Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
Uuuggggghhhhhhh.... Dean "forgetting" his belt in the cab was more forced wackiness. The WWE Championship should mean more to him than that.
I like Ambrose. I just don't want him to turn into another comedic top face.
I wish Ambrose would have said he'd been chasing the WWE Title since the beginning of his wrestling career. That would put it over even more.
I like Roman firing back at his detractors. I think he'd make a good heel if WWE would get behind some other babyfaces.
Pretty cool to see the three Shield guys in the WWE Title picture all by themselves.
They're not wasting any time getting to a Reigns/Rollins rematch.
- Zayn vs. Owens:
I'm all for Zayn and Owens being on different brands given how often they've already faced off. Let's see what they can do against new opponents.
Fun work between these two as always. I like them brawling outside the ring.
Talk about two opponents who know each other's every move.
That was pretty good.
Nice package piledriver tease. No way it's happening, though.
Hopefully they blow off the Zayn/Owens feud for now and split them off. There is such thing as too much of a good thing.
Mostly funny Johnny Ace segment. I'm pretty much ready for them to decide who's running which show already so we can get back to the wrestlers.
OK Enzo/Cass promo. They're usually more inspired than that.
- Enzo/Cass vs. Aiden/Simon:
These teams always work together pretty well.
Fairly quick match. Do Enzo/Cass get the next shot at the tag team titles?
So AJ's OK with joining The Club to blindside Cena, but not them attacking Cena during a match?
Oh, hopefully they're suckering Cena in with this apology business.
I'm not crazy about the followup to The Club helping AJ. They're backtracking on a big heel moment.
- Cena vs. Anderson:
Wow. Cena made quick work of Anderson. WWE clearly wanted The Champ to rebound from even a dirty loss.
At least The Club stood tall tonight (for now).
Becky's definitely been betrayed a LOT for such a short WWE tenure.
The random Total Divas cast member alignment turn strikes again! There doesn't seem to be much reason for Natalya to turn heel.
- Ryder vs. Corbin:
Baron suckering Zack in was good.
This is alright.
A Superstars/Main Event match on Raw.
Glad to see the Wyatts here.
Mostly good Charlotte/Paige/Dana segment.
- Charlotte vs. Paige:
This is a good enough start to things.
That was pretty good for the time it had.
Glad to see Sasha again!
I didn't know I wanted a New Day/Wyatts feud until now. I wish we got a little more from Bray before they interrupted, though.
Mostly a good Wyatts/New Day back and forth.
The holding pattern for Backlund and Darren continues. I'm ready for Young to get back in the ring, even if it's on Main Event or Superstars.
I'm glad Titus is fired up after what Rusev did at MITB.
- Rusev vs. Titus:
A good fight going on here.
Fine enough Miz/Maryse segment to remind us those two still exist.
I like Jericho heeling Shane and his reasons for doing so.
I'd be more than OK with the Shane/Stephanie angle leading to Shane vs. HHH. That'd be about the only payoff I want to see for so many McMahon segments.
- Rollins vs. Reigns:
I like Reigns' aggression.
Rollins is always impressive in the ring.
These two work together well. Their styles blend in an entertaining way.
More great counter-wrestling after the really good match at MITB.
Both men doing really solid match.
That was an awesome ending. I look forward to seeing these two face off again.
Battleground is going to be LIT. Awesome main event.
That was a great ending to the show.
More wrestling coming up.
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