David Otunga returned to the ring at a recent live event, teaming with Titus O'Neil in a loss to Los Matadores. I didn't see that one coming at all. My guess is he's just being used to fill in while Heath Slater's situation is being sorted out since he's still under contract, but it's worth noting they actually had him wrestle a match. I think that would be a good team as far as mic skills/intangibles go, but I don't know if they're good enough in-ring wrestlers for it to work out.
There are conflicting reports of the audience number for Wednesday's Impact Wrestling. An official press release is likely coming soon, which should give a better estimate. I went with the number being reported by more mainstream sources. It almost certainly hurts TNA to have the lower number floating around. I almost reported that number before seeing there was a dispute over it.
There is expected to be a lot of advertisement for the next episode of Impact Wrestling across Discovery's channels. There's also expected to be an ad in the "USA Today". Hopefully that all helps them!
Everything else from yesterday is after the break.
Dixie Carter was in attendance at one recent Impact taping, although interestingly she was watching from the crowd instead of being backstage. Maybe she wanted to cheer on her nephew?
TNA is setting tapings for March in the old Impact Zone, and is also looking to tape there in April and May. It might not be the same soundstage, but it will be in Universal Studios.
TNA filmed a lot of material backstage and in the streets of NYC. I'm not sure why they did so much of that, since the crowd in attendance had no way of seeing it. Maybe it will be worth seeing on TV, though.
There were a lot of people bruised and banged up from recent TNA tapings. I can't say I'm really surprised given how hard they were going at it in some matches.
TNA Lockdown is set for February 6, which is the earliest it's been held. I wonder if they'll do any other big shows before Slammiversary.
WWE is rumored to be close to a deal with clothing company Tapout. That would be pretty interesting given that company's association with MMA.
Alicia Fox talked about wrestling and Total Divas. Who would have thought Edge and Vickie's wedding planner and DJ Gabriel's valet would have outlasted all three!? She's stuck around and had some consistently good matches.
AJ Lee shot down the rumors of her being pregnant. There's always a rumor of someone being pregnant...
In the latest conflict of kayfabe vs. press, John Cena put out a tweet congratulating Triple H's recent hall of fame induction before deleting it, then clarifying it as him respecting a "rival". I think it's valid to criticize Cena for supporting the man who "fired" three members of his team and is constantly out to screw him on WWE TV. I'm starting to think wrestlers should have accounts for kayfabe and accounts for their off-screen lives. Sometimes those two dimensions are closely entwined, and sometimes they're really in conflict, like here.
Jeff Hardy was checked on by doctors after taking a nasty fall during the Lockdown taping. I really hope he turns out OK. That was pretty scary-looking.
For my take on yesterday's PWInsider.com questions:
1. Didn't Ryback say he was taking Punk's moves? I hope Itami does use it eventually, but I think most WWE fans will associate the move with Punk. Hopefully WWE will clarify who used the move first!
2. A success on DA is different from a success on Spike. If TNA draws money for DA and grows them as a network, I think they're a success from that perspective.
3. I can't wait for him to return to the match he debuted in. The BOyal Rumble is almost here!
4. I'm under the impression Lawler isn't a big fan of doing commentary anyway, so they might have moved him to Smackdown to lessen his load as a top announcer and transition someone younger into things. I'm with you on not being a fan of either man's commentary. I'd like to see Christian do commentary, but I don't know if he's sticking around past his current contract. Would they put him on commentary for just a year or so and have to change teams again not too long after?
5. I don't think NXT is THAT big of a priority for them right now. It is ultimately about getting people ready for the main roster instead of being a feature show in of itself. That mentality is changing a bit, but I don't think we'll see much of NXT outside the WWE Network except to plug NXT specials.
6. WWE apparently got a pretty sweet deal with Rogers. I hope the latter expands the Network, but those other carriers in Canada are kind of at their mercy in that regard.
More wrestling tomorrow.
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