Read on for my thoughts on last night's Superstars and Impact Wrestling.
Fine Rhodes Scholars promo. They really need to make up their minds on what they're doing with these two.
Solid tag match. The right team won, as both Cody and Sandow have some impressive potential.
Layla vs. Tamina was pretty impressive. Both ladies really brought it. They had a pretty cool dynamic. I'd like to see them work together more, with Kaitlyn in the mix, too.
Impact Wrestling:
I liked the opening graphic.
Good start to the show with Angle hooking us.
Aries is always pretty solid on the mic, and this was no exception. He's a keeper.
I liked Aries vs. Hardy. I would have been ok with Aries losing to build Hardy for Lockdown, but I definitely appreciate the DQ ending saving him from being pinned.
Involving Matt Morgan is interesting. Not sure why they didn't use Bobby Roode there.
Nice segment with Sting.
I liked Morgan's promo. I'd really like to see him deliver in the months and years to come.
The Angle/Brisco segment started out ok, but I'm disappointed by the D'Lo reveal. It makes sense, but they're spotlighting someone who primarily works backstage. What's the end game and how does it get over the full-time guys?
Fine backstage segment.
Clever ending to Devon vs. Sting. It wasn't a bad match by any stretch.
I think they could have done a better job of building Velvet vs. Gail.
It made sense to change the judge on Gut Check. I still think BOTH ladies should be signed.
Kind of a chaotic 6-person, but it was good. It made sense for Gail to win to make her a legit threat for Sunday.
Fine post-match. Something tells me we'll see Taryn in the ring at some point. I hope that's a good thing.
Fine Sting segment.
And a fine Styles segment. Again, he's not my favorite character in the world so it's good they're trying to give him something to work with.
Joe and Magnus were really impressive. I'm glad that they won.
I liked King's promo.
I'm glad Young can cut a serious promo. He moved up some in my eyes with that.
I'm glad Tapa got signed, though of the two I think I might have went with Ivelisse.
Fine Robbie E promo. I don't expect big things from his match since it's basically been a comedy feud.
Anderson vs. Storm was fine to set up what's going down on Sunday.
Bully Ray and Hardy's segment was pretty intense, and I liked the ending, but Hogan kind of hurt some of the momentum. Can't let those younger guys get the spotlight, brother. The fans want to see Hulkamania hobble wild.
More wrestling coming up.
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