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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

WWE live event notes, Russo trying to get back into TNA, WWE 2K17 cover revealed, TNA contract updates, busy weekend for Ambrose, new WWE-Special Olympics deal, possible WWE injury, CWC name hurt, Interviews with Stephanie/Angle/Heyman, Sasha's photo shoot, Ali/Inoki fight anniversary, CWC roster working Evolve, WWE titles update post brand split, Questions on calling spots, Corgan investing in TNA, why we see the same matches over and over, why heels cheat, and TNA on Austin's podcast

At a WWE live event in Jacksonville, Florida:
- Lana teamed with Charlotte in a loss to Becky and Paige. Dana was on the other live event loop.

- Goldust beat Fandango. No Truth or Breeze.

- Kane and Big Show beat Strowman/Rowan. Kane and Show hadn't wrestled for WWE in two weeks; they're working lighter schedules post-WM32. It will be interesting to see how those two fit into things with the brand extension as far as whether they start working more regularly again.

Vince Russo recently said he's contacted Pop TV's president in order to become a consultant for Impact Wrestling. He previously tried to work the same deal with Destination America, and has tried to come on-board to consult LU as well. Russo's still trying to work some marks into a swerve in 2016. I admire his tenacity.

Brock Lesnar will be on the cover of WWE 2K17. And Goldberg's the pre-order bonus. I would have never seen that coming in 2004.

In something of a correction to previous reports, some talents signing TNA deals are still able to book themselves independently or through third parties. The story has been TNA is looking to get all their performers to exclusive deals where the company would control all their bookings (like WWE has for its superstars). It sounds like it's a complicated issue that affects each talent differently.

Dean Ambrose worked three live events this weekend, going from Boston on Saturday to Orlando AND Jacksonville on Sunday. Roman's suspension means a bigger opportunity for Ambrose, but also a lot more work.

WWE has forged an international agreement with the Special Olympics. That's a big venture for WWE.

Simon Gotch was believed to have been injured on a live event this weekend. He didn't compete on Raw, but it's unknown if that was due to any injury.

Anthony Bennett twisted his knee during the CWC taping. It's unknown if he'll be available for a potential second round.

Stephanie McMahon talked about what it takes to be a WWE superstar. Pretty much a corporate puff piece.

Sasha Banks' Muscle & Fitness photo shoot got press by WWE. I wonder which woman will get the honor next.

WWE covered the 40th anniversary of Muhammad Ali vs. Antonio Inoki. That's a VERY important bout in the history of sports.

Kurt Angle talked to Sports Illustrated about a potential WWE return and more:
- PLEASE stay clean and healthy, Kurt.

- Kurt's competitive nature is his biggest strength and his most dangerous demon, given its effects on his (physical, mental, and emotional) health.

- I love the idea of an app sending a driver out to someone in need.

Paul Heyman discussed the upcoming brand split and more:
- Heyman's dad sounds AWESOME.

- I really respect Heyman not dealing in hypotheticals or trying to speak on behalf of Brock or Vince.

- I really, REALLY hope the brand split leads to some things really being shaken up along the lines Heyman mentioned. Smackdown needs to feel different from "hour 4 and hour 5 of Raw."

- Balor, Joe, and Aries could all be big hits on the main roster. Probably Nakamura, too.

CWC "Showcase matches" are set for EVOLVE on July 16, July 17, August 19, and August 20, presumably featuring CWC competitors in matches that aren't officially part of the tournament.

WWE is speculated to return to having two top champions following the brand split. That's kind of "the easy way out," but they might as well go that route so neither brand feels like the "B-brand" when it doesn't have the title. We could end up with two women's champions and two sets of tag team champions again, too.

WWE is running a (presumably) Raw-brand live event opposite the September 25 Clash of Champions PPV. That makes sense on one level in the sense that touring group gets an equal amount of work that weekend. Those names wouldn't be on Clash of Champions anyway.

NFL's Jameis Winston was ringside at Raw. That's cool.

The former Hornswoggle has a YouShoot DVD. That should be really entertaining and enlightening.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. It's not uncommon for the mics to pick up talents calling spots. It's unfortunately pretty much the way things work now. Maybe some day there will be a technology that will pick up bumps but not voices. Until then, I don't see much changing. 

2. Pretty much all of the above. TNA needed a quick influx of cash, and Corgan was on hand to provide that. It's entirely possible Corgan would have ended up investing anyway given his work with TNA so far.

3. WWE has a lot of TV to fill each week, and fans expect to see the important stars in action when they watch the shows or buy tickets to see the shows. It's really easy to say you'd have fresh matches each week and all that, but when you actually have to put together that many shows that frequently, it's much easier to just throw the MITB competitors in a bunch of matches with each other as a way to sell their PPV match.

4. "Wrestler with incredible talent" isn't an interesting to most people as "cheating, conflict-avoiding punk." If the heels don't duck the babyface's challenges, pretty much the only thing preventing PPV rematches from happening on TV would be heel authority figures. So pick your poison.

5. I don't see TNA mentioned on-air or in official interviews anytime soon, but Stone Cold has more leeway on his show.

More wrestling tomorrow. 

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