Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown and 205 Live.
-- Smackdown:
- Jinder/Shane:
Hahahaha taking photos with another man's belt is coldblooded.
I like Jinder getting cocky. Glad to see someone new get a push.
Jinder vs. Sami is going to be huge on WWE's new Arabic show.
- Shane/Y2J/AJ/Owens:
Jericho could have the shortest tenure on Smackdown since John Cena was drafted then drafted back on the same night!
Ahhhhhh great moment to spotlight Jericho before he heads back to music.
Wow, Jericho was part of Smackdown in the original brand extension 15 years ago.
Weird to see AJ and Jericho together again. It would be fresh to match them up again since they've been kept apart for a while.
It is odd to have Jericho end Owens' run as champ right before going on the road. Will it be the right move long-term?
I do like Jericho serving as a bridge to get Owens and AJ to a higher role. I wish there were more part-timers and older names who did that kind of thing.
It's a shame we can't see a triple threat match at Backlash. That would be good.
- Sami vs. Jinder:
This will be a big test for both men.
Good so far. Sami can bump and move really well.
Sami's agility is just insane.
I hope Jinder can get the win with two people in his corner.
This is pretty fun.
Not bad at all!
- Becky/Ellsworth/Carmella/Natalya/Tamina:
I like the manipulation here.
This is pretty interesting, and definitely makes Charlotte pretty important. I wonder where Lana will stand in all of this? Honestly, she'll probably just beat local talents for a while and dance.
- Dolph/Shane:
Man, Shinsuke is already getting time off from Smackdown? That doesn't send a great message.
I do like Shinsuke's Smackdown in-ring debut being presented as a really big deal.
Wow, they literally just put Sin Cara and Kalisto in each other's roles. I can't say I would have done anything differently, though.
- Aiden promo:
Good for him for getting to be something without Simon Gotch.
- Aiden vs. Tye:
This is pretty fun so far.
Well that was fine for the time it got.
- Y2J/Aiden:
Well this is weird.
I really hope the list makes appearances during the Fozzy tour.
- Charlotte/Natalya/Carmella/Tamina:
Oh yeah, it's just a matter of time before Charlotte's the champ.
Charlotte could use some friends right about now.
- Naomi vs. Natalya/Carmella:
Haha don't trade kicks with Naomi.
Naomi's pretty solid.
Good work so far.
Ha. Natalya's a pretty fun heel.
Reminder Asuka, Ember, Billie, and Peyton are still in NXT while Carmella is on the main roster.
- Naomi/Charlotte vs. Natalya/Carmella:
Shit just got REAL.
Oh Charlotte's pissed.
I'm enjoying this a good deal.
Naomi, Natalya, and Charlotte are carrying this one.
Correction. Naomi, Natalya, Charlotte, and Ellsworth carried that one.
- Post-match:
Hahahaha poor Ellsworth.
That was mostly fun.
- Ziggler vs. Cara:
Fine start.
This is going well enough so far.
Sin Cara can move pretty well.
OK enough. I'm tired of superkicks, but I guess it's not quite as bad as the Zig Zag.
- Noam promo:
Poor Scottish Supernova.
- Breezango:
I'm so glad to see these two do some fun stuff again.
Hahaha I'm liking these two a lot as faces.
- Y2J vs. Owens:
Oh this is personal.
Jericho's out to finish the job he's started on Kevin's hand.
Good work so far. I don't know how Jericho still does it.
NICE cannonball spot. Kevin's got it as a wrestler.
I love the powerbomb being sold as a kill move.
This is really good with the counters and such.
I really like Kevin doing everything he can to avoid the Walls. Good to see it being sold so much.
NICE counter to the popup powerbomb.
Superkicks everywhere!
Jericho's quite the technician. He can get out of just about anything.
Nice ending!
- Post-match:
Adding emphasis to the big win.
I love that Jericho was too messed up to bounce off the ropes. Nice touch.
The chair around the head/neck thing scares the hell out of me every time.
Thank you, Chris Jericho, for one hell of a run. I hope he's got more great work in him (pretty sure he will).
-- 205 Live:
- TJP vs. Dorado:
TJ is in no mood for flips.
I like TJ trying to win early. It's a match, not a gymnastic competition.
Man, Lince does a LOT of highspots. Is he trying out for ROH? THIS AIN'T A DAMN BINGO HALL, MAGGLE. WELCOME TO THE BIG LEAGUES!
Dorado can definitely do really impressive things.
I like mean TJ the best.
HAHAHAHAHA that's how you beat a guy with a mask I love it Maggle.
- Kendrick/Tozawa:
Haha of course Brian feels slighted.
Brian pulling the "yeah you were successful somewhere else but this is the big leagues" card. Classic.
I liked that promo from Brian.
Akira's growing on me as a character. He's doing well.
- Gulak/Mustafa:
I really want to see Drew do a No Fly Challenge every week where his opponent has to play by his rules.
- Gulak vs. Mustafa:
Drew has a viable ground game.
Fun stuff so far.
I like Gulak's game a good deal. He's a necessary balance to superkicks and dives. Notably, if there was a division with a lot of technical guys and no fliers, I'd also find something missing.
Ali's pretty solid.
That was good! I was fully expecting Mustafa to win or Gulak to cheat. This was a nice change of pace.
- Gulak promo:
Glad to see this actually getting Drew some momentum.
- Noam vs. Swann:
Good start.
Noam's got good strategy when others are just there to get all their moves in.
I'm liking the chess played here.
Swann taking a breather is good. When something's not working, time to reevaluate.
I'm liking Dar's strategy here.
Man, Noam's good enough to be a trainer himself!
I'm liking Swann having more fire than flips in a grudge match. He's grown as a competitor from just being an aerial worker.
Oh man, this is quite good.
Swann's straight out of a video game.
This is really solid.
WOW. They're telling one hell of a story.
I'm blown away. This is quite the battle. Yes, smaller people can tell great stories without nonstop flips.
Good match. I wish there was even more from them!
- Post-match:
Alicia's pretty indecisive with her relationships!
More wrestling coming up.
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