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Friday, November 22, 2013

Superstars and Turning Point Reax - 11/21/2013

Read on for my thoughts on yesterday's Superstars and Turning Point (Impact Wrestling).

I liked Fandango vs. Kidd. I hope both guys grow into top-tier performers some day.

The tag match was pretty enjoyable. WWE has a lot of talents who can do good things in the ring. I just wish they'd utilize them better.

Turning Point:
I liked the opening segment with Dixie and Storm. Dixie makes a pretty good character right now in that she's a great caricature of herself. I'm not crazy about mega hardcore death matches with barbed wire and stuff. Storm and Roode don't need that kind of stuff to have a good match. I'm fine with some weapons and stuff here and there, but that match sounds overboard.

Good setup for the Falls Count Anywhere match.

I liked Magnus vs. Joe a good deal. The ending was clever. I'm liking the MEM vs. Magnus feud after initially hesitating about Magnus being heel.

Wow. They really went in deep on Park there, huh? I'm wondering where this is headed. It's OK if they throw Park under a bus if the character's being written off. They can still "save" him from that verbal smackdown if he recovers strong. Though wouldn't a monstrous version of Joseph Park basically be Abyss without the mask? I'm willing to see what TNA has planned.

That worked for a really brief win for Gail. I'm curious as to who will end up knocking Gail off in this angle.

That was a nice segment to set up Storm vs. Roode.

As far as big weapons-filled gimmick matches go, that was pretty sick. I like carnage every once in a while. Interesting ending with Gunner. I'm not excited about a Gunner/Storm feud, but maybe it could work.

Those semifinal matches look nice. TNA has some good talent.

That's definitely the most I've ever cared about Samuel Shaw. I'm willing to see what he's got.

No more Norv and Dewey? :( Looking forward to EC3's segment, though. I'm guessing he'll face Shark Boy.

Ending Aces and Eights would be an early Christmas present.

Good stuff with Angle. Magnus vs. Angle could be a barnburner.

EC3 and Shark Boy did more ring psychology there than some people do in a much longer match. Basic storytelling can go a long way.

And the EC3 train continues. Glad they're not trying to do too much with him too soon.

I enjoyed the Carter/Angle/Roode segment. Good main event for next week.

I love that the roster is on the ramp watching the main event, since it's such a big deal storyline-wise.

Thank God it's finally over. I wasn't crazy about the match itself, but that's likely just because the story's been drawn out so long.

Nice ending to the Aces and Eights angle. Now they can move on to something new.

More wrestling coming up.

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