Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact Wrestling.
I enjoy the little recaps Impact starts with.
I love how important the World Title is to everyone in TNA. It should be the ultimate goal for pretty much everyone there (Knockouts withstanding).
Mike Bennett is laughably average. It worries me he's actually a World Title contender.
I don't think I really want to see Maria vs. Reby. I mean, they need new Knockouts feuds, but I'm skeptical about that one.
There's continuity with Bennett having issues with Matt. I'd like to think Matt could carry him like Drew has.
People still make Three Stooges jokes in 2016?
Bennett's pretty forced into this dynamic. "Take me seriously, too!"
- EC3 vs. M. Hardy/Tyrus/Spud/Reby:
Tyrus is a pretty fun mastadon. You need some big monsters in wrestling.
The heel work here in on point. I like when a babyface isn't assured of overcoming the odds every time.
Spud's a great heel. Really someone you want to see get his ass kicked because he's such a weasel.
That was fine for getting heat on the heels. Hopefully EC3 stomps Bennett into next week.
This is a pretty fun show when it is total nonstop action, going from segment to segment seamlessly. That was a good setup for the next match.
- EC3/Beer Money vs. M. Hardy/Tyrus/Bennett:
I'm glad to see Tyrus get to be a big monster in TNA. He had too much competition for that role in WWE.
Beer Money is an incredible team. They have a lot of fire. I hope we see Roode's fire in WWE or NXT soon.
That was a pretty good ending to keep heat on The Matt Hardy Brand. I don't know if that's their official faction name, but it should be.
Drew vs. Jeff should be interesting. I'm curious to see what Jeff can do, as I was under the impression he needed another surgery on his leg.
So, Maria's basically the puppetmaster of the Knockouts division now. She must have some kind of manipulation powers to have gotten Bennett hired.
Not sure why the Bro-mans are somewhat suddenly back together, but I'm willing to give it a chance.
Poor Eli Drake. He might want to see if Micah will answer his calls given the state of Drake's current career.
- Velvet vs. Madison:
Madison might end up the last Beautiful Person standing in a few weeks.
I kind of like the idea of these two knowing each other so well that the match is even.
That was an OK match overall. This division is definitely missing something without Taryn and Kong.
If they did want to write Velvet off at these tapings, it would make sense for Madison to be the one to send her packing given their history.
That was a pretty good promo from Galloway. Profanity's usually pretty cheap, but Drew's a talented guy.
I would be more than OK with Pope becoming a wrestler again. He should have been TNA Champion.
Lashley vs. Pope could really be fun to watch.
DUDE. If Pope's willing to be a wrestler again, I say go for it.
Bobby Lashley is a force of nature in the ring. WWE missed the boat on him; he was probably brought in and pushed too early there.
I love that Pope's not giving up, no matter what.
Oh, man. That Jeff promo was some Roman Reigns/John Cena shit.
I hope WWE's watching Eric Young's promo here. He can be money.
Eric Young can be a really insane heel.
Robbie tho and Jessie tho might be in for an ass-kicking if they don't tread lightly.
They might need DJ Z on their side to stand a chance against EY and Bram.
- EY/Bram vs. Bro-mans:
I miss the teaming of the Bro-mans. They're doing well as a duo here.
Damn. Robbie and Jessie are making the most of this TV time.
WOW. Didn't see the Bro-mans winning. Based on that ending, we could be in for EY vs. Bram before these tapings end.
Oh, I forgot about Grado's celebration.
WHOA. Al Snow just kicked all kinds of ass.
I like Helms working with Trevor Lee.
Eddie is such a bland character. "Golly gee I love wrestling!" This is why so many ROH performers are hard to listen to.
Interesting situation between Eddie and Helms. I expect it to lead to Eddie vs. Trevor, which works for me. Lee needs a new challenger.
I'm SO ready for Pope vs. Lashley, even if Pope is kill.
- Galloway vs. J. Hardy:
Two talented veterans working together here.
Drew's one hell of a fighter.
I enjoy Jeff's wild offense. I kind of want to see him face Dean Ambrose.
This is a pretty big brawl. Most everyone goes all out on Impact.
This one's quickly getting pretty crazy.
I'm glad Drew didn't kickout of yet another finisher.
That was mostly a good match. A little "big-move" heavy, though, as is the style these days.
I'm interested in Matt vs. Drew next week.
Drew wanting another match after taking that many finishers is not something I'm a fan of.
Another big crazy brawl, for better or worse.
Two big matches next week.
More wrestling coming up.
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