Here's today's look at what little news there was yesterday. Tonight I'll do today's news.'s questions from yesterday are the first order of business.
Someone asks about a theoretical Rock-Undertaker match at WrestleMania, and if Rock should end the streak if that were to go down. It almost certainly won't, but if it did, I think Undertaker has earned the right to be undefeated at WrestleMania. I think that'd be an awesome match but I don't see it happening.
Next up, my thoughts on King Sheamus' robe-thing...
I actually kind of like it, BUT I can definitely see that it'd be hard to take him as a serious badass when he wears that get up. He's able to pull the look off mostly and everyone takes it seriously, so I don't know if they should drop it just yet. At least not until the king thing runs its course or the storyline calls for it. Maybe Triple H or someone could destroy it with paint or something and that's how he stops wearing it?
A Douglas Williams fan wrote in for their third question. I don't think he's as over as they're thinking though. I like him, but don't see him being booked excessively well like they do. He doesn't have good promo skills in his current role, and I think that's holding him back. Pretty good in the ring though.
The next question asks who WWE and TNA should "strap a rocket to" to be a top face and top heel. In other words, people who are in those roles now needn't apply. For WWE, I'll agree with their picks of Del Rio and Morrison. For TNA, D'Angelo Dinero as a face and I guess Mr. Anderson as a heel. There's not really much to choose from there.
Jeff Jarrett has an interview with the Baltimore Sun. He says that TNA has been profitable for 4 or 5 years now, and that he wants to grow live events and merchandise in 2011. He also says that he no longer does anything in creative. He's correct in saying that if you do it right the talent gets all the credit and if you do it wrong creative gets all the blame. That's true in wrestling in general. The nest creative team in the world can only take a bad wrestler so far, and vice versa.
He says that he and Kurt Angle don't see eye to eye professionally but get along personally. They've had issues in the past with TNA's creative direction, but I haven't heard anything about that in at least a year and likely more. He also says that the negotiations to have Paul Heyman come in to TNA didn't get very far. Heyman wanted to make TNA a public company, wanted complete creative control, and a sizable stake in ownership. TNA wasn't going to go that route.
Sean Morley, known as Val Venis, is apparently "working" his feud with Matt Hardy, according to some texts Hardy says are from Morley to an indy promoter. In other words, he's supposedly making up his negative feelings about Hardy to create some buzz for himself. Hardy's definitely not thrilled about it. Here's a video by Hardy addressing the matter.
That's all for yesterday's news. I'll have today's news in a few hours.
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