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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Superstars and Impact Thoughts- 1/27/11

Here's my thoughts for this week's editions of Superstars and Impact:

Reks vs. Barreta was the usual solid work you see from both of these men. They're both people to watch and definitely have potential to move up the card.

Ryder and Primo as a regular tag team? Hey, if it means they'll get more attention and draw more money for the company, go for it. It certainly gives them a purpose. Heck of a tag team match as always from these four.

Tyson Kidd is tailor-made to be a heel. Superstars features good wrestling, plain and simple, and this match showed what that's all about. I really wish more attention was paid to this show, and that maybe it was treated as its own brand (or at least given a Championship or something so it doesn't just feel like filler matches).

After the break, my thoughts on TNA Impact.
You'd think that the show would start with someone talking about what happened to Abyss last week and demanding Crimson explain who "They" are. I mean, Abyss got seriously laid out. What does it say about Bischoff, Flair, and Hogan when they don't even mention him when they first come out?

I'm a little surprised that they lifted the ban on Angle wrestling so soon. You could blame TNA Creative, or just say that it's because of Flair's short temper. Flair's promos are kind of... off. Overacted maybe? It's like he blows a gasket every time he talks.

Having the TNA President (pretty important in the main storyline right now) speak with less than a week of hype is crazy. Why not build to that for the big show on the 3rd? Or have the legal decision on the 3rd and her reaction then or the 10th?

Someone should add references to concussions and related head traumas to the TNA Drinking Game.

I spent most of the Knockouts match waiting for Winter to run in and try to help Angelina.

Only in TNA would you have a tournament with 4 3-way matches.

I liked the "showing the wrestler's comments as he comes down to the ring" idea. I don't like heels heeling heels like Kazarian did to Generation Me. Unless they're going to do an angle between them, there's no reason for heels to have issues with unaffiliated heels.

It seems like everyone has issues with their partners/allies in TNA. Now the Jarretts are bickering.

What's this with Jeff Hardy calling people "marks"? Why use insider slang in a promo? I never got the point. I don't think it really helps him as a heel, because anyone who knows the term groans when a wrestler uses it in a heel promo.

Hardy's supposed to be a top heel in TNA and he's getting a pretty nice face pop. Some of it's the Impact Z
one crowd. It's a serious problem when you can't effectively build faces and heels due to a bad audience. Do these people go to movies and cheer the terrorists?

I thought it was Charlie Brown's teacher who talked like that? Not a particularly good promo by Anderson.

This show always feels a lot longer than it is.

So what's the swerve going to be in this angle? Winter's working with Sarita and/or Madison Rayne? Angelina had planned the whole time to split with Velvet for Winter and they'll both turn heel and lay Velvet out?

I like the idea of Dinero being holier-than-thou and considering Joe and his fans bloodthirsty moral-less savages. This might end up working after all.

How did Eric Young even get in the Immortal locker room? Having him in that segment was a mistake. I get the character, but come on now, did he really need to be there in something that was supposed to be important? Ugh.

The judge should rule that Dixie Carter and Immortal both make rulings in TNA. Carter should gather up TNA's babyfaces and make a stand against the bad guys. That's pretty much the point of the angle. Having both sides in control of TNA ensures that neither side gets a huge advantage (and that Dixie doesn't just fire Immortal). Then down the line if they feel the need to expel the likes of Hogan and Bischoff, a legal mediator (appointed to assure fairness between the two sides) can rule that they have to leave TNA. Some members of Immortal that TNA wants to keep can do so if they accept some sort of punishment (in storyline).

Heck, if there's anyone else they want to drop then, they can say that Bischoff and Hogan were able to edit some contracts so that they had to leave TNA when Bischoff and Hogan did. Others would have been held up legally as not eligible or something.

Hardy and Anderson had a good midcard match. What do you mean they're supposed to be main eventers?

I was half expecting a heel turn by Crimson, saying that his attacks have been faked. It's TNA; anything can happen. Some say that it's a swerve when there ISN'T a swerve here.

Please hurry up and pull the trigger on the Jackson James heel referee angle next week. I guess James can try to give Hardy the TNA Title but is ineffective (because surely they're not going to give the title back to Hardy with his possible jail time?). It's seriously been teased enough.

Scott Steiner? I'm not really excited here. The guy's 48. He doesn't have much left in the tank. I wouldn't really mind if he just did promos, but being put in a major angle at this point in his career is kind of sad. I don't really think anyone was clamoring for him to return. At least it wasn't Mick Foley or Kevin Nash...

The bottom line is of course if he's able to draw money for the promotion. If he can, they'll have a valid reason to keep him around. But if not, TNA needs a serious overhaul in both the creative and roster ends of the company.

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