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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Edge/Christian at Mania?, Hernandez-Morgan, Top Divas' matches, Hogan's health, Booker T. update, Jillian Hall and Tiffany interviews , Vince's new contract, Hogan's mother passes

Okay, here's how it goes from here on out most days. See what news stories on and talk about them. First up yesterday was questions on Paraphrased here, then my answers. Note: these aren't the answers PWInsider has. This is my take on all of them.

Will we see Edge vs. Christian for the World Title?

 I certainly hope so. I think that'd be pretty good with the right build. They have plenty of history to draw on, and both are very good workers. I don't see it happening at WrestleMania, but once that's past and Christian is healed up, I think it could be worth a go. But the stars have to align there, and I'm not sure that they will. I think it's more likely we'll get Del Rio vs. Edge but you never know. Maybe a triple threat?

If Hernandez returns to TNA to face Matt Morgan, who should be the heel and would it draw money?
I'm a bit surprised no one thought of that before now (that I've seen). Hernandez is kind of a question mark at this point. He's wrestling in Mexico, but is still under TNA contract as far as I know. Buck Woodward thinks that Morgan would have to be the heel, but I disagree. I think Hernandez can return P.O.'d that Morgan's getting all the attention and praise as a good guy after what he did to him, and that while he's been neglected and sent to Mexico, Matt's getting a shot at (and at the time this story takes place, maybe a run with) the TNA Title. I think it could work, but it depends on whether TNA and Hernandez can be on good enough terms to try it. Note that Hernandez doesn't have to and shouldn't be aligned with Immortal here.

Would WWE do a DVD of top Divas matches? If so, what are 5 they'd have to have?
It's a good idea. WWE I'm sure has plenty of Divas matches in the vault. I think we could see it at some point. I don't know any of the classic matches, but some modern ones would be Trish and Victoria's Street Fight, Victoria's cage match with Lita, and at least one match between Trish and Lita. I remember Jazz and Trish having some good ones, and I seem to remember Victoria vs. Molly in the hair vs. title match being good as well. I'm not so sure they'd want to put a TNA superstar on their DVDs though.

Do you see Hulk Hogan leaving TNA due to his health issues?
Hmm, I guess it's possible. He's a pretty big part of TNA right now (outside of his current hiatus), so I think he'll stick around unless things get so bad that he can't appear there anymore. Or a new regime cuts him, but I'm not so sure that's in the cards yet.

Is there any chance we'll see "biography" DVDs on Andre The Giant, Honky Tonk Man, George "The Animal" Steele, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, and/or Tito Santana?
That's basically 6 questions in one! Buck Woodward pointed out that there has been one on Andre, which in my comparative youth I wasn't aware of. Honky Tonk Man's not really in the spotlight enough that I think WWE will try it. If he goes into the Hall of Fame, it's possible but I don't see it any time soon. The Animal's a tough call. I think he'd be on a DVD of crazy characters or something rather than his own DVD, but that's a guess. I don't see Hall getting his own DVD by any stretch right now. A Nash and Hall DVD would be interesting, though. I have a feeling that someday Nash will get a big treatment by WWE, given that he's on good terms with Triple H and Vince McMahon. Maybe not in 2011 though. Possibly too soon since his TNA run. Tito Santana is another "maybe". I don't see there being enough interest by modern fans.

As far as actual news goes, Booker T. is going to be on the next Viva La Lucha PPV. That's pretty noteworthy in my book. We'll see what kind of interest that brings to them. I think it'd be kind of difficult to market Lucha to the American mainstream, particularly without any former "name" talent.

Jillian Hall recently said that she wasn't happy with what she was doing in WWE for a while, and that she's not sure that she wants to return or even wrestle again, but that that could change. She was definitely lost in the shuffle as far as Divas go on Raw after a while. I think a fresh start will be good for her. Apparently she's a better wrestler than she had a chance to be on TV, so it'd be interesting to see her wrestle again in the future. She got a lot out of the singing gimmick, but I think maybe she can be better cast. We'll see where she ends up down the road. She also said that she thinks that Awesome Kong will be happy in WWE. I hope so. There's definitely money to be made with her there.

So Vince McMahon signed a new WWE contract not too long ago. There are a few interesting clauses there. For instance, if he somehow was released by WWE (I'm guessing the only way this could happen is with a different CEO being elected by the shareholders. He's not going to fire himself!), he couldn't compete with WWE for a full year. Imagine Vince McMahon competing with WWE! Surely he has enough money to start a competitor if he was to get booted out, and I'm sure some employees would jump ship. It's incredibly unlikely this would ever happen, but it'd be interesting. He could theoretically buy TNA to compete if he was so inclined. But I don't think that even Vince McMahon could compete with the WWE juggernaut. It's so entrenched after decades of being in business, and there are so many other important people there that it's pretty safe from being overtaken any time soon. Again, the odds of this happening are pretty minuscule, but it's technically a possibility.

Hulk Hogan's mother passed away on New Year's Eve. That's very unfortunate, especially around the holidays.

Former WWE diva Tiffany has an interview up as well.She thinks there could be an opportunity for her in TNA. I don't think the TNA die-hards would go for that unless she really improves in the ring. They're not the type to automatically cheer for stereotypical blond WWE divas.

I think even more interesting is that the current storyline between her husband Drew McIntyre and Kelly Kelly was originally pitched by Drew for him and herself. That would have been interesting, depending on where the storyline goes from this point. She also says that everyone who watches WWE knows that she's married to Drew, but I kind of doubt that. There are still plenty of kids who believe in kayfabe and I'm almost positive that the marriage wasn't mentioned on TV or their website. We internet fans kind of assume that everyone knows the behind-the-scenes stuff sometimes, but that's not the case.

The storyline's also a bit awkward because Kelly Kelly has a "real life" boyfriend. This shouldn't matter for TV, but it's always (understandably) kind of weird for those involved when this happens on TV or in movies. But at the end of the day, a major part of acting is doing things that you wouldn't do otherwise. I certainly don't want to watch a movie where Superman won't kiss Lois Lane because the actor is dating someone other than that actress.

And there's my first news blog. Yes, it was a bit wordy, and yesterday was a pretty slow news day. My next entry could very well be much longer depending on how much news breaks in the rest of the day. And a busy news day? There's no telling how long things will get. Until then!

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