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Monday, November 25, 2013

Survivor Series Reax - 11/24/13

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Survivor Series PPV.
I'm old enough to remember Booker and Foley as active wrestlers (Bret was in WCW by the time I started watching wrestling and retired shortly thereafter). Where has all the time gone?

I liked the little segment with Rey's team. Those simple little things are what build babyfaces!

I'm pretty hyped for Punk and Bryan teaming.

Oh, dear God. Don't we get enough of these three on commentary on Mondays?

No way. I thought for sure we were in for a softball babyface win to warm the crowd up. But the idea of building Miz post-heel turn makes sense.

How is Orton just a diamond in the rough? He's one of the most decorated champions of all time! If he retired right now, he'd still be a future Hall of Famer given all his accomplishments.

Survivor Series:
No interference in any match!? I'm a little shocked. Maybe they want to please some of the fans who are tired of that. It does get to the point where you wonder why those in charge haven't put a stop to it.

I #*$*%ing love Zeb. He's so perfect in his role. I've run into people like him in N.C. and he's not that unbelievable as a character.

Really awesome opening contest. Glad they have Reigns the rub there. He just got a pretty big boost from that win and I hope it means something for him. Let's not jump the gun and try to figure out if he'll be a multiple-time WWE/World Champion, headline Mania, etc.. Right now, let's just look at Reigns being elevated and having the potential to be a bigger part of the show.

Interesting tension between Orton and Haitch. I think I might actually be OK with seeing them fight one more time.

Fine little IC Title match. Both Big E and Axel have potential. They've just got to find their ways. It won't happen overnight, but it could happen with either or both performers.

Good post-match promo to establish Big E as a babyface.

I liked the Divas segment for AJ's heelishness.

Good Divas match for what it was. I'm not a fan of throwing that many people in a match at once, generally. Battle royal matches and the Rumble are different beasts, but brief matches like this get cluttered with all the fast eliminations.

My Spidey sense is tingling for the WWE Title match.

No surprises with Henry coming out to face Ryback. It makes sense. I would have popped for a Gillberg/Gillback appearance, though.

Not really shocked to see Henry get the big win. They need an established babyface in the main event mix.

I liked the analysis before the World Title match.

Cena vs. Del Rio was really good. I'm sure WWE will get flack for Cena winning and the Five Moves of Doom, but I enjoyed the match itself as both men really worked hard and told a good story.

I'm starting to believe the IWC complaint that WWE would just totally eliminate wrestling if they could and just make toys, comedy skits, reality shows and movies. I hope the segment popped the kiddies it was aimed at.

Good Wyatt promo as always.

I really liked the tag match with Punk and Bryan. They're always A+ players in the ring. Luke Harper has been a pleasant surprise given his size. I wonder if we'll get a rematch at TLC (because what are Punk and Bryan going to do otherwise?).

Interesting post-match with Wyatt. Not that I expected him to get in the ring with Punk and Bryan.

Ooohhh... when I first heard the idea of Cena being HHH's golden boy as the ultimate face of the company to go up against Orton at Mania, I was hesitant. But it's got my interest.

A little surprised The Authority came out to help Orton win. I guess there technically wasn't outside interference. From a fast-paced, big moves "workrate" standpoint, this match was lacking. But it told a good story. Good enough to headline the show? Maybe not. But good nonetheless.

Maybe we WILL get Orton vs. Cena at Mania to unite the titles. It's been a really long time since WWE had one top champion, and people have been calling for that to change in the post-brand split days. That's something. If we still get Bryan making HHH tap (to set up going for the combined title?) at Mania, I like what I'm seeing.

More wrestling coming up.

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