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Thursday, January 8, 2015

Query on GFW on TV in 2015, 2015 WWE PPVs, Kaitlyn on leaving WWE, Interviews with Bryan/Dixie, ECW's Zombie passes away, Smackdown audience, TNA press, more on "fired" WWE names, and Questions on WWE booking (as always), and Pillman in the Hall

First up, a query:
1. There hasn't been anything about GFW doing any kind of TV tapings or anything just yet, but I do expect something to be announced on that front in 2015. GFW won't be a big deal overnight, but there's potential for them to get their footing in the coming year.

Here's the schedule of WWE PPVs for 2015. And you can see them all for $9.99 a month!

Former WWE Diva Kaitlyn talked about her departure. She seems to be doing pretty well for herself after wrestling.

Daniel Bryan said he wants to compete with Brock Lesnar in 2015. I definitely want to see that at WM31. There's no reason they can't have him win the Rumble and have Brock retain so Bryan can take the belt in Santa Clara. Glad to see him give props to Cesaro, too.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Tim Arson, who was The Zombie on the original episode of WWE's ECW brand on Sci-Fi, has passed away. PWInsider has a look back at his career and life. I can definitely see the HHH influence. Props to him for making a lot of money on what could have been a death knell for his career. He'll be missed.

The most recent Smackdown got 2.58 million viewers. The Friday night era's coming to an end. I hope that means good things for ratings.

Dixie Carter gave an interview about TNA's move to Destination America:

- Honestly, I'm willing to give the product (yet another) chance to succeed. They seem to have some real plans for making it something new and different. The roster will be important, though.

- As for going back to Universal Studios, I don't know if they should do that full-time unless it's really cost-efficient. Orlando, NYC, maybe Pennsylvania... move around a bit.

- I'm curious to see how they do on Fridays.

Here's a piece with Dixie Carter and Kurt Angle talking about the move

- I don't think it was actually supposed to be ninjas who kidnapped Samoa Joe, but I appreciated the reference. No one involved will ever live that one down.

- It looks like TNA's going for the audience who's used to watching Smackdown on Fridays looking for their wrestling fix. That's honestly not a bad idea.

Dixie Carter missed the live Impact special because she was representing the company at a television critics association. They did fine without her.

WWE pulled Dolph Ziggler, Erick Rowan, and Ryback from live events. WWE could say they were already contracted to be on those shows or something. I appreciate the commitment to kayfabe, but the shows are pretty thin right now. Maybe some NXT names will get those spots instead?

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. Seth Rollins in the title picture, Daniel Bryan back in the ring, more NXT callups, Sting vs. HHH... Keep in mind the average fan cares more about Roman Reigns than talents like Cesaro and Tyson Kidd, doesn't know anything about Ring of Honor, and doesn't read "dirt sheets".

2. The Authority were the ones who gave Brock the title shot at Summerslam to begin with. Maybe Vince isn't the one who lost the plot? It's actually pretty clever for Brock to work with Rollins as insurance against Rollins trying to cash in.

3. I thought people hated "PGWWE" and wanted an edgier product like the Attitude Era? Rikishi ran Stone Cold over with a car, for Christ's sake. I think is was a great way to get heat on Rollins and to force Cena to save Edge. A lame ending would be Hornswoggle being revealed as the Anonymous Raw GM. This hardly compares.

4. Wyatt did say Rowan was like a big kid. Without Wyatt's programming, he was allowed to be a good guy again. Show and Wyatt are being pushed; Rowan isn't. Someone has to do the job. I like Rowan OK, but he's not as much of a priority as the people he's facing.

5. They usually don't induct the deceased, but maybe they would in his case. Stone Cold could do the induction.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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