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Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Raw Reax - 11/4/19

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
- HHH arrives:

- Brock/Heyman:
Damn what does it say about FOX's Smackdown that Brock has already bailed on them?

SO weird to hear them play the Jew card on TV.

I love Alexa and Nikki, but imagine trading Brock for them???

Yeah we're already seeing people circumvent the draft. No reason to think Brock won't pop back up on Smackdown at some point down the line with this same rationale.

Brock's presented as a bad, bad dude.

Damn. Brock knows no limits.

I love how badass this is.

- Charlotte/Natalya vs. Kabukis:
I've got a bad feeling about who's taking this one.

Good work here.

I like Kairi's mean side.

This is very solid.

Good work here, and I'm glad it's getting time.

I love the back and forth on this one.

That was nice.

- Brock/Rey:

That was cool as hell.

Brock vs. Rey could be a WAR. Or, you know, it could go three minutes.

- Rey promo:
Yes, it's another match we saw more than 15 years ago, but it should be good!

- Buddy vs. Cedric:
It's Monday Night 205 Live!

I'm enjoying this.

Wow. Kind of expected someone to run in. Glad they got to show what they can do for a bit.

- Seth/HHH etc.:
I really hope we're in for a slow heel turn.

I like the story between these two. Corporate Seth could be fun.

I like the NXT hype.

Oh I am all for this eight-man battle.

Haha Hawkins Ryder and Truth. Come on now.

Seth vs. Cole could be AMAZING.

- Vega promo:
That was really good!

- Andrade/Vega vs. Cara/Carolina:
Big opportunity for Carolina.

This is pretty good.

I like the teamwork here!

Solid match.

- Rusev/Lana/Lashley:
I'm DEAD with the groin injury angle.

I liked that.

- Drew vs. Rusev:
I like how these two work together.

Good for the time it had.

- Post-match:
Looks like the Crown Jewel rivalries are continuing. Glad to see things not being randomly dropped.

Nice enough.

- Becky/Shayna:
That match could be AMAZING.

Shayna has been ready for this for a long time.

Becky not knowing Shayna is a problem given all Baszler has done. If Becky's not watching NXT, why should anyone else?

- OC/Profits/Humberto:
The OC do look very credible now.

Heyman has a done a very good job incorporating things into a cohesive long-term vision.

- OC vs. Profits/Humberto:
I'm so glad the cruiserweights aren't stuck in their own division anymore. Well, some of them aren't anyway.

Glad to see the Profits in the mix. It's fresh.

This is pretty nice.

I liked that!

- Tag team match announcement:

- Raiders squash:

- Post-match:
That was cool.

- Seth vs. Cole:
Great to see Seth work with someone who can hang with him.

Christ I hope you like superkicks.

This is definitely impressive.

Pretty intense.

Probably the best ending to protect either man from losing clean.

- Post-match:
This is cool as hell. Glad to see these names get such a big spotlight.

Very impressive work!

If you're not sold to watch NXT after that, I don't know what else they can do for you. 

More wrestling coming up. 

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