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Monday, May 22, 2017

JR guests and Questions on Anthem-Jarrett, Summer's future, Rusev vs. Jinder for the WWE Title, Rock's WWE paycheck, and top stars gaining influence

Billy Corgan, Gail Kim, and Robert Irvine were all at Jim Ross' speaking show in Chicago.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. Jarrett has brought in a lot of new talents and given them TV time. He's also worked agreements for Impact stars to work for other promotions and stars from those promotions to work Impact. He got Impact a new deal in the UK and could be poised to have Impact crossover with World of Sport. So, he's made a lot of good moves for the future of Impact as a globally viable brand.

2. She's been working out in the ring, so she's on the comeback trail. It's probably a case of seeing where she'll fit in when she returns. I'd love to see her work with Breezango given all the history there. It's not like anyone involved is going to hold gold, so they might as well have something interesting to do.

3. Rusev vs. Jinder is an interesting idea. I can't believe that's a real possibility! I definitely think Orton should be involved there, though, for the star power and the experience at that level.

4. Rock has a lot of fun there and WWE loves having him (when he stays on script), so I don't think there are any issues. Whatever they pay him is well spent as far as business goes.

5. That's definitely not just a wrestling thing. When managers like what their employees do, they'll give them more leeway and are more likely to listen to their suggestions and recommendations. Then, as those employees get more experience, that trust factor pays off in their favor.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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