson comes back to face Samoa Joe, and Jeff Hardy continues his path to redemption. All that and more coming up! Read on for my thoughts on the shows as they happen.
Superstars, never leave me again. I missed you.
The A-Bomb's kind of silly. The crowd seems into it, though.
I think Riley's better than some give him credit for. Nothing amazing, but a solid midcarder. I enjoy his work. For someone who hasn't been on the main roster for long, he's doing well.
McGillicutty's got some nice heel swagger. Oddly enough I'm getting Mr. Anderson vibes. I hope he doesn't go too far in reminding me of him.
It took less than a minute for McGillicutty to show how heelish he can be.
Scott's not the only one who wants to know why these guys are facing off.
Some nice back and forth between these two. I want to see a rematch.
That's the McGillicutter! I just noticed that both of those guys were on Season 2 of NXT.
McGillicutty has good facial expressions. I think he could really be hateable.
Did Tamina and Santino break up? I forgot where they got with that one. I'm guessing it sended when the brands split.
I'm not crazy about the politics talk.
The lawsuit talk on the other hand is pretty cool.
Oh hey isn't there a match in the ring?
Someone, somewhere is raging that they mentioned that AJ plays video games.
Interesting story on Tamina. Sounds really made up!
YES! She finally pulled off the Standing Sliced Bread #2 on the main roster. Kick-ass.
I like Tyson. He's not trying to win approval on the way to the ring. He looks ticked off that he's performing in front of the fans.
I'd like to see what DiBiase's "real" personality is like vs. his money-related gimmicks.
It'd die in the ratings, but the idea of a Raw with FCW stars filling in for the stars who walked out is certainly interesting and clever.
Did NOT see that big dropkick coming from DiBiase.
Not bad. Not bad at all. DiBiase's moving up as a performer.
I guess Mark Henry's working Smackdown despite the walk-out to face off with Big Show.
And that's a wrap for Superstars. Fun show as always. Hopefully it stays on the website now.
I normally don't look forward to Impact Wrestling, but that's not a bad line-up on paper/screen.
They replaced Jail with King of Queens? Boo. I love Jerry Stiller, though.
Nice house and set-up. Good for some freshness. After a while, it's going to make the Impact Zone look disappointing.
Heheh, Beer Hunter.
Storm's got fire on the mic.
Beer Money's starting to move up the ladder as babyfaces with me. I'm warming up to them as higher than midcarders/tag team guys.
Wacky Sting is pretty entertaining at times.
I figured they'd start with Hogan's signing in 10/2009.
Mr. Intensity vs. umm... well, Kazarian. He's never had too much of a gimmick (outside of "the future").
Love him or hate him, Hogan's a very important figure in wrestling history.
Not a bad match. Somewhat basic, but they did well with what they had. I think what kept it from being better is the lack of story with the competitors. There are tons of places to see generic guy vs. generic guy (UFC, for instance). I want more of a reason to cheer Kazarian and boo Gunner outside of their alignments.
All that said, by the time I typed that, Gunner gained some heel points. He doesn't care about winning the match. He doesn't care about his opponent. He doesn't care about the fans. He just wants to hurt people.
And then there's his guy. What if an actor wore a costume that said "this movie is real"? That's basically what he's doing.
Anderson is working the crowd well, involving them in the promo. I'll give him props there.
What's the difference between an asshole and douchebag, anyway?
It took one sentence for the fans to boo Bully Ray. This guy gets it.
I'm pulling for Kash. Kendrick's character sucks.
Does Velvet have a character other than "hot"?
You know, I'm starting to get the comparisons people make between Mickie and (WWE's) AJ. Especially in Mickie's old gimmick.
Velvet must be a DX fan. That was like a combination of an X-Factor and Pedigree. No, I'm not seriously saying that's how she got the idea.
Already teasing dissension between Winter and Angelina? Not sure that's a good idea. They've already got a story with the match with 4 people competing for the title. There's no need to involve Angelina yet. At the PPV? Maybe. But the story going into BFG should just be the 4 competitors in the match.
I'm apparently one of the only people who thinks they could have done more with Abyss being associated with Hogan.
Bischoff's still a good heel authority figure. He's a natural in that regard.
That entrance set-up is pretty awesome.
Eric Bischoff being in a segment with Jeff Hardy is actually pretty big.
History time!
Bischoff laid it in to Hardy. How I wish that was a shoot from management.
They have the power to fire Hardy, don't they? I'd be fine with that. He'd really have to earn his way back in the company then.
If Hogan was really retiring, they'd devote almost the whole show to it. Everyone on the roster would talk about what Hogan meant to them.
Crimson vs. Joe is one of few TNA matches I'd pay to see at this point.
A couple months ago, this would have looked like a viable #1 Contenders' match. Hopefully, once we get done with things like Hogan/Sting and RVD/Lynn these two get back on the track to possible future headliners.
Another solid Bully Ray promo. I hope he heels Philly like crazy.
I'm still kind of split on these Bobby Roode videos. Surely there's more to his character than a guy who's been in TNA for 9 years and fought his way to the top?
If you could combine Beer Money into one person, you'd have a pretty solid World Title contender. Storm I think has better promo skills, and both are pretty good (though not outstanding) in the ring.
It's a little weird having both of them use the tag team music when they're being pushed to some degree as singles stars.
Lots of story with these guys. They know each other well. Even before teaming, they've been a part of TNA in the tag team division with other partners.
Impressive start.
"I Quit" will hopefully settle things. I've lost track of how many feud-related matches they've had over the years.
Fine match. I'd like to see these two feud.
Shenanigans time!
Solid action. Both men are earning tickets out of the midcard.
I wonder what Hogan's actual retirement will be like.
I just don't care all that much about this angle. I didn't grow up watching either of these guys, so I don't have too much of a connection with it.
That was kind of sudden for Hulk to blurt out.
Ahh, well, maybe we'll finally get some changes come BFG after all. I wonder how Hogan's new deal will tie in to where the angle goes.
That's all for Impact Wrestling. I'll be back for Smackdown tomorrow. A news post will be up later tonight. Thanks for reading!
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