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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Raw Reax - 4/8/13

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.

Bizarre opening segment. I like the idea of Cena vs. Henry but it seems like they totally called an audible there. This must be why Henry beat Ryback clean. This is what can happen when you rely on someone who's only in WWE part-time and has other commitments. Now, instead of building a new star in Ryback, they rebuilt Henry to be at Cena's level. Short-term gain vs. long-term loss. Anyway, Cena was back to his stupid jokes. He's facing the World's Strongest Man who has put people on the shelf he's so brutal. He should be treating this as a serious threat.

Not a bad opening contest for what it was. I'm a big Bryan fan, so I wasn't crazy about him losing. However, it's worth seeing what they have with Big E. I'm sure there will be plenty of complaints about pushing another  big power guy. I really don't think there's anything new to be said on the subject: WWE (read: Vince) likes big power guys and pushes them. Sometimes they succeed and sometimes they fail.

Honestly that's not a bad idea for a show but that had nothing to do with wrestling. They could have easily parlayed people getting second chances to Barrett getting a second chance at The Miz. WWE misses an embarrassing amount of free throws and layups sometimes.

Damned good Intercontinental Title match. And people say Miz "can't wrestle". The only issue I have is Miz only being Champion for a day. I get that they wanted to start Mania with a babyface moment. Why not just have Barrett get DQ'd at Mania, then take Miz's finisher and Miz stand tall with the title? Again, inconsistency is an issue here.

Good to see Sheamus fired up. This is how you act when you have an issue with a heel.

Nice segment with Booker and Orton. Is a GM feud incoming?

Good Colter promo, but that's to be expected.

#&@&$$*&. Bad business move by WWE. We paid to see Swagger vs. Del Rio last night. Why essentially give the rematch away for free? That's telling everyone who saw it last night that they wasted their money. That said, it was a really good match and I wouldn't mind a third round.

What!? That was kind of a surprise. Not sure why they pulled the trigger there. I'm a big fan of Ziggler and think he's World Champion material, but yes, it's inconsistent that they had him lose the tag title match and now he's World Champion. They obviously changed their minds on where to put him on the card. I'm willing to see how it plays out, though. I just hope they have plans in mind for Del Rio and Swagger because both men were really impressive.

I was hoping we'd get a longer promo from Taker out of respect to Bearer. I liked the segment and hope it leads to something cool at any rate.

Cool promo from Ziggler. I hope they don't treat him like Orton or Swagger as World Champs.

They didn't have time for Taker to cut a promo for Bearer but they had time for this!? Maybe this was to appease the locker room for so many people not getting to be part of either Mania or the pre-show. The match meant nothing, though, unless WWE decides to get behind any of them. I see them all staying pretty much where they are.

Fine Orton/Sheamus segment. I think they can tell a good story involving the two of them and Show.

I liked the other set of promos with Orton, Sheamus, and Show, too.

I'm a little surprised that Orton was that much more popular than Sheamus. His character's definitely cooler than a goofy Irish stereotype, though.

Cool match between Sheamus and Orton. Orton changed up his "moves of doom" at the end, so hopefully the self-proclaimed "smart" marks will give him a break for once. Anyway, they told a good story and that's what a lot of younger wrestlers don't do.

Cool post-match, too. I'm liking this story.

So much for that match. I was hoping to see what Fandango would do, but it made sense to do more with Jericho.

If that's not leading to another Fandango/Jericho match before Jericho leaves, I'm going to be pissed. Sacrificing Fandango to put over someone who's leaving again is self-destructive.

Fine Heyman segment, I guess. You'd figure that he'd be more pissed that his guys lost, but I can see why he'd feel the way he does.

Did they really just have the comedy guys beat Rhodes and Sandow clean?
I think I might actually have to say I prefer TNA's booking now.

Not super impressed with Henry vs. Cena. It usually takes more than that to beat Henry. And of course Cena was a total goof.

WOW! That was actually a cool ending. Cena vs. Henry vs. Ryback could be a good thing if it elevates Ryback. Of course, that would mean that Cena takes him as a serious threat and Henry doesn't squash him. I don't have much faith that WWE will get behind Ryback instead of Cena.

That's it for a crazy Raw. More wrestling coming up, and Blue Echo podcasts later in the day.


  1. So begins the new "season" with Cena - boo! Seriously, I like the fact that Henry is going for the WWE Title, he had a healthy World Title reign in 2011 and perhaps he's to add a similar accolade soon. *Is* it a long-term loss? Ryback and his career are young, he'll have an absolute abundance of various title reigns. Mark is a veteran but not but not as old as The Undertaker where a World Title reign is almost completely out of the question. True that.

