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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Impact Wrestling Reax - 6/28/16

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact Wrestling.

They're really forcing the Bennetts on us. I like Maria for the most part, but the push of the two is larger than they've earned. It's not like Bennett was a big deal in ROH before coming here.

Bennett's delusional if he thinks he can beat Lashley. I REALLY hope TNA doesn't put the World Title on the Miracle.

So, the World Title's going to be contested between two people who are just "half men"? Great.

What does it say about the value of the X-Division Title that Bennett's not even considering keeping it?

EC3's just half a man, too, apparently. Stop burying each other, you idiots. Beating "half a man" isn't much of an accomplishment, and losing to one is even worse!

OK, the Mellon Collie reference was funny in how ridiculous it was. Corgan becoming a parody of himself like Heel Dixie would be pretty entertaining (to me).

Mostly fun opening segment to sell the World Title feud(s).

- Sienna vs. Gail:
I like Allie wanting Gail to retire.

That was starting off pretty well until all the crazy interference. Sienna and Gail balance well.

It's REALLY time to move on from Matt vs. Jeff. Someone else jump in and feud with these two.

Everyone runs into everyone else backstage in TNA.

Eli making the most of this silly segment.

OK, Storm hitting the button so he could drink was pretty funny.

It's a shame Storm has hit his ceiling in TNA. He should be doing something bigger after that big re-signing.

Storm vs. Drake should be pretty interesting.

Bleeeehhhhh don't really care about more Matt vs. Jeff, or Decay vs. Bram. There's no reason for me to cheer for Bram after all the dastardly things he's done.


I'm too burned out on Matt vs. Jeff to care about any part of it anymore.

Oh.... I guess I can survive one last fight at their childhood home if it FINALLY ENDS EVERYTHING.

- X-Division Battle Royal:
Throwing a lot of X-Division guys in a random flippy match is Vintage TNA.

I liked the DJ Z leapfrog spot.

That was OK, I guess. It's good to see Sutter get elevated.

Bennett making Sutter face him right them is clever.

- Bennett vs. Sutter:
I would have believed Sutter getting the win. Less lolTNA things have happened. Bennett could have won it back in time for Destination X.

Did Tyrus just randomly turn face? I barely care at this point.

- Tyrus/Shera/Spud vs. Snow/Tribunal:
Heel Al Snow has been one of the best parts of TNA in 2016.

That was fine for the time it had.

Bennett pointing out how baseless a lot of star-rating systems are. He didn't do nearly enough flips or superkicks to get a respectable journalist's endorsement of a four- or five-star match.

- Lashley vs. EC3 vs. Drew:
I liked Lashley wanting his opponents to beat the hell out of each other, and them refusing to do it.

A lot of action early.

This is pretty wild. They're throwing a whole bunch of stuff in a short amount of time, but it's one hell of a fight.

I could never see a flying dive to the outside in a wrestling match again and never feel like I've missed anything.

Really wild main event. Mostly an enjoyable big brawl. I don't know what's next for Lashley, but his main event run has been great so far.

More wrestling coming up.

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