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Sunday, January 9, 2011

TNA Genesis thoughts- 1/9/11

This is my first coverage of a PPV here. Our first event of the year is TNA Genesis. I'm reading a recap of it from, as I do for most PPVs. It's rare that I'll find a PPV worth ordering these days, mainly because I can only afford so many a year. The last WWE PPV I ordered was WrestleMania 26, and the last TNA PPV I ordered was all the way back to Destination X in 2007. Wow. Maybe TNA will make me regret that decision tonight. Let's see what went down.

I'm not exactly thrilled with Kazarian winning the X-Division Title, but I see why they had him win it.

It looks like with Styles' injury, he's not turning face just yet. I'll talk about his injury in my upcoming news post.

James vs. Rayne was overbooked. Two matches in and we've already had a ref bump, outside interference, and a weapon shot. I really don't want this feud to go on much longer. Rayne's really going into "heel that makes me want to turn the channel instead of pay to see her get beaten" territory. Some call it X-Pac heat.

More crazy spots and another ref bump in the Tag Title match. When your offense is based on shocking us with incredible dives and flips and all, we're going to get tired of seeing the same ones. Your job isn't to show off all your fancy moves, it's to tell a good in-ring story. Don't get me wrong, it certainly takes talent to do those things, and I used to love seeing what they'd pull off, but I got bored with all of the flashiness some time ago. The moves need to MEAN something, and too often with these guys they don't. This is another feud I'm hoping is now done.

Ray vs. Devon sounded like they did it mostly right. For the second match, they should go even more hardcore and the feud should end in a wicked Tables match.

Oh look, MORE interference. Fun. Hopefully some babyfaces eventually get over in this feud. The end of the Immortal angle should lead to the people they're trying to establish as long-term guys (AJ, Williams, Beer Money, Kazarian) getting over and the phasing out of the old guard of Bischoff, Hogan, Jarrett, and Flair.

Matt Hardy vs. RVD was pretty well-worked. Both of these guys are solid workers who should be used to improve TNA's overall workrate. Another purposefully bad call by Jackson James. For those who don't know, he's Eric Bischoff's son and will almost certainly be a mole working for Immortal. I think that's clever, BUT it's being used to get over a referee, and Eric Bischoff's son at that, so I'm kind of split on it. Part of me's glad to see Hardy in TNA, as he's a great worker and good at getting other talents to the next level, but it's yet another ex-WWE guy so it depends on how he's used/pushed. I wonder how the TNA locker room feels about another ex-WWE guy being used instead of them?

TNA has another "inside" reference, admittedly a funny one. But how many fans knew/know that Jeff Jarrett's married to Kurt's ex-wife Karen? Not everyone follows things online.

Screwjob finish time again. We hardly got any action due to the "rounds" format. How are they going to have Angle go back on his word and un-retire? I guess he'll come back just to get revenge on Jarrett. If so, the heels should be all over Mr. "Intensity, INTEGRITY, and Intelligence".

Even more crazy booking. A mostly out-of-nowhere ending to the #1 Contendership match, then Anderson kicks out after taking a Carbon Footprint, a beatdown, two Twists of Hate, and a Swanton. He beats a fresh Jeff Hardy without a lot of offense. I get that they wanted to take the title off of Hardy, but did we really need tMorgan, Foley, Flair, Matt, RVD, AND Bischoff all making run-ins to do the title switch? Insane close to the show.

I also don't see why they're so high on Anderson. They didn't put the TNA Title on Abyss back in March or Dinero back in April when both were higher-up the babyface ladder than Anderson here. I wouldn't have minded seeing either RVD or Morgan get the title here, even though Van Dam is 40. I hope that the people bashing Miz's title reign aren't hypocritical when it comes to this over-booked fiasco. Suffice to say that I'm not looking forward to the next month for TNA.

Well, there's my rant for the night. I'll be back for the Royal Rumble, which doesn't have much of a bar to pass to be the better show of the month.

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