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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Undertaker appearance, Edge at the Rumble, Family Triple Threat, WWF vs. WCW vs. ECW match, Taker at Mania, Sheamus, Gillberg interviews, Guerrero appears in FCW, Venis-Hardy again, another shoot, WWE stock drops, Impact and Superstars ratings, Former WCW star in ROH, Nitro DVD in the works, another Gut Check, Khali's bodyguard involved in shooting

Pretty big news to start the day I think. The Undertaker will make an appearance at WrestleMania AXXESS in Atlanta. Get the speculation train going...

More questions today. Remember, these are sent to I just give my own answers to them. I have no affiliation with them. The first asks about Edge's 2010 Rumble return. Pretty cool how they were able to keep that mostly secret.

Next, we get one of those fantasy booking questions involving different families having triple threat matches. Would I rather see Dusty vs. Goldust vs. Cody Rhodes, Stu vs. Owen vs. Bret Hart, Bob vs. Bob Jr. vs. Randy Orton, or Mike vs. Ted vs. Ted DiBiase, Jr.? The only one that's possible in 2011 is the one with the Rhdoes family. I don't think we'll see it, but it's an option. It's also the only match where I've seen all 3 men wrestle. So even when they were all alive and in their prime, I wouldn't be able to tell you. The Rhodes family did team together once in FCW, for the record.

More questions and news after the break.
More fantasy booking. It's the '90s this time, and I'm supposed to book a top WWF star vs. a top WCW star vs. a top ECW star. This time it's which match I'd like to see instead of what would draw the most. Tough one... it'd be about which styles would go best together. Maybe Jericho vs. Benoit vs. RVD in 1999 when Jericho was in WWF.

Next up, who should face Undertaker at WM27 out of Ezekiel Jackson, Wade Barrett, and Kane. Barrett is definitely my pick. It'd be more fresh for one. We've seen him face Kane plenty of times. I like Ezekiel Jackson, but he hasn't been built up enough to face Taker. Barrett took out Taker at the Buried Alive match, so there's what you go with I think.

Lastly, someone asks why The Undertaker was called "Booger Red" by JR sometimes. Apparently it was a bronco rider in the '90s. Sometimes announcers make obscure references or use expressions that people don't get. Matt Striker does this pretty often. Some people appreciate them. It's like a "genius bonus".

Sheamus did a brief interview where he mentioned being a bodyguard to Bono. He also talks about how he shaved his head and had a horrible fake tan trying to look like other wrestlers. His unique look is definitely preferable. He stands out in a crowd for sure.

Shaul Guerrero, the daughter of Vickie and Eddie, is now ring announcing in FCW.

Former WWE wrestler Gillberg talks about his career and training academy at this link. I found the Gillberg gimmick hilarious. A perfect parody of the original. I wonder if we'll ever see parodies of top TNA stars if that company grows enough.

Val Venis has a new video making fun of Matt Hardy. I really hope this IS a work, because a 39 year-old man making a video like this is actually kind of sad. If it's a work though, it's kind of funny. I've never heard the story of him being choked out by Eve Torres. Which isn't to say that it didn't happen, just that those kinds of stories aren't reported much unless there's a question asked about it or something like this comes out.

Joey Styles talked about the '90s tag team PG-13 on a recent episode of Classics on Demand, talking badly about one of its wrestlers, Jamie Dundee. He said that if Dundee had a problem with it, Styles had knocked out bigger men than him. Dundee accepted the challenge to a fight. He then made the ludicrous claim that Styles was basically using his name for attention. Dundee hasn't been relevant in mainstream wrestling in a decade, last appearing in WCW not long before it folded. Joey Styles has an active role in the biggest wrestling company in the world. He doesn't need any help getting attention.

WWE's stock dropped 8% today after dividends came in lower than expected. It hasn't been this low in a year and a half. WWE dropped the news on a Friday after trading had closed to minimize the impact, but still took a solid hit. It's rebounded slightly since this story was first broken, however. WWE will address the numbers on February 10.

Update: is reporting that some WWE midcard talents are worried that they could be released because of this financial news. I don't really see much fat to trim on the roster, but if cuts have to be made they have to be made.

Impact's rating dropped a tenth of a point to a 1.15 this week. That's really not that bad considering last week had the Impact debut of Matt Hardy and Mr. Anderson's first show as TNA Champion. Overall, TNA needs to consistently do better than a 1.2 and continue growing in that direction over time.

Superstars didn't do as that well this week. A .49 and .18 for the replay. The show could use a boost, like the championship I mentioned. Or the matches could have more story behind them than just random faces vs. random heels. Someone (jokingly) said that WWE has a "Random Tag Team Generator" that it uses for filler matches like you see on that show. I'm starting to believe them.

Former WCW wrestler Crowbar is now appearing for Ring of Honor. It's weird to me when they bring in wrestlers who used to be in other promotions (unless they got their start in ROH, like Christopher Daniels), because it seemed like their whole shtick was that they were full of young independent wrestlers and didn't need old names like TNA. BUT I'm no ROH expert, that's just the impression I got from seeing some of their fans and what little news I care to read about them.

WWE's doing a Best of Nitro DVD, which could be hosted by Diamond Dallas Page. I never thought I'd read that. It makes sense though, since they did a Starrcade DVD. It just seems kind of weird realizing that WCW has been gone almost a full decade now, and they're looking at it from a flashback standpoint. For the record, DDP has no interest in returning to wrestle full-time. I seem to remember him saying he has 1-2 matches left in him recently though.

TNA is doing another Gut Check Challenge next month in Virginia to scout for future talent. The last one they had led them to sign Crimson.

In an explosive story to end the day, Slam! Sports reports that The Great Khali's bodyguard beat on a young fan of Khali's and starting shooting into the crowd that was approaching the two of them as they visited an Indian politician. Khali fled the scene. Three people were seriously wounded and all blame has been cast on the bodyguard, who may have been under the influence of alcohol. More on this as it develops.

That's all for today's news. More to come tomorrow.

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