Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
I wonder how much money Shane's worth now that he's sold off so much WWE stock.
I also wonder what the youngest generation of McMahons thinks of the family business.
Shane vs. Vince is generally pretty fun. Shane is more naturally sympathetic than HHH or Stephanie.
Damn. Shane's going pretty hard on the state of the business. I'm sure it's just "smark bait," but they eat that kind of stuff up.
Shane beating Taker is a stretch. I'm sure he'll put up a fight, but I don't see how it will be believable unless the Mean Street Posse and half of Taker's old Mania opponents run in on his behalf. That'd be odd for a face winning.
The biggest mystery here is why Taker isn't PISSED at Vince using him to do his dirty work.
I kind of want to see Shane vs. Vince now. They had a WAR at WM17.
Vince going HARD on Shane here. He's downright diabolical.
Vince taking in Shane's kids and raising them would be pretty evil.
Hmmm... maybe Taker has so much respect for Vince, he's willing to be part of this.
I'm glad Shane didn't take out a lot of security guards at the same time. He's not Brock.
- Owens vs. Neville:
Two former NXT Champions going at it.
I love Owens' interactions with the announcers.
Solid work so far. Neville has great kicks.
Nice war of different strategies.
Clever German suplex spot.
Impressive showing by both men.
Good match overall.
Cool to see Zayn on the main roster again. I think he could definitely contribute at this level. I'm a little surprised we're seeing him before WM32, but there is the injury bug to consider. Who debuts the night after Mania, then?
Cool to see the former NXT Champions in the ring together. Zayn and Neville as a team could be interesting, although neither guy is great with promos.
Whoa! Zack Ryder's on Raw!
Wow, Dolph. You walked right into that one.
- Brie vs. Summer:
I'm thrilled we're seeing more of Summer Rae in the ring, and not just because she went to school in my home state.
Why have we not seen Summer in the ring all this time? She's solid!
I wish we would have seen more of that match before Lana got involved.
Decent match. They could do more on Main Event or Superstars.
I guess Lana has learned some moves after all. I really doubt they do Brie vs. Lana one-on-one at WM32. That could be a mess.
Wait. If Dean beats Haitch, does he get put in the match with Reigns? I'm not crazy about that idea. Ambrose vs. Brock for the WWE Title could have been great.
Dean Ambrose on Oprah magazine would be amazing.
Wacky Ambrose can be fun.
Are we supposed to cheer Ambrose not wanting to do charity functions and throw out pitches at baseball games? I'm not so sure I like that.
HHH did really do a number on Roman. I'm surprised we haven't seen him back.
Haitch burying the name Roadblock, the WWE marketing team, AND Ambrose in the space of a few sentences. That's impressive even for him.
Pretty good interaction between HHH and Ambrose. I like both characters here.
- Ziggler vs. Rusev/Sheamus/Barrett:
I totally expected Barrett to be the one not involved here. I guess Del Rio's busy with something else tonight?
NICE homage to Boss Man by Barrett.
Rusev's really impressive as always.
Ziggler's perfect as the never-say-die underdog.
Good match. I'm glad Ziggler put up a fight, but didn't beat three guys.
I love the interaction between Becky and Sasha. Frenemies?
- Sasha/Becky vs. Naomina:
I guess Cameron's back to being a live event-exclusive member of Team B.A.D.
Good for the time it had.
I love Charlotte sometimes.
What in God's name is Truth up to now?
Ugh. That would have been funnier if it wasn't about potty humor.
The World's Hungriest Man.
Crazy New Day promo as always. Fun stuff all around.
- Kofi/Big E vs. Y2AJ:
Like Jericho or dislike him, they guy can sill be impressive in the ring.
New Day are very entertaining in the ring. Sometimes wrestlers are more concerned with moves than actualy telling a story with characters beyond "tough wrestler who wants to be great and win."
Fun tag team wrestling from both sides.
I'm glad AJ didn't kick out of that finisher. That's what separates WWE tag matches from ROH contests.
Incredible work from Y2AJ.
Nice Trouble in Paradise/Walls of Jericho spot.
Really good ending.
Blehhhhhh. I can't say I'm excited for another round of AJ/Jericho unless they add something fun to it.
Well, that spells the end of Y2AJ. Those shirts are collectors' items now.
NICE heel promo from Jericho. I'm glad he has some edge now.
- Kalisto vs. Breeze:
Oh hey, another NXT match.
I miss when Breeze actually did things. I wish he had more of character now.
That was pretty fun for the time it had. Both men are talented.
It's fitting Boss Man's going into the Hall of Fame the same year Taker's having another Hell in a Cell match at WM32.
I'm getting behind Kalisto. I hope he's got a big future.
Oh no. I was hoping Ryback would just be in the Andre battle royal. I'll give it a chance, though.
Good Ryback promo overall.
The Social Outcasts are a lot of fun. Obviously any wrestling company needs jobbers, but they can still have fleshed-out characters.
- Ryback vs. Axel:
Ryback is pretty impressive.
Heck, Axel's no slouch himself.
Fine match overall.
I could see Vince getting himself involved in HIAC and accidentally costing Taker the match. That would be awful for the Texas crowd, but presumably Taker would make Vince pay for it.
I enjoy Bray's promos. He's going to get stomped at Roadblock, though.
- Ambrose vs. Bray:
I love the style these two have.
These two always work together.
Wyatt can be pretty good when he's with someone he has a size advantage on.
I love the counter-wrestling here, avoiding being hit by big moves instead of begging the other to hit five finishers.
Not a surprising ending, really.
Of course Haitch is going to take advantage of this. What a jerk.
Ooohh.. maybe for their help tonight, Bray gets a crack at Roman for the WWE Title after WM32?
Nice ending to the show. I'm looking forward to Saturday.
More wrestling coming up.
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