Today on WWE Superstars, former Intercontinental Champions collide as Kofi Kingston takes on the "Show Off" Dolph Ziggler. Who will win in a match that deserves to be on TV? Then, on Impact Wrestling, we get closer to TNA Victory Road. Garett Bischoff has been told not to attend. Will he heed Ric Flair's advice or is he in for another clash with his dad? Read on for my thoughts on the shows as they happen.
Kofi vs. Dolph could be pretty epic given some of their past matches. I think both men are on their way to being Champions.
Slater vs. Gabriel again...
Both of these guys are showing more personality lately. Good to see.
Haha, another Frank the Clown reference. He either really appreciates or really hates the "Heath Slater, I hate you" thing.
These two play off of each either fairly well. It's not Steamboat/Savage, but their styles and demeanors seem to mesh.
That's an interesting point about officials.
Both men have progressed a good deal from their NXT days.
Good stuff here. I think both of these guys could be future staples of the midcard title pictures.
Nice ending. Fans are responding well to these two. Give them time and they might be something.
So, is DiBiase feuding with Hunico or Mahal?
Honestly, that Edge movie doesn't look terrible. My expectations are kind of low after the other WWE movies.
DiBiase's getting over. Nice.
I like the reasoning behind Jinder's case.
Props to Striker for knowing what "literally" means. So many don't.
The USA chant's always good for a cheap pop.
Nice dropkick spot.
Good little match. Two more guys with futures.
Are they really giving Kofi vs. Dolph this much time? Awesome.
Ziggler's great with his character. He oozes cockiness and charisma.
It takes a special kind of performer to pull off a hot pink T-shirt.
Why do I think those stats are made up?
These guys have also both been Tag Team Champions, but this was back in Ziggler's Spirit Squad days.
Let's not get into the "nerd" thing again. We get enough of that from Cole.
I like Dolph mocking Kofi's boom gestures.
WHOA. Heck of a bump by Ziggler.
I like the headstand too.
Kofi and Dolph are taking this into a higher gear. The crowd's really into it.
Good comeback by Kofi.
Nice SOS counter.
These two have earned some TV time. They're putting on a clinic and they've got a lot of the crowd where they want them.
Hats off to both men for a very good showing here.
Speaking of people who've earned TV time, Scott Stanford should replace Jerry Lawler.
Impact Wrestling time.
I don't hate Garett Bischoff, but he's definitely not my favorite person to see.
Immortal... that was a thing once.
I like Bischoff's promos. Does that make me a bad person?
Kurt Angle in a feud with Eric Bischoff's son. Never thought I'd type that.
Not a bad opening segment.
I'm not really sure what to make of Sting's character at this point. It's pretty out there.
This is very different from Sting and EY a couple of years back.
These ShopTNA ads go all over from good to bad.
The sooner we get through this match the better.
This comedy is so insanely forced. No subtlety to it at all.
I went from watching Kofi vs. Dolph to this garbage. Gail's the only one I half-way like.
I hope Taz is being produced to being this bad instead of it being natural.
Someone call the World Court, because this match is a crime against humanity.
"It's never good" is a pretty apt comment for this match.
Now that Russo's gone, who do we blame for this crap?
The crowd's into this, the jerks.
I pray this segment bombs in the ratings.
OH SH- That guy looks a lot like Abyss.
Good promo from Bully.
This is going to be a LONG night apparently given that Aries interview.
Good mannerisms and gestures from both guys coming to the ring.
Good stuff from a "flashy moves and beating each other up" perspective.
Not bad to continue things.
I don't know who that is, but he definitely fits the bill of Abyss' brother.
"Calfzilla". Nice.
Sting('s character) must have gotten into RVD's stash. Dude's lost it.
It's a little crazy seeing Roode vs. Bully in a battle of heels.
These two are good. I like a strong older worker elevating the game of a rising star. I don't think we see that enough.
I can't believe I'm seeing such great work from Bully Ray given that I thought he should have hung the boots up a couple of years ago (pre-Devon feud).
Kind of smart to not have an official ending of one man beating the other. Both are kind of protected.
I'll be very curious to see where things go for Roode and Storm after Lockdown.
It doesn't get much more "white bread" than a Garett Bischoff promo sometimes.
It's kind of concerning that his brother waited 3 months to ask around at work.
I think it might be a little soon to break up Crimson and Morgan. That clash should be big and elevate both men.
Hahahahaha. Oh dear God. Those shirts and tights are great in a terrible way. I like that they have characters beyond "wrestlers from _____ with a first and last name who work hard and want to win".
TNA has some mediocre entrance music sometimes.
Robbie E plays his part with some serious gusto.
I have a soft spot at times for a big powerful bruiser.
Didn't take them long to use the "list" as a weapon.
I think Robbie E and Zema Ion would make a good team with their characters combining.
Impressive double-teams.
With all due respect to Crimson, his winning streak doesn't have much on Joe's in '05-'06.
Good power here.
As someone who's seen some really dull big guys, I've got to give props to the agility of Morgan and Crimson. Morgan's come a LONG way from his stuttering days.
Go ahead and pencil in Morgan and Cimson breaking up at Victory Road.
Is it just me, or does Styles seem kind of miscast with the glasses and flashy shirt? He's from some town I've never heard of in Georgia.
Not bad by Angle and Gunner. I guess I'm just nostalgic for early WWF Angle.
It's like everyone's getting remixes lately.
Frontline... that brings back some memories. Man, did the TNA crew get their butts kicked in that angle.
What number rehiring is this for Daniels anyway?
This isn't terrible.
Kazarian sounds a bit like Raven here.
Oh, God. Not really who I wanted to see added into this.
I hope they didn't do this angle just to bring back Anderson.
A little off seeing a shirtless man knocking on someone's door.
Cool packages on the live events and such.
Garett Bischoff in the main event. That's going to rub some people the wrong way.
I mean, technically Garett and Gunner are TNA Originals.
Who else would pop for Jeff Jarrett rekindling his awesome Jeff Hardy impersonation?
Hardy's a weird guy...
If your dad is an executive, you too can be in a match with Jeff Hardy and Kurt Angle. Speaking of which, I wonder when Jarrett's daughters will end up in the ring.
Angle looks like a completely different guy due to his Olympics training. How much slimmer is he?
I like the attack by the heels to start things up.
For once, a good point by Taz and Tenay.
I'll be interested to see what Jeff Hardy's earlobes look like in a couple of years.
When was the first time Hardy and Angle collided?
One guy doing a "We Want Garett" chant. I know that feel. I did that for Zack Ryder at a Smackdown tag match. Later in the match, others started it.
Classic basic tag formula, which makes sense since they're trying to elevate two people without a great deal of experience.
Notice that pretty much this whole match is a set up for Garett to come in and clean house.
I'm getting flashbacks to some Divas matches. I don't have anything against Garett, but he's noticeably out of his element here and still relatively early in his training.
That's all for Thursday's wrestling. Smackdown will be posted tomorrow (3/14). A news post is due soon. Thanks for reading and I apologize for being so late!
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