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Friday, November 1, 2019

Crown Jewel Reax

Read on for my thoughts on yesterday's WWE Network special event.
-- Kickoff:
- Flair interview:
This man can still sell a match.

- Battle royal:
Glad Harper and Rowan are still friends.

Imagine flying all the way to Saudi Arabia to be out this quickly.

FINALLY the 24/7 title changes hands during a match like this!

Oh. Well. Guess Harper and Rowan are over again.

- New Day promo:
I mean this is a perfect opportunity to set up a challenger team.

- HM promo:
I don't see them taking it.

- Ziggler/Roode promo:
I think they could go the distance.

-- Crown Jewel:
- Brock vs. Cain:
Yeah Brock going on first usually signals something crazy going down.

Holy shit. Way to kill Cain. Damn. But yeah it's all about lOoKiNg LiKe A rEaL fIgHt now.

- Post-match:
Haha I hope Cain's big payday was worth it. He got wrecked.

Brock will beat Rey, too.

- More tag promos:
I like the selling of the importance of this match. It should matter.

- Tag team turmoil:
-- Roode/Dolph vs. Lince/Gran:
Solid beginning.

Not a bad sprint.

-- Roode/Dolph vs. Curt/Zack:
Well damn. Thanks for coming, Curt and Zack!

-- Roode/Dolph vs. HM:
I like this dynamic.

Pretty good segment.

-- HM vs. Kofi/Big E:
Good enough.

-- Kofi/Big E vs. B-Team:
Yeah there's a clear pecking order here.

-- Kofi/Big E vs. Revival:
That was pretty fun while it lasted. As always, they work well together.

-- Post-segment:
Haha I like it.

-- Kofi/Big E vs. Karl/Luke:
Well that wasn't the worst Kofi's looked lately!

-- Karl/Luke vs. Raiders:
Oh wow. Didn't expect that win.

- Rey promo:
Yeah they're clearly moving on from Cain. Crazy to see him dispatched that easily given his credibility.

- Cesaro vs. Mansoor:
It's like the show's taking place in an alternate universe as far as priorities go.

This isn't bad.

I'm impressed enough.

Not bad at all!

- Post-match:
He's got a lot of big Saudi moments ahead of him.

- Seth interview:
Hey it's the right temperature to burn things down.

- Fury vs. Braun:
This is certainly different than the last match.

Holy shit that was bad. Braun tried hard, but this was poor.

- Post-match:
Well Fury did better than Cain did!

- 24/7 shenanigans:
Now the brothers are even! I do think the title's running its course quickly.

- AJ vs. Humberto:
Unless Carrillo told someone he's from the Middle East, I don't think he's taking this.

This is pretty solid.

I like how these two work together.

More solid work.

They're telling a good story.

- Hogan promo:
Surreal seeing this in 2019.

- Natalya vs. Lacey:
This isn't bad.

It was there.

- Post-match:
I mean this is a big deal.

- Team Hogan vs. Team Flair:
I like Nakamura vs. Shorty.

Haha no Rusev vs. Lashley yet.

This is pretty nice.

Wow this is going well. Maybe they should do more tag matches in Saudi Arabia.

Wow. This is solid.


- Seth vs. Fiend:
Yeah this feels like a horror movie.

The Fiend looks strong again.

They're going big in this one.

Yeah every big spot, bell, and whistle, has been saved for this.

Jesus Christ. At some point this turns Seth's finisher into a superkick or clothesline.

Well that was definitely a spectacle. Really weird ending given the draft.

More wrestling coming up.

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