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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Superstars and Impact Wrestling thoughts- 3/1/12

Today on WWE Superstars, an old rivalry gets reignited. Former World Heavyweight Champion The Great Khali goes one-on-one with the man who made his life a living hell in India, Jinder Mahal. Then tonight on Impact Wrestling, we get the latest build between TNA World Champion Bobby Roode and the General Manager (and Insane Icon) Sting! Not to mention ODB vs. Madison Rayne, Shannon Moore vs. Zema Ion, and a gauntlet match featuring AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, and Kazarian! All that and more with today's shows. Read on for my thoughts on them as they happen.
Is anyone shocked that we're starting off with an ad for The Rock?

Hmm, Santino vs. Hawkins. That could be interesting.

One thing I really like with Scott Stanford is that he puts over things performers do outside the ring (like Twitter petitions, YouTube shows, etc.).

Santino's a gifted performer. Great timing and the crowd loves him.

I hope people who don't think Santino can wrestle in the traditional sense are watching this. Underrated guy.

To make this match seem less like filler, I kind of wish they'd note that we've got a match between a former Intercontinental Champion and former Tag Team Champion. Sure, it's been a while, but it still makes them seem like kind of a bigger deal.

Hawkins seems like he's STARTING to really come into his own. After so long as the "Jannetty" of the Edgeheads/Major Brothers, it's good to see him start to remind me why I saw him as the potential Edge to Ryder's Christian.

I like Hawkins' taunting here. It's good to have in somewhat small doses.

Santino's got something. I think he should be in the assumed multi-man match between Laurinaitis' cronies ad Long's team at Mania.

Is it wrong that I like Alicia Fox's music?

Hopefully Alicia doesn't give Beth another brutal-looking welt.

Beth Phoenix is convincingly brutal.

I hope we're getting Beth vs. Natalya at Mania, since doing a feud with Kharma with only 4 weeks of build would be flushing money down the toilet.

That was kind of a creepy primal scream from Alicia.

Not a bad little Divas match.

They've got to be building to something with Beth for Mania, right? Things are ripe for a potential title switch.

As kick-ass as Rock was back in the day (and I was a full-out MARK for him), he's not someone I want to see this much screen time invested in in 2012 (since he's not going to be around full-time or long term).

I think Rock vs. Cena should mimic Hogan vs. Rock to some degree, with Cena getting the big rub and "torch passed".

Anyone have a translation of Khali's theme music?

I know I was pretty sold that he did at one point, but Matt Striker doesn't have a Twitter account.

Who says you can't learn anything from watching wrestling?

What ever happened to Ranjin Singh as a character? He was kind of important in all of this.

Good use of the ring by Mahal. He could end up being big someday.

Say what you will; the fans are behind Khali.

Well then, so much for that match.

This week's main event: video packages!

Aaaaannndddd... Impact Wrestling time.

Well, they're not wasting any time, are they?

Haha. I like that he wrote all of them down.

Hahahahaha. Angle should be ticked at Edge for beating him in the Hair vs. Hair match all those years back.

Where does Hardy get those things anyway? Does he just cut up shirt sleeves or what?

This feels like some kind of ad for

While this is reminiscent of promos Chris Jericho did about John Cena a few years ago, I like it. And supposedly everyone's a "Jericho wannabe" anyway.

I feel like I've seen Hardy and Angle enough times that this match is just kind of "there". Been there, done that.

Roode and Aries on the same page is kind of cool. I've enjoyed Aries as a character and am glad Management's taking a chance on him.

Project X looks terrible.

AJ has the same thoughts I do in regards to caring about these two.

At least Styles and Daniels are doing something different in the ring this go 'round.

The Ion interview should be interesting.

What's to prevent Kazarain from losing on purpose and revealing it?

I can't be the only one who gets tired of seeing the same rivalry over and over. Maybe if I had seen them from the beginning I'd be more into this.

That was actually a pretty clever finish to keep things going. Maybe Lockdown can be a triple-threat "none of these guys can ever face each other in TNA again" match.

Madison as the "Mickie James" obsessed with Gail could be interesting. And yes, I still dislike the obvious cameraman behind the post.

The opposite of smoking would be not smoking....

ODB and Eric do give it their all in their characters, and I can respect that.

"Built like a small man" doesn't sound incredibly threatening.

OUCH. That could have hurt pretty badly for ODB.

Impact "Comedy" more than Impact Wrestling.

The only funny part of this match was Gail botching going up the apron.

Knockouts = ratings, so TNA's promoting them.

Bully Ray does jerky things. He's not trying to be a popular "cool" heel. This is what heels should do.

Good that Aries is kind of getting the rub from working with Bully Ray and the TNA Champion.

How do you decide to do something inadvertently?

Don't Sarita and Angelina already have partners? Why are they with each other?

This is a pretty painful "attack", but not in the way they meant. Is Mickie going to talk about Peace, Love, and Understanding?

Nice arrogance from the champ.

Good promo from Aries, too. He didn't look out of place with the main eventers.


I can really dig that main event.

Poor Channing Tatum.

Good ad for the house shows.

While it's kind of risky playing off of such a seriously scary injury, Ion did well gloating.

I wonder if they'll do a "dangerous guy who injures people" angle with Ion.

I hope this match will be better than the backstage fight that set it up.

Taz used to be such a GREAT commentator.

Clunky match at some places.

Good promos from the faces. Keep your eyes on Magnus.

I hope these ShopTNA ads are supposed to be terrible.

Abyss foreshadowing!

Bully Ray's too ridiculously entertaining in his role lately.

I like that Roode and Storm are the focuses of their respective teams with the entrance music.

Other than her looks, I don't see why Christy would get more chances to announce matches than Borash.

Aries getting a main event's cool. Glad it's something different from Angle, Hardy, Styles, Daniels, and Kazarian.

Why weren't those high fives counted as tags?

Who the $&#* is Bart Connor?

I wonder how much crossover there really is between wrestling and MMA audiences, since some insist they're incredibly similar.

Glad Joe's getting back into how good he used to be.

NICE exchange.

I could get behind a Joe/Bully Ray feud.

I'm getting behind the athleticism and teamwork of Joe and Magnus.

Roode's a great cowardly douchebag.

Way to just stand there and get nailed by Roode.

I wonder if Aries' push will lead to all the heels complaining about main eventers on Twitter.

Wha... is TNA really that desperate for a Knockouts rating boost to interrupt this match for Taz to go on about it.

That's 23 World TAG titles. Big difference.


I hope Roode sneaks out a win on Storm to build more heat to Lockdown.

Nice spot with Aries accidentally hitting Ray.

I guess I can live with that ending to sell that the champ's in jeopardy come Lockdown.

Hmm... Storm vs. Bully Ray for the #1 Contendership? That could be cool.

That's all for Thursday's wrestling. I'll be back for Smackdown tomorrow and a news post will e up later tonight.

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