    Similar feelings here, good for Big E. to look strong though, it's not like he's the World Champion now, he's has to win a match every now and then.

    Barrett didn't really get a "second" chance per say, Miz got a chance at 'Mania then Barrett having lost the title got his one chance to win it back.
    Groovy match indeed, some good sequences especially near the end. People are saying Miz "can't wrestle"? too? Do these people actually watch their matches? That would have been a good idea, then Barrett could have held the title for over 100 days.

    It was fabulous Orton bringing up his father's and Booker T's WWE Hall of Fame status. A feud between Vickie and Booker T?

    I see what you mean but it wasn't the only match at WrestleMania, however it does decrease the match's significance but that being said the one at 'Mania was a one-on-one contest for the World Title, sometimes they have a similar match like a tag-team *before* the PPV.

    He cherry picks his moment!!! Ah! Dolph Ziggler is the new World Heavyweight Champion! Yes seems like you need the momentum, I guess Big E.'s win shows that despite the loss at 'Mania, Ziggler's stable is still going strong. And the fact that he didn't have a ton of momentum solidifies that the Money in the Bank cash-in can occur at *any* moment. Triple Threat is on the cards!

    Absolutely couldn't agree more, I'd have loved for Taker to have more time. But my goodness, I went crazy *crazy* when he and Team Hell No stuck the signature arm raise...*Crazy*!

    Aha and how did "they" (business or fans?) treat those two?

    Agreed, what 3MB needs is a mean streak, like The Shield, attack people after matches, cheat to win, be bad people!

    Yep, Orton'll definitely get a better ovation, he's been here longer, done more things, ah Orton, forgetting his line but he covered that up well. I'm surprised you didn't mention the madness of the crowd. It's definitely a more serious feud.

    Fair dues but argh, Kofi, what happened?

    It was a crazy night for Paul E. Dangerously, his two guys facing off against the two Legends who battled in a Hell in a Cell last year! Defimnite despondence from Paul E. Dangerously.

    Hahaha Jimmy, I don't know what they wanna do with these guys which is a shame, both Rhodes and Sandow are future World Champions.

    True. Cena was goofy during the match? That *was* a groovy ending, I don't see this as a heel turn for Ryback though, just a statement. A Triple Threat between three huge guys *whistles* Cena probably will emerge victorious but after The Rock he needs a big challenge just like last year.

    Da Na - Da Na Na Na Na Na Da Da Na Na DaDa Daa Da Na NaNaNaNaa!

  2. I don't really mind Cena as Champion IF it leads to something good for someone else when he loses it.

    Ryback's still in that crucial stage where he could either become a credible main eventer or another failed push. If they don't take advantage of him, I think they're shooting themselves in the foot. My point was that a win over Henry would have done more for him than Henry getting the win, since Henry's already so credible.

    I meant a second chance at beating Miz, but I see what you're saying. And yes, some people can't stand Miz as a wrestler even though he's wrestled over a decade and has more than 1000 matches to his name.

    As always, I think a feud between non-wrestlers should in some way benefit the wrestlers.

    I'm not crazy about people in big feuds facing off on TV a lot, unless it's just a taste for a longer match on PPV (like a free sample which makes you want to buy the whole product). It made sense in hindsight since Ziggler cashed in, but it doesn't sit well with me for them to basically give away a match that we just paid to see (yes, Colter was technically involved, but it was primarily Swagger vs. Del Rio).

    My beef is that it makes Ziggler kind of look like a fluke. He loses a LOT, and doesn't look like a credible World Champion. He looks like an (upper?) midcarder who lucked his way into the gold. That doesn't elevate him as much as bring the title down. It used to be that being champion meant that you were THE guy. Now it looks more like a prop.

    I thought that was a cool moment as well.

    I'm not sure what you mean about how people treated Sheamus and Orton.

    I'm ok with 3MB being comedy guys for now, since not everyone can be a super-mean heel. They're not all that important to the grand scheme of things. Down the line, I can see the need to make them more serious, but right now they're kind of "extras".

    I mentioned the crowd in other posts. I think Orton being something of anti-hero helps him, too.

    They're definitely hot and cold on Kofi.

    WWE has something of a hierarchy. They book certain guys (HHH, Brock, Taker, Cena) way before worrying about Rhodes and Sandow. Since the script changes so much, they don't put much time into thinking of what to do with everyone.

    I'm thinking Cena started dancing or something in the match? That kind of thing is what turns some people off of him.

    And I'm thinking we might just be in for Cena vs. Ryback. Time will tell. I hope that even in a loss Ryback looks good.

