Read on for my thoughts on last night's NXT and ROH.
-- NXT:
- Roode arrives:
After Dolph loses to Shinsuke, maybe he can be Roode's caddy.
- McIntyre vs. Maluta:
I don't see Sean winning this one.
Hahaha don't trade chops with Drew.
Oh, Drew's pretty mad.
Glad to see McIntyre in action here.
I love the Ruthless Aggression.
Uh-oh. Drew's bleeding.
That was pretty good.
- Post-match interview:
Ummm, shouldn't you want to get attention?
I'm OK with Blake vs. Drew in Chicago.
- Strong/SAnitY:
Man, Roderick's having it rough lately.
Um, Roddy, that's a pretty tough challenge buddy.
Eric Young vs. Strong should be good. Two experienced veterans at work.
- Bate/Dunne video:
I wonder what the MURICA crowd thinks about the UK Title being so important for NXT.
Tyler makes a fine young babyface. It's OK to have SOME people in that role on the roster.
I'm excited for Dunne's future.
- Itami hype:
He's done some good work in NXT. Just.... with some big breaks in-between.
- Asuka interview:
Haha Asuka has no sympy for interviews.
I'd like to see Asuka join either Raw or Smackdown the week after Summerslam.
- Evans vs. DeVille:
Not really sure why these two got name changes, but we'll go with it.
I'm liking this so far. Sonya has a vicious streak. Hell, she should teach C.M. Punk.
Oh, man! This is a fight!
Lacey's OK, but she's in there with a killer.
- Kassius vs. Almas:
Haha I'm liking this so far.
Almas smart to avoid the elbow.
Wow. I wouldn't have expected Kassius to pull that handspring off.
Don't count Cien out!!
Hahaha nice fake out in the corner there.
Almas has something worth building.
I'm liking Cien's strategy here.
Ohno's good. He's presumably going to do his thing here for a year or so then had to Raw or Smackdown.
The world's largest moonsault!
This is good, but there's something that's not quite clicking between their styles.
Almas BTFO by that bicycle kick. That was a thing of beauty.
Impressive Pele kick. Wow.
Hahahahah a one count? REALLY?
That wasn't bad to showcase Kassius.
- Roode/Itami/Regal:
Hideo can be lethal in the right circumstances.
Hahaha bragging about his suit after an ass-kicking.
I like that Bobby isn't JUST the rich guy. He's ready to fight, too.
HAHAHAH those shots at Hideo's injuries.
Damn, Bobby's going hard on Itami here.
Hideo teaching those extras what's what.
Nice sneak attack.
Fine ending to set up the match in Chicago.
-- ROH:
- Shelley promo:
Alex has been the odd man out lately. Gresham might just take his place as Sabin's partner.
- Sabin/Gresham vs. Burger/Ferrara:
Fine slow opening to build things up.
I mean, really, what is a Ferrara/Burger feud going to accomplish? Which jobber is less of a jobber?
Gresham's growing on me a bit.
I'm liking seeing a fresh partner for Sabin after SO. MANY. matches from MCMG.
Pretty basic work here, which I'm fine with on a show that's usually a lot of bullshit flips.
I mean, I guess Cheeseburger vs. Ferrara means one of them has to get a win.
Gresham already seems pretty smooth.
Oh, man. Poor Cheesburger.
- Post-match:
This is the most interesting that Ferrara's done in what, a year?
- Silas/Lethal:
Fine by me.
- Silas vs. Fish:
Be careful whom you pick on, Silas!
If Bobby does leave ROH, they're out an accomplished veteran.
I like Fish's submissions.
This is pretty fun.
Oh, I like Fish's kicks, too.
Silas ain't bad himself.
Fish not having Kyle in his corner is hurting him with this Bruiser situation.
Not bad to continue this feud. They don't want to do much of importance with Bobby in case reDRagon is going to NXT/WWE.
- Castle promo:
I was disappointed by Dalton's ROH Title match. Maybe Daniels is starting to wind down after all.
- Bully/Briscoes vs. Rebellion:
Good brawling so far.
This is fun so far!
Glad to see Shane Taylor still being used without Keith Lee.
No complaints here.
Hey, Bully can still at least work at this level.
Bully makes so much sense as a partner for the Briscoes.
The Briscoes are pretty enjoyable most of the time.
Fine ending.
- Post-match:
I'm curious who will emerge to beat the champs. I don't know how long O'Ryan will be out.
More wrestling tomorrow.
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