This article details some of the ways that WWE is marketing WrestleMania. They're dedicated. I'll give them that. Great ways to reach their audience.
WWE will have a post-WM29 show, which will be interesting. I kind of like the idea that the last thing we get from WWE is the ending of the PPV. I'll wait to see what they do with it before I judge it too harshly, though.
Raw's audience was 4.31 million this week, down over 300,000 viewers from last week. That's very disappointing going into WrestleMania on Sunday.
Here are more social media initiatives from WWE. They are on the ball with that.
Everything else from yesterday is after the break.
was interviewed. I would have liked a stronger soundbyte from Ricardo.
Here's a look at WWE stars hanging out with people from other sports. Always cool to get some crossover buzz.
Paul Heyman was interviewed. He apparently owned "Eastern Champion Wrestling". Derp. I guess a poorly-researched interview is better than no interview.
Brock Lesnar is now on Twitter @brocklesnar. Pretty funny since he's so private. I'm guessing WWE pushed him into it.
Vince McMahon will induct Donald Trump into the WWE Hall of Fame. I think Vince has a lot of respect (and perhaps jealousy) of him.
For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. I actually never knew that. Weird.
2. I haven't heard anything about a PPV in the UK for as long as I can remember. It could always happen in the future, but I don't know of any plans. That is a good point about the WWE Network, though.
3. That would be really funny, honestly. I know a lot of fans would share the weather's sentiment. I definitely see Cena getting the title back. I hope they don't stretch the Rock angle for another year. There's only so much material there. I like the idea of Rock vs. Brock (which has been hinted/teased) personally.
4. There's no telling with Vince. It could be that simple: he was being "forced" to do the Attitude Era and didn't like that fact. It might not have had much to do with the content, as there are definite parallels to his weird sense of humor/business.
5. I haven't seen anything on them in quite some time. Sadly, a lot of promotions don't get very far these days.
More wrestling tomorrow, and a Blue Echo podcast will be recorded later in the day.
Wow, I like it, both ideas. You bet your top dollar they're dedicated! Both ideas simply make the events more mainstream, more accessible, bigger audience.
ReplyDeletePost-show? Interesting. Ah as in the absolute end of the show when the attendance start tot return home?
That *is* a's annoying.
I can't be mad at that, expand their audience, and the Facebook game gives those who can't be there in a person a taste of Axxess, more than the main show, two thumbs up!
Del Rio, what a guy, ah so Dos Caras *will* be there! It's true, a full-bloodied Mexican defending the World Title on the biggest wrestling event in the world - that in it'self is a huge deal!
Absolutely, crossover means wider appeal, easy money!
Hehe Eastern. I love it when they talk in shoot and character at the same time. And it's always nice to hear a little backstory. *camera snap*
Brock on Twitter - sure.
Ah was there anyone else *suit*able for the job? No doubt, my funny brother keps on pointing out "He's a Millionaire who should be a Billionaire!"
1. ?
2. SummerSlam 1992 in Wembly...fair enough that was a lifetime ago. Unfortunately wrestling isn't as popular here as it used to be, that being said, the social media expansion is always a good help. Indeed.
3. Hehehe ♫ Why does it always rain on me? Reminds me of that Kofi interview hahaha. Would Cena and Rock have their third and final match at EXtreme Rules? Another year would be too long.
4. I dunno, of course WWE Hall of Famer Steve Austin was an Attitude Era staple, Vince himself called him "The Greatest Superstar of All Time" and he was the biggest draw
5. News to me, I'm afraid I've never heard of UWF.
WWE's marketing is top-notch.
ReplyDeleteI'm picturing it being interviews with people who had matches and analysis of the show.
It's sadly not that uncommon to see really obvious errors in wrestling pieces.
Ha! I do think there was a lot of truth in Punk's promo about that. WWE makes a LOT of money, but there are some areas that could be improved upon.
As for questions,
1. RF Video published ECW's videos back when it was in business, and apparently they still have the rights to do so for some reason. I would have assumed that WWE owned the rights to everything.
2. There were definitely UK PPVs after that, just none that were "major" (Insurrexion and Rebellion). I don't even know if they were shown in the States.
3. Rock was at least one point set for ER, so we'll see. Rock/Brock was the rumored idea at the time of the WM30 press conference.
4. I'd be very interested to see where Austin would have gone if not for the style of the Attitude Era. He showed some "Stone Cold" qualities in ECW, then became The Ringmaster in WWF: WCW and WWF (pre-Attitude Era) really missed out on his potential as a character.
5. Yeah, it hasn't been heavily publicized, and I focus on WWE and TNA. They really played into the hip hop, gangster vibe. The owner worked with Paul Heyman in the original (extreme) ECW.