Read on for my thoughts on yesterday's ROH and Smackdown.
Fun promo from Dalton Castle. He's far and away one of the best parts of ROH.
- Rush vs. Fury:
I like the tit-for-tat stuff early.
Lio can do some impressive things, but he pretty much blends in with the other ROH names.
Lio is indie af. He'll fit right in.
Fury's not bad. Lio's definitely flashier, though.
I kind of wish the frog splash ended it. That used to be a finisher, damnit!
I miss that finisher a LOT. Rush is definitely an amazing athlete.
Big moment for Lio. We'll see where he goes from here. I would have marked if someone attacked him while he was celebrating.
That gauntlet will be pretty insane. I'm sure we're in for a LONG night of flashy double-teams.
- Kongo vs. Moose:
I think this match happened in GFW.
Glad this is a different style of match. I'm liking it so far.
I'm liking Kongo so far.
Hopefully Moose doesn't get too far on the flippy side. Most people in ROH do that. Be the powerhouse.
Mostly good match. I don't really like the added flippiness in Moose's offense.
Cheeseburger has an interesting cult following. He's really popular in Japan.
Veda Scott is really boring as a character. It's the same thing every week.
- Page vs. Cedric:
BASED BJ WHITMER. I love him just beating the hell out of people.
At least Alexander's doing something interesting now. FINALLY.
That was a pretty good segment overall to actually get heat on a future tag match. They are smart enough to make Page/Gresham vs. Alexander/Whitmer, right?
- Daniels vs. Castle:
I like the psychology here. Silas is good as always.
Fun stuff with these two playing off each other.
OK, the lean competition was pretty funny.
This is impressive. Castle's doing well working with the veteran.
The Boys are a great addition to this match.
Daniels is a great heel when he's used in that manner.
I'm enjoying this! Good ringwork.
Nice stuff with The Boys and Kazarian.
Good ending.
Really good promo from Dalton. This guy better be WWE-bound someday.
They're jumping right into Zayn vs. Owens, huh?
I REALLY hope they don't have Miz do the "I can help you like I helped Daniel Bryan" thing for the 50th time.
I wonder how the Zayn/Owens feud is for people who don't know of their real-life history going back that long.
Some recap is in order here. Owens basically said he was in the business to become champion, and if that meant destroying Sami Zayn to win the NXT Title, so be it.
I'm really excited for Zayn vs. Owens. Both men are great.
I do think Zayn should have to win a match or sign a WWE contract or something before walking into a title match at Wrestlemania.
I love Owens being a smug prick.
Owens vs. Neville should be good, too. Triple threat?
Miz has a point there...
I'm glad someone pointed out Miz's Wrestlemania main event was five years ago.
- Zayn/Neville vs. Owens/Miz:
Cool to see Zayn and Neville team up. They mesh pretty well. I think they could even be tag team champions.
Impressive stuff so far. It makes sense to have Miz involved with the newer members of the main roster.
Enjoyable match going on here. I love how these four work together.
I love Miz as a heel wrestler.
I get tired of Owens powdering out.
That was a pretty solid match overall. Zayn has a lot more up his sleeves, too.
Oh, no. A bathroom segment.
The continuity of following each other to the bathroom was pretty funny, at least.
Part of me wants to see Goldust and Truth team up and win the tag team titles, but I don't think I like them as performers that much.
- Brie vs. Summer:
I'm fine with a big clustermess tag team match at WM32 between Team Brie and Team Lana.
I really hope Summer Rae becomes more of a regular in the ring.
I was kind of hoping Summer would get the upset.
Not a bad match, just not an amazing one.
Oh, wow. So much for Summer Rae.
When does Lana have her first match? I kind of want to see her beat some random American jobber in a farce of a match.
Bleehhhh. I was hoping for something bigger at WM32 for AJ, like facing Del Rio for the U.S. Title. Maybe Gallows and Anderson jump Jericho soon-ish?
Honestly, Jericho has been a really important "utility player" for WWE. He's a good hand at pretty much everything.
Man, this promo has been a breath of fresh air from Y2J.
Pretty powerful stuff to get heat on Jericho.
So, where the heck is AJ? Just waiting to make his next move?
- Dragons vs. Batrrett/Sheamus:
I'm glad Kalisto's getting a chance to show what he can do.
The Lucha Dragons are one of my favorite teams these days. They add something valuable to the WWE tag team division.
Good seeing the power of the LoN partners give them a big chance against the former NXT Tag Team Champions.
Both Dragons are impressive aerial artists.
OK, they might be going a little heavy on the acrobatics now. It's fun for a little while, but it has a time limit.
Good ending.
I really want to see Ryback adopt a Scott Steiner gimmick. I think I do like him better as a heel.
The Dudleys were definitely really aggressive in the ECW/Attitude Era days.
Good promo from Ziggler and Ambrose.
- Wyatts vs. Usos/Ambrose/Ziggler:
Good start to things.
I love a good eight-man brawl here and there.
The monstrous Wyatt Family is pretty much always a joy to watch.
Harper's a really special talent. He's got good size, great speed/agility, and an amazing look.
I like the Usos. I think they're a little overexposed/pushed at times, but they're good workers.
Ambrose is a pretty impressive guy, too.
Exciting stuff with everyone getting involved at once.
Fun ending segment.
More wrestling coming up.
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