Coming off the heels of a major announcement on Raw, we come to the latest episode of WWE NXT. Six runners-up from previous seasons are trying to earn a spot on the next season. Someday someone will be eliminated, but for tonight we continue to evaluate the would-be superstars. Read on for my thoughts on the show as it happens.
I'm getting pretty sick of "Wild and Young".
It wouldn't surprise me if Maryse lasted longer in WWE than the contestants on this show.
Where are the pros?
Scary facial hair for Conor, and a funny shirt for Byron Saxton, but no reaction for any of these guys coming out.
They are REALLY out of ideas for this show.
Titus destroyed that bag. Lucky continues to avoid challenges. He should change up his act a bit and fake that he's going to do it, but not.
Another WWE movie I'm not going to watch.
These guys showed more personality in the first minute of the match than Matt Cross did in his entire exhibition.
Did these guys really not know that was an omega sign until now?
Another not-bad match. These guys have potential, but still have a ways to go to earning a regular spot on the roster, especially without Superstars being on TV now. Darren taking out Hornswoggle would definitely move him up the ranks.
How did I just now think of a Spirit Squad joke for that cheerleader part of Tough Enough? I say Rima goes home on the next show.
They are desperate to make something out of these guys, aren't they?
Not a bad promo from Novak. Not a great one, but maybe it leads to Regal facing him and teaching him something in the ring.
Nice start from Byron Saxton.
I'm liking Regal's commentary here.
Fine enough match.
I'll have a write-up about Edge's career later this week, and my recollections of it.
I'm glad that WWE had Edge take more tests to see if he was ok. Good move by the company.
Good for the fans for being respectful the whole time.
I hope he enjoyed his ice cream.
You'd think Ted DiBiase would want to be on this show to see about Maryse's decision.
Are we really talking about French foods now?
Decent match.
And... that's the end of the show. I'll be back Thursday for my thoughts on Impact. It's weird not putting "Superstars and" in front of that. A news post is coming later tonight as well.
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