Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
- MizTV:
I'm so ready for the end of Miz vs. Ambrose. There needs to be a moratorium where they can't face off for about six months.
The sooner we get to Extreme Rules, the better.
I'd be fine with Miz winning with Elias' help, just to give us something new and different.
Sheamus and Cesaro do work really hard.
I love Miz's self-serving attitude.
Sheamus has a point. It's all about the latest shiny toy.
I like this pairing so far.
At least we didn't get more painful verbiage. I would have liked a Broken promo, though.
- Hardys/Ambrose vs. Miz/Cesaro/Sheamus:
The Hardys still doing the signature Matt and Jeff spots in 2017. It's surreal.
Good action so far.
I really hope Sheamus can be a top champion again.
Good physicality here.
I think Ambrose would be just as happy flipping around in front of 50 people. Heck, that might apply to his partners, too.
I'm enjoying this one.
I would pop SO hard for Miz mocking Angle now that he's on Raw.
This is pretty fun. Good strategy on display.
More good physitcality.
Ughhhh the rebound clothesline.
Still crazy to see signature Matt and Jeff stuff so far from the Attitude Era. So many WWE fans weren't even alive when these guys were doing TLC matches.
That was a solid conclusion!
- Graves/Angle:
I wonder what Vince thinks of announcers not having their phones off at the desk. YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE WORKING GODDAMNIT!!
Well this is weird. I'd be cool with Graves being a heel mouthpiece, or just a mouthpiece in general. The announce team probably needs him more, though.
- Samson vs. Z. Evans:
Elias has a good base. That's often overlooked with so many people coming to NXT with a decade of experience.
I definitely see ruthless aggression here.
Fine to establish The Drifter.
- Joe/Bray:
That was clever to plug the Network special and also get the feud over.
I like the nod to their NXT feud.
Bray is insane. I can imagine someone at home stoned out of their mind loving every bit of what he says.
Bray vs. Brock could be fun promo-wise.
- Balor vs. Joe vs. Bray:
Bray should call up those projections again.
Nice start.
I like how these three match up. Balor does something different from the other two.
All three men are believable ass-kickers.
I'm liking the story here. You have to have eyes in the back of your head here.
The Tower of Doom can be overdone, but I was fine with it here.
OH SHIT that counter to Sister Abigail.
This is really good so far.
Three main event level guys here.
All three men going hard here. This match means something.
I'm enjoying the hell out of this.
Balor's on a roll!
Double stomps everywhere!!!!
This is fun. Everyone looking good.
Hahahah nice save by Joe. No one hurt by that booking.
- Seth promo:
I like Rollins a lot. Glad they're not making him too much of a WWE babyface.
That was good.
- Dar vs. Swann:
Nice action so far. The cruiserweight division as a whole is made of strong workers.
I like Noam's strategy a lot. He's a breath of fresh air in a world of flips and dives.
I don't see how Rich does some of this stuff!
Ha. Don't cross The Boss!
Nice overall.
- Post-match:
I liked that.
- Revival/Enzo:
Man! These two just can't catch a break!
This is a witch hunt against Scott and Dash! FAKE NEWS! There's no collusion on the Enzo attack!
Enzo buried. Damn.
- Cass/Graves:
Oh, man. Cass has NO sympy for this guy.
Corey better be careful. Cass is seven foot tall and you CAN'T. TEACH. THAT.
- Titus/Crews:
Wait, you mean front row seats were still being sold for Titus to get one?? Not a good sign.
- Titus vs. Kalisto:
Poor Lucha Dragons being permanent jobbers. You'd think WWE would want to protect talented Latin performers. Why not have Epico and Primo in the roles Kalisto and Sin Cara are in now?
Yeah, you better learn how to fight back when someone grabs your mask if you're a luchadore in WWE.
Is Kalisto a "better wrestler" than Titus as far as doing more impressive moves, etc.? You can definitely argue that. But few jobs are meritocracies. The bosses see more in Titus than they do in the former Samuray del Sol.
Kalisto does do pretty good work.
- Post-match:
Just a matter of time before these two feud. An Apollo/Darren Young pairing could work - I'm just not sure about the promos.
- This Is Your Life:
Alexa and Bayley are such natural foils. This is a blast.
I expect/hope Bayley goes hardcore on Alexa's ass only for the champ to retain and complain about how barbaric the whole thing is.
HAHAHHA Alexa going so hard on her. As long as Bayley kills her with 50 Kendo stick shots, it's OK.
Oh my God this is just straight up mean.
Poor Bayley. I know some people who were the "friend" like that.
Wait, is Bayley supposed to be a loser for watching WWE instead of hanging out? They didn't think that one out.
You'd think Alexa would insinuate Bayley never had a boyfriend. I assume we're supposed to take this all as Alexa using fake people to take shots at her rival.
That date talk got weird quick.
They definitely need Bayley to say all of this was BS or she really does look bad.
Why does WWE put so many kendo sticks under the ring anyway? I guess the wrestlers slip the ring crew some cash to have some weapons ready.
Bayley REALLY needs to tear her up, even if she loses the match in her rage.
- Enzo/Cass/Angle:
I have a feeling this will end up with Cass having attacked Enzo. It's a risky move unless they're going to put Enzo in the cruiserweight division as Jericho suggested. That would be amazing in its own way.
This is weird as hell in an abusive relationship way.
- Aries/Gallagher vs. TJP/Neville:
Yeah got to be careful when you decide to dab.
Fine action so far, but the division could use some new faces involved.
Nice monkey flip spot.
Gallagher is much better than just being a goofy gimmick.
Neville's a believable mean heel.
I like the Neville/Aries story, but I'm ready for it to end.
Don't count Jack out!
The heels doing good work.
TJP just has that extra edge as a heel.
I'm enjoying the work from all of them here. Four pros.
I never like someone doing a spot that purposefully takes out their partner unless it's a case where two rivals are teaming. Completely kills credibility.
Aries is definitely incredible.
Pretty good work here.
Nice ending! I'm excited for what's hopefully the final chapter.
- Reigns interview:
Ugh. I definitely get SuperCena vibes with his promos. But hey, good for them for trying to get someone over.
- Neville interview:
Neville not taking that L too lightly. I'm OK with wins and losses mattering.
- Goldust/Truth:
I've generally enjoyed Goldust's character. It's nice to see him go back to his roots.
I can see Goldust having one last IC/U.S. Title reign. I'd be fine with it. He's a Hall of Famer, for sure.
That was nice.
I like the fire from Truth here. He can be a pretty good promo in his own right.
I'm surprisingly sold on this being a good feud.
- Rollins vs. Roman:
Good work early. These two know each other well and it shows.
Seth goes all out early. That has its pros and cons.
I like the speed vs. power story.
Reigns is definitely not just some big football player getting by on nepotism. He works hard.
Nice spear counter.
Reigns making the most of his power here.
Good counter to the Superman Punch.
This is pretty solid. They match up really well.
Man, Rollins is all about showing his stamina, huh?
NICE counter to the big springboard knee. That was impressive.
I liked the rollup to counter the spear.
I liked Rollins getting out of dodge after the Superman Punch instead of kicking out. Protecting finishers is appreciated.
These two are really putting on a show. This is a really good battle.
Seth pulls out everything he's got. I'm impressed.
OK, that's probably enough cool moves for this match.
The Phoenix Splash is a thing of beauty. Seth's inhuman.
I almost don't want this to end!
That was one heck of a match. Definitely worth watching.
More wrestling coming up.
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