Read on for my take on last night's Impact Wrestling.
I like that the opening video sets up the rest of the show.
Fine Hogan/Hardy segment. That's the best way to use Hogan.
Nice pre-match to the tag title match since they've already done a lot of talking, etc..
Total waste of the 2 out of 3 falls stipulation. It's like they panicked and only had time for a 1 fall match. That said, the match was pretty good. I'm not crazy about the 40-year-olds being tag team champions, but it made sense with the alternative being that they'd never team again (4 of TNA's champions are 40 or over). Hopefully this means Aries and Roode are getting a bigger role. They're very talented.
The Brooke/Ryan segment made sense. I'm just not a big Hogan fan.
I like Aces and 8s, so that segment was fine.
Nice segment between Park and Devon. Park's got to be one of the best characters in wrestling right now. Team 3D is a good act.
Again, I like video packages setting things up (if for no other reason than there are probably people there live who aren't familiar with TNA's stories).
Not a bad Knockouts match. It was just more about the story than the in-ring action. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing. I'm curious as to where they're going with the division.
Nice promo from Taryn. They've done a good job of building her up instead of just throwing her out there.
I'm surprised that they had Magno win Gut Check. I'd have had more sympy for Pearce given his experience.
Another Hogan segment. It feels like he's on the show ALL THE TIME.
I liked the Anderson/Styles segment. They're building things well.
That was a pretty good segment built around AJ. Bad Influence was a little silly, but it didn't detract from things too much. The silliest part was the insinuation that AJ's been the top guy in TNA for 11 years. I don't think he's been the top guy since they got to Spike TV.
Cool segment with Angle. I hope he doesn't annihilate Garett and Wes. Love them or hate them, I don't think it does TNA much good for them to look like chumps.
Ryan vs. Terry wasn't exactly super impressive. That said, Terry's fine as a powerhouse who beats people up.
CALL BULLY RAY MARK ONE MORE TIME. I DARE YOU. I DOUBLE DARE YOU. It was a good segment other than breaking that rule.
I thought someone had to win a contract each month? Weird. I liked both Pearce and Magno and wouldn't have minded getting to see more of them. It's weird that they bashed him for inexperience and lack of seasoning after they hired Taeler Hendrix.
Cool segment with Bully Ray, but I don't believe for a second that they won't get involved.
AWESOME main event for those of you into carnage. Two seasoned pros who know how to tell a story. The involvement of Brooke was generally good.
Nice post-match, too. TNA gets the whole "build the heel champion so it means something when the face dethrones him" thing.
More wrestling coming up, including a Blue Echo podcast.
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