  3. Oh and I played the Fandangoing clip for my coworkers. I'm taking that they didn't really know what to make of it.

  4. Absolutely, to beat John Cena and take the WWE Championship, whether you do it fairly or otherwise, is *always - massive*.

    Oh yes, fair dues, the young ones need the focus, they need the wins.

    Fair enough. Geez, that just seems to be the thing to say, it's basically a longer version of "you suck".

    It's fun to see no doubt about that and I suppose it could add fire to a feud.

    I see, but it was a free sample, it happened after the product was "consumed" but the stakes and the stage of their Raw match doesn't measure up to a WrestleMania World Title match.

    Definitely see what you mean there; winning the Money in the Bank means you are World Champion material not just a lucky climber. Don't quite get the prop comment though.

    Simply fabulous!

    You said of Ziggler "I hope they don't treat him like Orton or Swagger as World Champs"

    Fair dues, they don't have to be Mark Henry-mean just a little jerkier to give them more heel heat.

    Oh alright then, absolutely.

    Now he's the US Champion! *Shrugs* I hope he uses this as a springboard to a World Championship *this year*.

    Booking the biggest guys/draws first makes perfect sense, but neglecting others, even if they appear for a short amount of time in the revised scripts.

    (How did I miss that?) Really, his goofiness? Well he knows he 's the main guy to not only inspire the younger demographic but to keep them entertained.

    Hmm looks like it, indeed.

  5. I've specifically heard people say that one of the reasons that they don't watch PPVs anymore is that a lot of the matches will be on other PPVs or on TV, so they don't feel bad if they miss it. I think more people would buy PPVs if there was a sense of urgency and that they felt like they'll really miss something spectacular if they don't tune in. It's like going to the movies: if it's going to be on TV for free within a few weeks, why bother?

    Vince Russo (in)famously compared championships to props - basically saying that they're just there to make someone look important (like a crown in a play signifying a king). This is one reason he was presumably ok with it changing hands so many time when he was a booker. He's technically right about it being a prop (since you don't really "win" it. The company gives it to you), but a lot of people get upset hearing that because they view the championship as important. Championships have definitely lost some importance over the years (the Divas' Champ and U.S. Champ weren't at Mania).

    But yeah, the old school approach is that you win the title when you are THE guy. Now, they give someone the title to make them more important. It's strange. I see the logic behind what they do, but I can see the idea of keeping the title paramount as well. Title matches used to be pretty exclusive to big events, I think (which made them more important).

    Orton, Swagger, and Rey Mysterio all had dismal reigns as World Champions years ago. They looked like they just got lucky to be Champion. Orton looked so bad that fans refer to looking like a chump and losing the title within a few months as being/getting "Ortoned" - the very night after he lost the title, he was left in a heap by HHH, Flair, and Batista. There was no happy ending - they just dominated him and eventually took his title. I think Mysterio lost like every week on TV as Champion leading to losing the title on PPV. They wouldn't have done that to Bruno Sammartino or Hulk Hogan. I think that's one reason why they were so successful.

    I feel like Kofi's like Christian from a few years ago (before leaving for TNA and even for a while after he came back). They think he's a good worker, and give him mid-level titles, but he doesn't look like he's going to break through the glass ceiling.

    This could be "nostalgia goggles" talking, but it seemed like in the '90s, everyone had a story.

    I think there's a time for some goofiness, but when Cena's facing the World's Strongest Man, who's had a big path of destruction in the past couple of years and put people on the shelf, I think he should treat it seriously. If he's facing 3MB or something, it's a little different, but Mark Henry should be seen as a big threat.

  6. I see and I understand but there are matches that only occur at PPV's Undertaker vs. CM Punk for example and even if they were to wrestle outside of WrestleMania, it wouldn't be for the Streak. Take the Del Rio/Swagger matches, which would you rate higher, the one at 'Mania or Raw? Everyone brings their A-Game to a PPV and the stakes are always higher, you don't see Money in the Bank ladder matches even on Raw. You can watch as many trailers of the movie but won't get the full experience unless you go to the movies.

    True that, totally understood. Then again the Title doesn't make the Superstar/Diva, it's t'other way 'round.
    Dolph has been battling main eventers since 2011 and getting a lot of support from the live audience for a while.
    Of course, that is a disappointment, I'm hoping they'll increase in value like the Tag Team Championships last summer.
    Yes absolutely the title matches happening on PPV's should be the only way, it *does* give them more value.

    Ohhhh Orton's *first* World Title reign.

    That's definitely what it looks like, Christian eventually broke through though, albeit temporarily, injures have really hampered him. I hope Kofi breaks through more permanently.

