It's the final Raw before WrestleMania XXVIII. The Rock, John Cena, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, and The Undertaker are all under one roof tonight. If that doesn't sell tonight's show, I don't know what will. Read on for my thoughts on it as it happens.
Interesting person to start the show with.
It will be interesting to see where Kane and Orton go after Mania.
Remember going into last year's Mania when everyone assumed Goldberg or Sting would go in the Hall of Fame/wrestle/whatever? Yeah... didn't happen.
NNNOOOOOOOO. That commentary team makes me question the belief in an all-loving God.
Daniel Bryan teaming with Kane. Talk about your odd pairings.
I wonder if King ever thinks about how Kane used to be his dentist.
I thought Booker wasn't going to call him "D Bryan" anymore...
At least Lawler noted that Bryan retained the title by chicanery. Booker totally missed that when Cole talked about the people he'd beaten.
Sheamus vs. Kane would be a freakin' war. Can we get that feud sometime in 2012, please?
Kane can still move despite his age and "mileage".
I like that Bryan's character picks his spots.
It was a bit uncharacteristic for Kane to save his partner, though I'm glad Bryan didn't lose clean there.
I definitely prefer the Cole who talks about fighting over who's better over the one who cracks jokes.
Though I think that heels should be hated by the fans if they're good at what they do, the "Yes!" chants at ringside cracked me up. It does get him further over.
I'm begging for a big AJ bump at Mania. As big as the moment with Show was, that'd be massive.
Hopefully this isn't just a set-up for Sheamus winning at Mania. Bryan retaining to set up an Extreme Rules rematch is what I'm personally hoping for. Sheamus is a very talented guy, but I don't think it's time to do the switch yet.
Does Team Johnny get a mascot?
I wonder how many of those T-shirts they could sell.
I get the feeling that Vickie and Hornswoggle will end up being an important part of Sunday's match.
Otunga's continuing to make me think of Chris Masters, with more to his gimmick.
I guess the Board put Booker on Raw tonight since I don't see why Laurinaitis would.
I hope the commentary isn't this bad on Sunday. Asking us to spend that much on a show called by Booker and Cole the way they are now is not a way to get money.
It is kind of sad that Cole is trending and Mania hasn't.
That definitely made sense to end the match that way. I'm guessing this means Laurinaitis is going over on Sunday?
At least we're getting 12 wrestlers settling it instead of the GMs wrestling at the show. We don't need another Cole vs. Lawler situation.
All that was just a set-up to put Miz on the team? I figured he'd be involved in Cena vs. Rock. Way to screw up my fantasy-booking (though he can certainly still interfere).
I like the Rock vs. Cena packages.
"The time for talk is over.... let's have a match in a year and talk a lot until then".
I bet we'll see this package on Sunday, too.
This is a pretty big clash. Two of the most decorated performers in history.
Or... rather, three of them.
Beth and Eve are kind of an odd mix character-wise. This feels like something they kind of threw together.
A Madonna song promoting WrestleMania. Insane.
It's a shame they didn't have any kind of video from Maria to set the match up. She does video diaries for DWTS after all. Not that I'm questioning her wrestling fandom.
Note that the Divas Title isn't a big part of this feud. When the publicity from Maria is gone, that's going to be something they treat as important. But now, it's secondary to appearing on "Extra".
For those wondering where Maria was, DWTS is taped at the same time as Raw.
Heh. We just went from a video on Rock to going live to C.M. Punk. I wonder what he thinks of that?
This personal aspect of Punk/Jericho seems really thrown on. They could have saved that for after Mania (unless Jericho's not going to be there post-Mania).
I like that Punk's so ticked off at what Jericho said that he's just out to hurt Christian now.
Maybe Jericho has a gameplan to beat a frustrated Punk?
It wouldn't surprise me if Christian did get re-injured there.
Maybe Brodus can be the last member of Team Teddy?
If this is a big rib on Brodus, he's making the most out of it.
Brodus can go.
Brodus is doing pretty well for himself in this gimmick. It might be a while before we see him as a heel monster after all.
If Rhodes doesn't get the win on Sunday, I hope it's just a set-up for bigger things for himself and a number of other young up-and-comers.
Note that the Tag Team Champions won't be at Mania.
If Show killing the Tag Champs means a Rhodes win on Sunday, I can roll with it.
Good lines by Rhodes. I'm looking forward to what the rest of the year holds for him (or should hold for him anyway).
That was solid by Rhodes. If they end this guy's momentum on Sunday, I swear they might as well just burn money.
Lord Tensai looks like he could really mess someone up.
Yeah, I don't think that's going to work out well for Zack.
Very passionate promo from Punk. He didn't need to yell to get his point across.
We go from a song about good feelings to Mark Henry coming out to injure someone.
Ooh, this one's going to be painful.
Thank goodness that was quick.
It says something about what they think of McIntyre that he's just thrown on to the team.
Cool spot with Kofi.
Not as cool spot with Booker. You know you're out of over babyfaces when you're going back to commentators.
That sounds pretty cool with YouTube.
Funny anecdotes from Rock.
I really expected Rock to say a name other than Cena's there to bust on him.
I think deep down a lot of those people know that Cena can wrestle. He just doesn't show it often (because he doesn't need to).
Lots of chants and pauses in this segment.
Kind of weird combining fan sentiment and winning/losing.
Cena makes points.
Good stuff here.
And that's a wrap. 6 nights til Mania!
That's all for Raw. A news post is coming up next. Thanks for reading and I apologize for the lateness.
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