Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
Honestly at this point I've seen The Undertaker return so many times that it really isn't special anymore. It's just like "yep, it's Mania time again".
Pretty solid opening segment. I like that everyone wants a shot at immortality. Taker's only got so many matches left in him. They need to be special.
Not a bad Cesaro promo, but I've heard better.
Ryback vs. Cesaro was fine enough. I just wish Cesaro looked better in defeat. They kind of halted his momentum there.
Ryback vs. Henry would be a pretty big deal. Could Ryback lift him for Shellshocked?
Not a shock that Henry squashed Ryder. I see what they're doing, but it further defines Ryder as someone unimportant.
Fine enough Miz promo.
Miz vs. Ziggler was a good match, but they're totally botching Ziggler. They always wonder where the next stars are and wanting people to step up, then they book people in destructive ways. They can't rely on the part-time and over-40 guys forever. It's time to make something of the younger guys who are bringing it week in and week out.
Post-match made sense, and it's good for Miz to get the Flair rub, but having Ziggler tap out was backwards.
I MOSTLY liked Rock vs. Cena, but Rock got kind of silly again and basically buried the locker room by saying that no one has the passion and fire to be the best. Punk and Ziggler would disagree.
I wish the Swagger match got a promo or something to build it up, but it was fine business. Glad Swagger looks like a force against 3 retired guys.
Fine Del Rio/Swagger segment.
Another Hell No vs. PTP match that didn't accomplish anything. I guess this is "cheap Legends pop" night. Are we getting Kane vs. Bryan at Mania or not? WWE's really killing me with their storytelling lately.
I'm usually not crazy about comedy, but I liked Slater's segment. There's something about him that cracks me up. Maybe it's because he's not shoved down our throats.
Another awkward wrestling match. Obviously entertainment is the priority tonight.
And another "cheap Legends pop" segment. Here's the thing: HTM isn't coming back to work a program with Slater. The current guys need to be the focus.
I like Fandango in his own weird way.
Intense HHH promo. I liked that they worked in the staples to the head.
I liked The Shield promo.
Del Rio vs. Barrett was nice. As always, I wish Barrett had gotten in more offense before tapping out. It should be a big deal when someone can't continue, especially a tough guy like Barrett.
Nice Colter video.
I love the New Age Outlaws, but if they're only coming back for one night it was short-sighted for them to beat the current stars. That said, it was Primo and Epico and no one really takes them seriously anyways. But it brings up the point of why we should care when they wrestle since they pretty much always lose.
Mae Young's another character I think I've seen enough of over the years.
Nice main event, though it didn't exactly put Punk in Taker's league to kind of sneak out a win like that.
I look forward to more between Punk and Taker. Hopefully Punk looks like a top guy in the feud.
More wrestling coming up, and a Blue Echo podcast later.
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