Tonight on Smackdown, the WWE Champion and World Heavyweight Champion will be in the same ring at the same time. C.M. Punk teams with Sheamus to take on Daniel Bryan and The Miz. WrestleMania's just around the corner. Who will get the upper hand heading to Miami? Read on for my thoughts an this and everything else from the show as it happens.
If Daniel Bryan was French, would he run around yelling "OUI!" "OUI!" "OUI!"?
Great acting by Bryan and AJ. They give it all to their roles.
It's going to be so huge when Bryan turns on AJ if they keep this up. She's a great sympathetic figure.
And he's a pretty good jerk. Man. This is kind of uncomfortable, but not in a badly acted way.
It's a shame we've only had a few months of heel Bryan going into Mania. They've got to be pretty careful with his momentum in this feud.
You know an angle is over when the fans immediately make a "Danny" chant when they know it gets under his skin.
I hope this feud goes past Mania. There's more to tell here.
Abraham Washington? That's going to get some people wondering.
The graphic's still centered on the GMs, but at least it includes the announced wrestlers now.
Part of me would crack up if they counted Little Jimmy as the 6th member of Team Teddy or he cost Johnny the match or something. Just part of me, though.
If Laurinaitis wins, he should draft Booker to an announcing school.
It's a shame that they have to remind us that Swagger and Ziggler are former World Champions.
Ooohhh. That was a great spot to end the match.
Booker's like one of those catch-phrase dolls. You pull a string and he says something like "greatest of ease" or "my goodness".
I really enjoy Henry as a heel. Hard to believe that he used to walk around smiling and wore a green Hornswoggle-esque hat. Reminds me a bit of Goldberg in the Goldust wig.
I did have fun playing as Yokozuna in that old WWF arcade game (years before I started watching). Does that count for anything?
Surely they're not going to do all this with Ryder and not put him on the Mania team?
The Great Broski?
I guess you've got to have AJ wrestle in her home state, right?
I like the "box" interviews. Looks like we're going back to Brie vs. Nikki at some point.
But Daniel knows that sooner or later, everyone taps.
If those kicks were an homage to Bryan, that's genius.
I love AJ picking up on Bryan's moves. The Harley Quinn-Joker dynamic continues to strike me.
9 nights from WrestleMania and they're doing an angle with the Bella Twins (who aren't on the card). Ok then...
The Bellas actually had differences on NXT Season 3, but I guess that doesn't count.
I think one of the Bellas has slightly longer hair if that counts for anything. I think they could definitely play them against each other. Brie seems more of the babyface to Nikki's heel.
Not to be confused with "Long Island Iced Z Jack Swagger".
Nice technical wrestling from Swagger.
I like the "dueling chants".
Would WWE have missed the boat by not pushing Ryder or what? He's got something that can grow into being a good draw.
Don't count Swagger out, though. He's got solid in-ring ability.
Of course, the non-wrestlers take precedence over the match.
I'll either be elated or disappointed when Cody vs. Show is over.
Those embarrassing celebrity moments got a lot of people talking though.
Big Show vs. Kane in 2012 is kind of weird to see.
Cody Rhodes has been Intercontinental Champion for 7+ months. If they throw that away for a guy who's already been World Champion on multiple occasions and in dozens of PPV main events, I'll officially lose tons of faith in the company long-term plans. Rhodes doesn't even have to retain clean. Just so long as they don't put the title on someone who's already hugely over at the expense of someone who has a big chance to become someone important.
Good big-man match, though (as it should have been) it was just a set-up for their Mania matches. Orton and Rhodes should be the guys getting the rub from the very established veterans.
Brodus was on a pretty good track, but then the Funkasaurus was pretty much extinct for a while.
Video package time!
Brodus was going to throw bodies around in the Rumble. Now he's half-forgotten by Creative.
That was pretty good as an exhibition of Brodus' skills. He can move.
If there was ever a performer whose matches were tailor-made for Booker T, it's Brodus Clay as the Funkasaurus.
I hope this is a set-up for Zack getting with Kelly or something. A face Diva could really benefit from being paired with Ryder.
I kind of expected Ranjin Singh to be out there with Khali for a second. I wonder what he's up to now.
I wonder what Khali's theme song is saying.
Khali vs. Dolph? Yikes. That'll be a big test for Ziggler.
Heck, if LONG wins he should draft Booker outside of commentary. He's just bad (though that could very well be whoever's in his headset).
Ziggler's bouncing around to the best of his ability to cover for Khali. I hope you're happy, India.
Heheh. I'm surprised we don't get that ending more often.
That was a pretty quick count-out.
That kind of sucks: Ziggler did all that work in the match and he got clobbered.
Good celebration and throw to break.
I wonder if Punk's family will get involved at Extreme Rules in Chicago.
Running through The Miz is like beating the French army these days.
I think AJ's going to take a huge bump at Mania to save Bryan's skin.
Why is Cole making more sense than Booker about Miz? Having an entire big year makes you a one-hit wonder?
Daniel Bryan can MOVE. Impressive physical style. I can't wait until Mania.
That's all the more hilarious knowing Punk's real-life behind-the-scenes Diva dating.
Booker should have to job to Miz for this terrible commentary.
The "Danny Boy" chant's great.
Well... his REAL name is Bryan, but...
I'm a little surprised Bryan's taking this much offense from Sheamus.
Great facial expressions from AJ as always.
The "Brogue" chant's a little forced.
Great story told by everyone to close the show.
That's all for Smackdown. I'll be back for Raw tomorrow. Two news posts are up next as I continue to catch up. Thanks for reading!
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