Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown.
The opening segment, to me, represented exactly what is wrong with WWE. Zeb and Jack cut an intense promo and Alberto basically no-sold it by throwing to a stupid comedy video. Being PG doesn't mean you have to play to the lowest common denominator. Zeb and Jack have been downright inflammatory. Swagger has beaten up legends and made people tap out. Del Rio should be selling him as a serious deal. You don't see Triple H making fun of Brock Lesnar. He's selling Lesnar as a serious opponent he hates.
Solid tag match. I think 3MB are somewhat underrated in the ring. We're apparently back on with Kane vs. Bryan. I hope they stick with it this time.
Not a bad promo from Dolph et al, but they've done better.
I liked the staredown between Ryback and Henry. Simple, effective way to build intrigue for them facing off.
Another great Damien Sandow promo. He's really stepped up to the plate since his debut as the character.
I liked Ryback vs. Sandow, though I would have liked Sandow to look somewhat stronger.
Good Show promo. I wish Del Rio would have shown that kind of intensity in the opening segment.
Del Rio vs. Ziggler was REALLY good. Both guys have earned big spots in WWE. Post-WrestleMania, the company should get behind both men as the stars of today.
Other than the innuendo about Ziggler, Bryan and AJ had a pretty good segment.
Mark Henry is still super-impressive. There's just something about seeing a big strong guy destroy someone. Tatsu better hope those English lessons grant him amazing promo ability because you'd be forgiven for thinking he was one of those guys they hire for one night just to get squashed.
Another stupid promo. Sheamus and Big Show have had WARS. If this was your first time watching the show, you wouldn't think they were fierce rivals. What's with the grade-school insults? Sheamus' character should be above that: he's a warrior.
I would have liked more time devoted to the Divas, but the storyline's going well and Kaitlyn and Tamina made the most of the time they had.
I liked the Rhodes Scholars segment. Something tells me we're in for them feuding at some point, which I think would be good. Damien continues to earn high marks for his speaking ability.
This Fandango stuff is getting silly, but I guess they're trying to build up interest for the character's actual televised in-ring debut.
Kind of a silly segment with Booker and Teddy, but it was what it was.
I usually crap on Show, but he was pretty damned impressive there. Sheamus also brought his A-game. Good match.
I liked the post-match. I think it will be pretty interesting to see Show, Orton, and Sheamus have issues as they face The Shield at Mania.
More wrestling coming up.
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