Last night at Vengeance, Kevin Nash left his former friend Triple H destroyed in the center in the ring after another disruption of the WWE machine. The Miz and R-Truth left their mark in the main event as well, assuring that Alberto Del Rio walked out with the WWE Championship. Controversy's a-brewin' on Raw tonight. Read on for my thoughts on the show as it happens.
Triple H opening Raw as a Superstar in 2011. Wow.
First awesome name drop and quote of the night.
Still one of the best promos in the business.
Haha, poor X-Pac.
Nash and HHH have been friends for a pretty good while.
I can't believe we went from something as hot and fresh as Punk/Cena to HHH/Nash, I feud I saw in 2003. That being said, the story is good.
Haha, Kevin Nash on something with lazy in the name. I hope that was some kind of inside jab.
The Board won't be too pleased with HHH disrespecting the man they appointed to head Raw.
Laurinaitis becomes more punchable every time we hear him.
What if that were Punk taking out HHH?
Otunga and Aksana talking? Interesting.
HHH never goes down easily.
What's the over/under on HHH coming back to the area tonight?
This is some pretty evil stuff by Nash.
Damn. I'm not a Nash fan, but this is pretty compelling.
What kind of Board of Directors lets their COO do this kind of stuff?
Ok, I cracked up at the Psych commercial.
Some semblance of the older, funny Eddie Murphy came through in that trailer.
Please face Cody Rhodes.
Please face Cody Rhodes AND Christian.
I'm ok with this. Rhodes has a chance to jump back in the running here.
I like the trending box.
I also like the explanation of the mask.
WWE likes Sheamus, and so do I.
Rhodes is looking mostly credible here.
Actually, now that I think about it, I'm not crazy about the trending box popping up as a distraction.
Damn. I was hoping Rhodes would steal it there.
Ahh, nuts. I like Orton, Sheamus, and Christian, but Rhodes is a bit vulnerable coming off the PPV loss. However, he did show he can more or less hang with the former WWE and World Champions.
Even though it's Cole and Lawler, I think I'm better with it being 2 men on the announce booth instead of 3.
Cena lost a Last Man Standing match. That's still amazing.
I knew it would be Stephanie. It makes sense.
Does anyone in a bow tie get taken seriously anymore?
Zack Ryder plug! Go Cena.
Heh, reference to vintage Johnny Ace there.
Halloween Raw. That'll be umm... something. I personally think I'll enjoy it, but my sense of humor isn't for everyone.
That's kind of cool about Vengeance.
Santino vs. Dolph. I'm fine with this, too.
Ha, this Twitter stuff is getting pretty crazy.
Great crowd so far.
Why'd you make me picture that, Lawler?
I think Ziggler kind of needed a boost after so many pins lately, so this was good for he and Swagger.
Poor guy's never going to escape the Batista vibe.
I thought the Bellas were heels? Here's that chance some think Ryder's still not getting.
Del Rio and Ricardo heeling after Vengeance. Bueno.
Cue face interruption. Solid promo.
I like Del Rio's logic.
Laurinaitis just looks like he'd be a glad-handing douchebag.
And this promo's for those who think Punk's just another WWE babyface who's no longer a rebel.
Good segment all in all. Ricardo, Del Rio, and Punk are gold.
Alicia Fox being the next #1 Contender I'm not so sure I can get behind.
Not bad. I guess Alicia's the next Diva who's going to have to surprise us in the ring at a PPV. I kind of like her music, though.
WWE Magazine looks pretty cool.
And here's our weekly "is Morrison staying with WWE?" moment.
Wade Barrett. I like it.
Awesome tweet is awesome.
Also, strong midcard is strong.
JR vs. Cole is ridiculous. We've got two potential future WWE/World Champions here and we're wasting time on Twitter?
Not a bad match at all. These two get closer to moving up the card if consistently booked well.
WWWWWWHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYY!!!!!!???? This is terrible.
I smell a screwjob with Cole's rules.
If they're going to bring JR back, bring him back. If they're going to keep him on the sidelines, do that.
Did Ryder color his hair?
I don't guess I should be all that surprised about that one.
I love Miz and Truth. Outstanding work setting things up for the main event.
The We Hate Cena guy never gives up either.
Now's the time for Miz and Truth to get the victory. If they can't beat him 2 on 1, how can we buy them as a threat?
Or they can just beat the crap out of him. That works, too.
Hmm, I thought Miz and Truth were on his side. He re-signed them after all.
Miz and Truth vs. Cena and Rock!?
Me gusta. Hopefully Miz and Truth don't look like jabronis after that one.
I smell the PPV buys already.
That's all for Raw. I'll be back Wednesday for NXT and a news post will be up later tonight. Thanks for reading!
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