Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan has expressed interest in buying partial if not majority ownership in TNA. Corgan's been a big wrestling fan for quite a while, appearing in the original ECW.
There's no definitive update on when Curtis Axel will return to the ring or if WWE will do anything about the status of the Intercontinental Championship while he's out. It's a shame that his rebranding hasn't worked out as well as some have hoped. He's got raw talent.
It should be noted that indy stars Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards have not as of yet been offered WWE deals. Neither are currently under ROH contract. I'd be interested to see how they'd do in WWE or TNA. The latter should make them offers.
Everything else from yesterday is after the break.
The New York Post looked at the current status of the WWE Network. Yep, we're still a-waitin'. I'd like to think they'd give investors more notice than a few months (say, if they announced the Network's imminent launch at the next conference call), but there's no telling.
Rob Van Dam was at the most recent Bellator event. Bellator of course has crossover with TNA. It's unknown when RVD will return to WWE, though he is still under contract. You'd think he'd want to be involved in WrestleMania season.
Dewey Barnes wrestled at a recent TNA live event, losing to Magnus. The angle is that Dixie Carter picked Barnes to prepare Magnus for the TNA World Title tournament. Magnus heel turn incoming? Not sure I like that idea, but I'll wait to see how it plays out before bashing it.
Chris Jericho talked to about Triple H's recent comments and more. Hopefully people take note of him putting a lot of work into his character and not just becoming a good wrestler. Following your dreams can also be good advice. It was cool to read the insight on his current status as a wrestler. Who's "better" between himself and HHH is purely subjective, but I think you can definitely make the case that HHH was and is the bigger star. All in all, a very good interview.
Speaking of Jericho, he was on AMC's The Talking Dead recently. Quite the popular show.
Here are photos of Andre the Giant's house, which is now up for sale. I like it!
For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. I'm a Kofi fan, but I don't know if I see him as a top guy just yet. It might take him getting pushed for us to see that side of him (we saw flashes of it in the famous Orton feud). He is only 32, so I'd like to think he'll eventually reach a higher tier.
2. Angle's going to keep going as long as he feels he can, I think. He's mentioned cutting down to a part-time schedule once his current deal expires, so he knows that the clock has to strike midnight someday.
3. Someone's a mark. Orton carries himself as a top guy and knows how to work main event matches the "WWE way". The higher-ups trust him given his longevity.
4. I don't. Might invest some day, though. Right now, I'm focused on getting through college and getting the most out of that experience. Still a while to go before I graduate...
5. I think WWE's gotten about all they can get out of Bryan vs. Orton for now. Bryan vs. HHH seems more likely (even if it's not for the title). It will be interesting to see if they finally unify the WWE and World Titles - people have wanted to see that for years.
More wrestling tomorrow.
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