Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown.
It's good to see Bryan get right back into the mix. I think Dean Ambrose is the only other person I'd consider having win the Rumble with him eligible to win it.
That was a pretty good first match back. It's crazy to think how much has changed since Bryan and Kane last fought. That version of Kane was a pretty unstoppable monster. Corporate Kane isn't at that same level. But that's OK, since it makes more sense to use Kane as the veteran getting other names to the next level.
I like the idea of a group of people rising up to feud with The Authority. Just don't make it too much about Cena, please.
Eleven weeks away doesn't seem like all that long, but that's a little deceiving because it's about two-and-a-half months.
Good enough Bray Wyatt promo. I am starting to think it's time for something new to his character. Either trying to recruit a new follower or starting to lay down the challenge to Taker (if that's really going to happen). I think that should come after the Rumble.
That ending was sick! Miz vs. Mizdow is being set up pretty well. I think the Rumble's a great place to turn Mizdow face, or at least really tease it. I want to see him refuse to eliminate himself once Miz is thrown out. The action of this six-person match was pretty good. I do think we've seen The Usos feud with pretty much everyone on the heel side and it's time to do something new.
Way to gloss over the feud Bryan had with The Shield. I don't particularly want to see anyone on this team turn heel, but I could see WWE doing it with Reigns.
I really liked the Rollins/Heyman segment. Rollins' character's been interesting lately. Theoretically ig Rollins can cash in AT ANY TIME, that would include when the champ isn't there. Would he then win by forfeit? A win by countout wouldn't give him the WWE Title, but I would think both men would need to be in the ring for one of them to be counted out. Anyway, I kind of want to see Rollins as champion. It would do some damage to not have Brock be champion going into WM31, but I think it'd be mostly worth it. Rollins vs. Ambrose for the title to headline would be great.
I liked the Divas match well enough. I'd like to see the division get something of a rehaul, but I don't think that's happening while Total Divas is a thing.
I hope we're not in for another Kane/Big Show feud. Never again!
Ambrose is pretty great. I can definitely see people getting C.M. Punk/Steve Austin/Roddy Piper vibes from him. I hope Management feels the same way.
I really liked the main event. It's good to see Ambrose, Rollins, and Bryan in important places on the card. I really missed seeing Bryan wrestle.
Fine ending to set up next week's show. I look forward to another round of Bryan vs. Kane.
More wrestling coming up.
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