Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
Pretty weird opening segment. Entertaining, but really weird.
It makes sense to have Cena look strong going into such a big match at Mania. It wouldn't shock me if Titus is also fed to him. Them's the breaks.
I really hope I don't hear any complaining about Otunga losing to Ryback. One guy has been pushed a lot and has a match at WrestleMania and the other guy is barely on TV.
I liked the post-match segment. They have kind of a weird way of getting to the 6-man tag and Ryback vs. Henry but I see what they're going for. And I really don't mind Otunga being the victim again. He can't really go much further down the card so I don't think it devalued him all that much to be destroyed. They can rebuild him down the line if they really want to.
I'm generally ok with leading the audience along for an eventual debut, but at this point I don't think anyone's being fooled by Fandango not actually wrestling. If they're saving him for after WrestleMania, it's going to be a long 3 weeks.
Sandow continues to shine on the mic. R-Truth was ok.
Not really crazy about Sandow powdering out vs. R-Truth, but if it's leading to something I can live with it. At least a talented younger star didn't lose clean.
Not a bad backstage segment.
I expected a lot more from Punk and Undertaker given what we got between Punk and Rock.
That's the best showing Primo and Epico have had in a LONG time. I'd rather Primo or Epico be fed to Cena and PTP look good in a loss, but that's me. Everything else was ok. Yes, they're moving away from Kane vs. Bryan and being inconsistent with that story. It looks like there's a new story now.
Not crazy about the Jericho/Fandango segment. More silliness.
Del Rio vs. Rhodes was pretty solid. I can forgive Rhodes tapping since they're building Del Rio strong for Mania and Rhodes had a good showing.
I liked the post-match to add heat to Del Rio vs. Swagger. They're doing a good job with the feud other than the silly Del Rio/Ricardo videos. Maybe now that Del Rio's best friend got attacked, he'll stop goofing around.
A little surprised to see Booker go into the Hall of Fame this year. Not that he hasn't earned it. It just seems like there's still the chance of him getting back in the ring.
Another win by top guys vs. lower carders. Nothing to see here. The focus should be on the people working Mania.
Fine post-match. I'm interested to see the 6-man at Mania.
Kofi vs. Dolph was fine. They can always have a good match. What does it say that the MITB briefcase holder can't even beat Kofi clean?
Good set up for the Mania tag match. I like the match idea and hope it's a big deal for everyone involved. Bryan, Ziggler, and Big E being elevated would be great.
Very nice triple threat for the IC Title. I'd like a rematch at Mania.
Pretty good ending segment. Heyman never has an off day as a promo guy. I'll be very surprised if HHH ends his career at Mania. It looks like a set up for a big HHH win (because we haven't seen that story enough over the years).
More wrestling coming up.
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