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Saturday, November 2, 2019

ROH attacked by former Joey Mercury

Due to the length of this story, I separated it from the rest of the news post.

ROH and the former Joey Mercury have split, leading to Joey opening a Twitter account and making a series of attacks on ROH and its staff, with the relevant information recapped here:
-- Tweet 1
- Joey referring to ROH as an "unsafe environment" in and out of the ring with no security or medical staff.

- Taking ROH to task for not having women on creative.

- Attacking ROH's production values.

- Joey not having a job description and other concerns with his contract.

-- Tweet 2
- Joey calling his contract non-binding and quitting, indicating he has no other offers but wants out of his ROH deal.

-- Tweet 3
- Taking ROH to task for not signing Shane Taylor, whose contract is up at the end of the year.

-- Tweet 4
- Calling for ROH GM Greg Gilleland to be out of his position.

-- Tweet 5
- Discussing Jay Lethal's hotel issues after breaking his arm, which Joey attributes to problems with the travel department.

- Taking Gilleland to task for not being at the event when Lethal broke his arm.

-- Tweet 6
- Further burying the UK travel issues for top talents.

-- Tweet 7, Tweet 8, and Tweet 9
- Attacking ROH's contract offer for Bandido.

-- Tweet 10, Tweet 11, Tweet 12, Tweet 13, Tweet 14, and Tweet 15
- Attacking ROH for clearing Kelly Klein to wrestle despite concussion symptoms.

- Tweet 12 also attacks the travel department regarding Jeff Cobb. There was nothing further about this.

-- Tweet 16 and Tweet 17
- Discussing using Alex Shelley's medical services unpaid.

-- Tweet 18
- Discussing Flip Gordon not having proper medical attention when dislocating his elbow.

-- Tweet 19 and Tweet 20
- Refuting Gilleland's accusation that Joey missed shows due to being high, and accusing corporate staff of asking to use his medication recreationally.

- Attacking Gilleland hiring people who aren't vetted by others.

-- Tweet 21
- Burying ROH's production and attendance.

-- Tweet 22
- Discussing ROH not having security at the show where Bully Ray had an altercation with a fan.

-- Tweet 23
- Discussing what he wants ROH to have.

BJ Whitmer corroborated Joey's accounts.

Kelly Klein put Joey over and indicated Joey was part of the reason she has stayed with ROH.

Greg Gilleland responded to Joey's tweets, accusing him of breaching his ROH deal. I expect this is going to get even more serious, with ROH continuing to have issues as it does. These are major concerns.


Joey continued tweeting on November 2:
-- Tweet 1
- Apologizing for releasing information on private situations.

-- Tweet 2, Tweet 3, and Tweet 4
- Regarding Kelly Klein's contract, disclosed with her permission.

-- Tweet 5
- With ROH GM Greg Gilleland's response to Klein's issues with the deal.

-- Tweet 6 and Tweet 7
- Regarding ROH's corporate structure, and security at ROH events, following the Bully Ray fan incident.

-- Tweet 8
- Where Joey's ROH contract refers to him as a wrestler, with the ring name Joey Mercury (which WWE owns).

-- Tweet 9
- Asking for ROH to hire people familiar with the wrestling business

-- Tweet 10
- Asking for ROH to have male and female coaches at the ROH Dojo as well as male and female travel representatives

-- Tweet 11, Tweet 12, and Tweet 13
- Indicating Joey undertook duties on the travel end the day he quit, despite it not being in his contract to do so.

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