    "Nostalgia goggles"? It *is* true though.

    Fair dues.

  7. I get that PPV matches are almost always bigger than what's on free TV, but I still hold to the notion that you can have too much "given away" between performers to where people get tired of it and won't pay to see them anymore. I think that's one reason why Brock, Rock, etc. are effective. We don't see them wrestle but every so often. If Rock and Cena had a number of rematches between last year's Mania and this one, them facing off again wouldn't be as important (or likely as successful).

    I think titles can definitely elevate talents if the booking's right. It signifies that you've made it (if the title is prestigious).

    I don't necessarily think that you should ONLY do title matches on PPVs. They just need to be important. If the Olympics happened every year, they wouldn't be as big of a deal. I think that's one reason why TNA cut down to 4 PPVs this year: when they do have a PPV, it's a bigger event.

    Vince doesn't really see Christian as a top guy (or at least hasn't in the past). Injuries have definitely been a setback. I can really see Kofi falling in the same boat.

    Here's the long version of what the nostalgia filter is: Briefly though, it's the "everything was better back in MY day" mentality where we're biased towards what we grew up with. A lot of people have this with the Attitude Era.

  8. Ohhh yes now I see what you mean, and yes you're right, NFL and AFL don't have another match after the Super Bowl.

    I see what you mean but I think titles mostly solidify a star's spot - so and so is "World Championship material" Every title should be seen as prestigious.

    Absolutely agreed. Undertaker on Raw, not a PPV but still very important. Just 4 a year, goodness similar to WWE's own Big Four.

    Why not, because he's not muscle-bound? Like you said, Kofi's already there, I want him to break out, I'll say that 'till it goes outta style.

    Oh yes, it's a helpful website, I understand, I hope my goggle's are off when I say it *is* true though about everyone about everyone having a story in the '90's.

  9. And that's what makes the Super Bowl special: it's only once a year.

    It really depends on the title with me - there have been titles that were pretty much decorations (TNA's Knockouts Tag Titles currently fit this). But generally, you're right.

    WWE used to just have those Big 4. Hell, they used to just have Mania!

    Vince definitely likes the bigger wrestlers. He's in a very '80s mentality.

    It certainly seemed like they were more on the ball in a lot of ways back then.

  10. There you go.

    I don't watch TNA so I can't make a valid rebuttal.

    True that! Goodness, just one PPV a crazy must *that* have been!?

    Goodness...I've said it before; I really want to give Vince McMahon and in-depth interview.

    It is true, hopefully things get better from here on out, even if everything was fantastic there's room for improvement.

  11. I keep recommending TNA. There are less logic holes there than in WWE. Stories are more coherent. Matches aren't generally just thrown out there, etc..

    In some ways, it was better that they just had one PPV a year and didn't have so many hours a week of content to fill. It used to just be Vince and Pat Patterson booking things for months out at a time. Now they've easily got over a dozen writers, and there are agents who pipe in with ideas, too. Some would say that there are too many chefs in the kitchen, though the consensus seems to be that most of the blame is on Vince.

    Vince has a very interesting history - expanding his dad's territory from the Northeast to all over the world, changing "wrestling" into "sports entertainment", etc.. Some are of the theory that he doesn't like being seen as a "wrestling promoter" as much as a media mogul who makes movies and such.

  12. Fair dues, I just gotta get 'round to it.

    If they used, everyone or as many wrestlers as they possibly could, every week then everyone would have a story, each week without others having to take most of the work. Too many chefs in the kitchen - cater for a larger party.

    Hmmm I'll have to agree with ya there, kinda strange being this is W *W* E but wrestling is still the main focus, it's the most successful wrestling company on Earth (and maybe beyond) and he wants as many branchs as possible.

  13. There's a definite danger of having too many people and not enough time - if they tried to fit in EVERYONE it could get really chaotic. I liked the brand split because they didn't have a huge roster to fit on every week, but used everyone pretty well.

    Vince is in a really weird position: he runs a company best known for something (wrestling) he wants to call something else! I wonder if HHH sees it as entertainment or wrestling, since he's a pretty old-school guy.

  14. Okay maybe not everyone but more than they have now, too right, I was a big fan of the brand s[lit, they even had brand-exclusive PPV's.

    Heheheh. I simply couldn't tell ya.

  15. I liked the competition between Raw and Smackdown; how each show wanted to be the best and steal each other's talent. It was in some ways like WWF vs. WCW (and I think that was the idea).

    I'm really curious to know what HHH will do when he takes the reigns.

  16. Ex-actly - I really can't add any more to that, I'd just be repeating.

    Change is always interesting.
