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Friday, June 17, 2016

Spud hurt at TV taping, WWE gets big deal in China, Gypsy Joe passes, TNA names in EVOLVE update, Corino on BJ, new match for ROH TV taping, and Questions on WWE turning things around, JR's documentary, WWE buying TNA, and Miz as champion

Rockstar Spud lost several teeth during a match taped for Impact. Ouch. I hope he gets some replacements soon. Unfortunately those don't grow back.

WWE has signed their first Chinese wrestler. AND a multi-year streaming deal in China. AND a live event in China on September 10. That's all great news!!! Really big day for WWE in expanding to a new market. 

- WWE Network is also believed to be on the way there, but they're still working out the details. Also good to hear.

- I hope they can make something of Wang. Either way, I expect more Chinese (and Indian) performers in the years to come.

-- WWE put out a press release with the details.

Gypsy Joe has passed away at 82. PWInsider looked at his storied career. He was hardcore before "hardcore" was a thing.

Caleb Konley and EC3 are expected to be done with EVOLVE for the time being as EVOLVE looks to focus on talents who could end up WWE-bound. Both men are under TNA contract, so WWE would be out of the question for them. Drew Galloway will likely remain for now, as his current TNA contract isn't exclusive.

Steve Corino cut a promo before his big war with BJ Whitmer. I expect that one to be pretty heated; the match has been built pretty well.

The Addiction vs. Silas Young and Beer City Bruiser is set for ROH's June 25 TV taping. I don't expect Addiction to drop the gold to them.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1.They'll have to put effort into strong stories and characters for more members of the roster instead of just being like "oh this segment worked alright on Raw. Let's do pretty much the same thing on Smackdown." It will be good for a lot of acts to be less heavily exposed. Look at how much the MITB participants faced off in different combinations and segments - there's not much else for them to do at the actual PPV. They'll also need to give dedicated character progression for more of the roster instead of calling up someone and having them just kind of float around.

- As for their suggestions:
a. When they do have larger-than-life personalities, either the current guys have to job to them or they end up becoming just another part of the roster at some point because we see them so much.

b. I'd love to see more of Punk and AJ, but I suspect Punk would want a real sweetheart deal where he can call his own shots and all that. It MIGHT be worth bringing him back, but it'd be something of a Band-Aid. There are larger problems.

c. Having Angle as GM could work if the show doesn't turn into The Kurt Angle Show featuring other less-important wrestlers who share screen time with Kurt Angle.

d. Having Goldberg do a few big matches MIGHT work, but he'd want a lot of money and a big push. They need to build up the current guys. If he's coming in to work Brock or put over someone like Roman, fine. But, guest stars being the focus is already a big problem.

2. Fair use would come into play. If they're just using a little bit of footage to comment on it, they'll probably be fine. It's not like JR's trying to sell a DVD of matches from the era.

Nothing to really add to 3.

4. That won't happen if Dixie wants to remain in the business. WWE would just pick up some contracts and the footage before putting the whole thing out to pasture. There's no evidence of talks between the two sides.

5. The Miz is a movie star! His services are in demand outside the wrestling ring. MITB is plenty big as a show without him involved; his three challengers from Extreme Rules are in the MITB match itself, so there's really no one to challenge him.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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