Read on for my thoughts on yesterday's Superstars and Impact Wrestling.
I liked Alicia vs. Naomi for what it was. It's good for performers to get experience, even if the match isn't important in the grand scheme of WWE storylines.
I liked Mahal vs. Ryder as well. Mahal's coming along nicely. I wonder what things look like for Slater, McIntyre and Mahal post-3MB (not that I think they should break up anytime soon).
Impact Wrestling:
Nice opening segment to set things in place for the returns of Anderson and Jones.
I really liked the MEM/Roode segment. It was really straightforward to move a few angles further on. TNA's getting its ducks in a row right now.
Wow. That was a pretty intense brawl. I hope they don't overdo it to the point where it would be hard to logically finish the feud with a match.
I wonder how much we'll be seeing of Pacman going forward.
Interesting stuff with Aces and Eights. I guess there's still a LITTLE BIT of life left in this angle.
I liked the Knockouts match. They all worked hard and told a good story.
Oh, I really like the tease of Gail facing other female wrestlers. TNA rebuilding the Knockouts division would be great.
I liked the AJ video. They're doing a good job with things tonight. If this is what things look like post-Hogan and Bischoff, it's a good sign.
Ehh, I think after Bully vs. Anderson, it's time to give Bully's character a break. The act's pretty stale.
I liked the Carters segment. They make a great duo.
Ugh. Aces and Eights is still a thing. At least we don't have Aces and Eights Wolfpac yet. Maybe Anderson winning at Turning Point will be the stake through the heart this angle needs.
Ehh, not crazy about more Roode and Angle tonight. Save some of it for later.
I liked the EC3 squash to keep his momentum going.
I didn't dislike the EY/Park/Bad Influence segment. I wonder how much more they can get out of Joseph Park's character now that Abyss is back.
Funny stuff from Bad Influence. Not a bad way to keep that feud going. I'm guessing maybe Park and Abyss vs. Bad Influence at Turning Point to figure out if they're the same person?
I liked the Aries/Angle/Roode segment. The tournament idea's being implemented well.
I think they might have crammed too many big spots/bumps in one segment there. I appreciate the effort, but less can be more.
More wrestling coming up.
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