Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact Wrestling.
I liked the Boston video. Nice touch.
As always, it's nice to set the stage for the show by reminding us of what happened last week. That's not necessary for Raw since they recap it 28 times during the week.
I feel like Angle's about to kill Garett and Wes.
I guess you can argue that Garett and Wes are paying their dues by being dominated. I can't find records of 200 matches between the two of them. No way should they look like they're at the level of Angle. I just hope that they're picking up tools to be successful down the line and this is just their "HHH jobbing to Warrior" stage.
I liked the Anderson promo. He's much better here than when he was going on about being an asshole, taking shots at WWE, and doing the microphone gimmick.
Not bad X-Division promos. I'm glad that they're setting the match up instead of just throwing it out there.
The X-Division is like one giant gimmick. How long until we have a Pinata on a Pole match? This was just the "popcorn" match to show what people can do in the ring more so than telling a story.
Nice promo by Magnus. I think he's got some real potential.
Feel-good Knockouts segment. It felt kind of out of place, but let's see where it leads.
Nice segment taking out Magnus. Pure heel move. If they keep going like this, Devon losing the title will be an important moment.
Good Joe promo to set further things up.
Not a bad Knockouts match. I'm not crazy about ODB as referee, but at least she's not in some of the segments she's been in in the past.
I love that Daniels and Kazarian are so delusional that they think Styles would join them. I'm still not 100% "a fan" since a lot of times it feels like they're trying to get over with the "smart" crowd instead of be true heels, but they continue to grow on me.
There's no question that Team 3D are heels after that segment. It's nice to see people being bad guys and not being cheered for it.
Fine Mickie promo. I'm still a fan of hers, even though I'm not a country music fan.
Good Storm promo.
Ok, fine. Daniels and Kazarian won me over there. That was so ridiculous it was funny. Aries and Roode are solid as well. It's kind of a shame that Chavo and Hernandez are champs given how interesting their opposition is.
Another good Morgan promo, but where's it leading?
I was hoping Joe would have looked like he was close to getting the title there, but maybe they have a bigger plan in mind.
Cool post-match. I hope the ending to the Aces and Eights angle is worth all of these months of build.
I'm glad that they made matches for next week. This is something WWE is pretty bad at these days.
Interesting match between Styles and Storm. I like that Styles' character is changing.
Killer ending segment. A dominant heel faction is very refreshing these days. WWE would have fed them all to Cena by now.
More wrestling coming up, including podcasting at Blue Echo.
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