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Sunday, October 16, 2011

TNA Bound For Glory thoughts

Well, here it is. The biggest show in TNA history. We've got a World Title match and matches from some of the most memorable feuds in wrestling history. The fate of the company is even at stake! Read on for my thoughts on the show as it happens.

This show is going to be memorable, one way or another.

No goofiness in this match so far, thank goodness.

Crazy spots as I expected. Not bad for that kind of "car crash" match.

Let's see what kind of wackiness that'll lead to in the Knockouts match.

I figured they'd save this one for later since it's Philly.

Kind of a "Best Of" match with these two.

They're definitely not holding anything back!

If you're into crazy "how much can we hurt each other" type matches, this is your night. Lots of carnage here.

It's like it's a prerequisite that you have to do something from the top rope at one point in your TNA career.

Nice stuff so far, but it's pretty much still a stunt show.

People still chant about the Montreal Screwjob? Maybe we are still in the '90s after all.

Good for what it was. I guess we're in for more with these three.

Solid promo from Bully as always.

This might as well be "People beat the living crap out of each other: the PPV".

This is brutal stuff, but I guess they felt they needed to pull all this kind of stuff out for the Philly crowd.


With this much hardcore gaga, anything that isn't crazy isn't going to get over.

They sure waited long enough to pull the "he's Bischoff's son" card. He hadn't been as heelish lately. I guess he's the "Nick Patrick" for tonight's Starrcade '97 re-hash.

Another mess of a match here.

Well, I knew it was going to be a clustermess coming into the show. I just didn't know they would have something that clustermessy. I feel like my crazy fantasy booking earlier gives them a pass.

Another "Best Of" match with all the signature spots.

Non-stop brutality tonight. It's definitely not PG!

Now they're teasing murder? Is this that Hood Justice PPV I heard about?

Looks like we're getting yet another chapter of these two. Might as well be an electrified barbed wire match at this point.

Non-stop fights.

Wow. I figured the match for control of the company would supersede the TNA Title, but I guess they figure this one could end up ugly so they want to end on a higher note.

This is funny already.

lolTNA. There's no other word for this.

Wow. Just... wow. This one's going in the history books.

Pretty solid match. We might at least end the show well.

Angle's setting up Roode pretty well here. Injury or no injury, he's giving us a good match.

More lolTNA. Pretty good other than a little too much crossface stuff and of course the ending.

So, lots of violence, spots, and questionable finishes. Trainwreck doesn't even cover this show.

But enough TNA bashing for now. I'll be back tomorrow for Raw, and a news post will be up later tonight. Thanks for reading!

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