It's filler time! Watch 6 WWE hopefuls get further along in this competition that may or may not actually have an elimination at some point. My thoughts on the show as it happens follow.
I would have forgotten that it was Grisham and not Mathews who does commentary on this show.
If only Conor O'Brian would get a new look like Jacob Novak did.
Where's Matt Striker?
Another rehashed challenge, but seriously how many challenges can you come up with?
I wonder when those Redemption Points will actually some into play.
Man, Byron got THRASHED. If that was him being goofy, he succeeded.
Maryse's English sounds a good deal clearer tonight. Is her accent not legit?
What the heck? Weird ending to Lucky's segment.
Lucky and Novak get points for personality here.
JTG's really trying to get himself and Novak over, and he needs to if he's going to stay employed for long after this season.
I figured that Regal would get a bigger reaction than that.
Kozlov is still selling the arm injury? Wow. Good for him.
Nice intensity from O'Brian, a far cry from his "rat" days. I'm not feeling the facial hair though.
If Regal does end up wrestling on NXT, I wonder how frequently he'll do so. His in-ring career is really winding down.
Decent match, but nothing incredible. I think seeing so much wrestling from established guys has jaded me to guys who do fairly basic stuff.
I bet Zack Ryder appreciates that Woo Woo Woo sign in the front row.
Maryse seriously sounds different tonight. Also, WWE barely has anything for this show.
If this didn't have the WWE logo on it, I don't think anyone would be watching now. We're getting a Hornswoggle match... with a man's arm tied behind his back... and a blindfold. And people say Impact is a waste of airtime.
That was brutal.
I like how Regal says "Tatsu".
I guess Lucky got his robe back.
Great heeling by Lucky. Where was this guy in Season 2?
Regal sounds kind of bored here.
I think Lucky's getting close to being ready for a tryout on the main roster. More time in FCW and on NXT certainly couldn't hurt though.
Josh wasn't the only one half-listening to Regal.
Nice fire shown by Yoshi.
And that's a wrap. Hopefully soon we get eliminations so I can start rankings. Heck, I might start next week regardless. How long's this show going to go?
I'll be back for Superstars and Impact on Thursday.
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