Read on for my take on yesterday's ROH and Smackdown.
Whitmer vs. Ishii could be pretty fun. I like seeing both men beat up smaller wrestlers.
It's funny to see Veda and Cedric, considering Veda could be heading to TNA and Cedric had a WWE tryout.
I don't dislike Veda's promos.
Funny stuff with Whitmer. He's the best.
- Ishii vs. Alexander:
I'd be down to see Ishii destroy the whole ROH roster, since he's apparently the new monster.
Ishii's no-selling is impressive even by ROH standards. Cedric looks like he just got off the train from Jobberville.
This is insane. It's like Cedric's in there with Michael Meyers.
Cedric's playing off Ishii pretty well, I think.
Can Ishii kill the Young Bucks next? Push this guy to the moon.
At least we got a burial of Detroit out of this promo.
The Addiction are mostly good as heels. They get silly sometimes, though.
Nice nod to Generation Next.
It sure is TNA in here...
I'm curious to see how long they hold off Addiction vs. MCMG.
- Briscoes vs. Reno SCUM:
I'm liking the double-teaming by the Briscoes.
I'm impressed by the other team early.
Good psychology from the two locals. I wouldn't mind more from them.
This is pretty alright on the whole.
And now we're getting kind of MOVES-y.
I think that ended at just the right time.
- Tanahashi/Elgin vs. Bucks:
Uggghhhhhhhh.... Why can't NJPW keep the Bucks and let ROH have Elgin and Tanahashi?
This is trash. Way too choreographed and obviously not a match.
Elgin's mostly enjoyable.
I wish we had more power teams instead of flippy guys.
Good for Elgin talking them both out.
The abdominal stretch spot was mostly funny.
The Bucks try WAY too hard with their offense. It's a shame. Elgin and Tanahashi could actually probably carry them to a good match if they toned things down.
Elgin is a HOSS. His power's amazing. WWE needs to call this guy when his NJPW contract ends.
Elgin should have gotten the pin after that insane top rope move.
Awful lack of selling from the Bucks. I get it's their style and they're good at it. I just hate that style.
Way too much. This match should have ended a while ago.
This was good as a showcase of what everyone can do. As a believable match, it largely failed.
I like Charlotte's heeling, wanting to be the centerpiece of the revolution.
- Sasha vs. Charlotte:
Sasha's always fun working with people she knows well.
Good wrestling so far.
Both Divas are really talented. WM32 should be a treat.
Poor Becky is always the third wheel.
Nice ending. I'm excited for the triple threat.
Nice to see Becky get some heat after being on the outside.
New Day is always a lot of fun.
I'd love to see an actual ad for Booty-O's during Wrestlemania.
New Day vs. LoN has been pretty fun so far. I'd love to see Godfather or someone in New Day's corner to counter the fourth LoN member at WM32. I don't think Michael Hayes would be a believable threat at ringside.
Man, New Day is going HARD on LoN here.
- Sheamus vs. Kofi:
This is pretty enjoyable so far, although they've pretty much stopped any momentum Sheamus had as a top-level heel. Not everyone can stay as a main event talent, though, by definition.
I'm liking Kofi's ingenuity in trying to beat the bigger, more powerful wrestler.
Good heel moves here by LoN.
Fine ending to show LoN is a threat to the titles.
- Usos vs. Ascension:
I wish we got a promo before this on how THIS TIME The Ascension will win a match, and it will turn things around for them on the road to being WWE's top team.
No matter how bad things get for Konnor and Viktor, at least they're not in the spot where Los Matadores are. Yes, they're still employed.
That was OK, I guess. It was clearly just building the Usos for the Dudleys.
I kind of like the idea of the Usos "taking" the tables gimmick from Bubba Ray and D-Von.
I love the Dudleys wanting to be remembered for more than tables. I'm glad they're back, and doing more than steamrolling over teams and holding the titles.
I also love Bubba heeling the other Samoans. Or, you know, some of them. It's only a two-hour show.
I'm not a "huge" Roman fan, but I like when he just shows up to fight. No silly phrases; just trying to make his mark and win the belt.
- Ziggler/Zayn vs. Owens/Miz:
Miz is a solid technician. I never thought I'd type that about the former "Ryan Seacrest of WWE," but he's evolved into being a pretty good worker in the WWE style.
Zayn's always a lot of fun to watch.
OK, fine, they're pretty much all fun to watch.
I'm kind of tired of Owens ducking matches. They should have be "fined" or something for not working a full match.
This is a pretty fun tag match. Everyone works hard and does good things.
I love Owens even messing with Miz, since they're opponents next Sunday.
I do enjoy Owens doing simple things like tripping his opponent so he can't hit a finisher. He's an enjoyable heel.
Nice to see the other wrestlers stop Owens.
Hahaha even Miz is fed up with Owens at this point.
Good end to the match.
It just dawned on me we presumably won't see Stardust vs. Amell at WM32. Hmmm...
Pretty crazy stuff between the IC Title competitors.
- Reigns vs. Bubba Ray:
Bubba can be a pretty fun heel in small-ish doses. I think where he is now is a good place for him on the card.
Well, that was a good little brawl while it lasted.
Roman's got no sympy for the Dudley Boys.
Funny, goofy segment between Goldust and Truth.
I'm glad Kalisto and Sin Cara are still friends.
I enjoy heel Ryback bullying smaller wrestlers.
Kalisto's alright as a character. It will take time to "make him the next Rey Mysterio."
- Styles vs. Breeze:
Well, at least Breeze got on Smackdown this week.
Good match while it lasted. All systems are go for WM32.
I think the big gimmicks attached to Brock vs. Ambrose and Shane vs. Taker mean they'll overshadow HHH vs. Reigns. In a sense, those matches are more "main event" worthy. HHH is mostly an executive at this point, so it's underwhelming in that sense for him to be champion. He can definitely still put on great matches, though.
Ambrose vs. Lesnar could be really amazing. Talk about two warriors going into the Colosseum.
Whoa. Didn't expect to see the Wyatts here.
Pretty crazy ending to the show. I'm excited for Wrestlemania.
More wrestling tomorrow.
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